GraalMilitary Wiki

From Graal Military Wiki
Revision as of 15:58, 2 January 2021 by XiaoguardHan (talk | contribs) (Added Harau, removed The Big Three)
Welcome to the Wiki,
the GMC encyclopedia that anyone can edit.
Provided by the Graal Historical Society


January 1st, 2021

Happy New Year from the Graal Historical Society. The GHS is moving towards a more democratic community driven structure, and has introduced the opportunity for members to make important decisions through voting. From now on, any major decisions regarding the Wiki and other GHS assets will go to the vote in our Discord server. If you would like to join the GHS and participate, or just hang around and chat about history, feel free to join our Discord server using the code xNmufCd.


For a complete list of people with a wiki page, click here.

Notable Military Guilds & Organizations

For a complete list of guilds with or without a wiki page, click here.

Notable Families

For a complete list of families with or without a wiki page, click here.

Notable Conflicts

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12,883 edits and counting.