Spyros Consilim

From Graal Military Wiki
Spyros V. Çønsïlïm

Major General Spyros Çønsïlïm of The State

Join Date

January of 2017


Graal Historical Society, The Kingdom, Valeria, The State, Imperia, Elysia, Aurea, etc.


Çønsïlïm, Verûm, Maximus

Spyros Çønsïlïm, also known as Maximus, is a prominent new generation member of the Graal Military Community, mostly known for his affiliation and long-term service to the State, and his contributions to the Graal Historical Society.

The Kingdom (January of 2017)

In 2017, though the specific month has been lost to time, Spyros would join the Kingdom, specifically House Regium, on the basis of Mika Vaughn, another Greek player, being in the guild. This was his first foray into the Graal Military Community, and where he would gain experience and much knowledge of its inner workings.

After a period of stagnation in his rank, Spyros would become frustrated. It is then that, he claims out of pity, Lord-Commander Grizz Regium recommended promoting him. It went to High King Auel Vulnus, to which Spyros attained the rank of Regal Knight with his assent. He did not accomplish much before this, though with his new position, he started putting in the time to recruit and contribute to his guild. It was with these efforts that Vulnus took interest in the young, self admittedly immature soldier. Vulnus was, however, more often than not busy, much to the chagrin of Spyros, though in times he wasn't, he would seed an interest of sparring in Spyros' mind. This would last into Valeria, where it would be cultivated with further refining and practice.

With Vulnus' abdication to Auel Vist, Spyros left House Regium, and by extension, the Kingdom. Some time after, however, Vulnus would revive House Regium, leading to Spyros joining it, though it would not last.

The Valerian Empire (March of 2017)

Spyros would move on to Valeria, entering into service under the 3rd Valerian Command. Here, he met many of the friends still with him today, such as Thanatos Lathum, Grim Valeria, Ash Valeria, Monty, and Paynius Junior (Or Demetrius, not to be confused with Paynius Valeria). With Vulnus having layed the groundwork for spar, this time in Valeria would serve as the foundation of the sparring skills Spyros holds today.

By showing his interest in the guild, he rose the ranks from the very bottom, eventually being chosen to replace a Captain who had recently vacated their position. This would, however, fuel a bit of an ego in the young officer, making him want higher and higher ranks. According to himself, nevertheless, he ran his position well, thanks to receiving it in favorable conditions. While fighting wars in Valeria, Spyros also showed an aptitude in marking and arguing screenshots of the bygone method of warfare.

At the time, Luis Valeria would go to Spyros with plans of rebellion, creating the guild Azorius to oppose Valeria, though Spyros would turn down the offer to participate. In due time, Spyros was approached by Paynius and made a Valeria. The guild disbanded shortly after, and when Beatles would come back, any military Valeria was stripped of their name.

Spyros would then skip through the Free States, granting him the anti-Sarovian sentiments he continues to hold. After his time in the Free States, he enrolled in the Unified States.

The Free States (December of 2017)

With the return of Auel on State's 5th anniversary, announcing a new guild to be launched in commemoration, many old veterans and new talents would sign up to join this guild, the Free States.

Though wary due to Auel's propensity to make guilds and leave them to collapse, Spyros would join out of hope for this new core of officers to carry the guild through Auel's absence. Such officers were Auel Xinke, Zearos Magnus, Peter Regium, Irish Küsän, Nylius Avidius, and so on.This, in combination with the democratic system planned for the guild, would fuel Spyros' interest, leaving him with a new sense of commitment to making the guild work.

Eventually, when at the rank of Sergeant, the Sarovian Empire would declare war on the Free States. The anti-Sarovian rhetoric drilled into him would pave the way for a greater drive in his service, earning him the rank of Lieutenant by the climax of the war. Spyros would be present for the eight-hour standoff with Sarovia on Delta Island after a culmination of numerous State victories thus far, this standoff ending in another.

Issues in the internal workings of the Free States would not see it last long after, a prime example being the Xavian secession by Fyre to journey off and form Nova Byzantium.

The Magnusian Imperia (January of 2019)

His contempt of Sarovia would see him getting recruited into Imperia in 2019, first through Ordo Lathos, being a more European oriented tag under Thanatos. Serving here, he would continue to fight against Sarovia and contribute to Imperia as he could. Eventually, with the transition into the Holy Imperian Empire, Spyros would transfer into the Kingdom of Elysia.

In Elysia, Spyros would meet JJ Vist before Elysia's reformation into a Japanese oriented theme, based around clans and a Shogun. With these clans being introduced, Spyros would be placed under Sergei Xavi and the Bonsai Clan. An air of distaste grew around Sergei, as Spyros was opposed to his running of things and his threats made to pull the tag from Imperia were he not to get his way.

As the pitfalls of the clan system would show, Azrael, the Shogun of Elysia, would dissolve the clans and begin the transition from Japanese back into a more European theme, now with the Elysian Papacy. With this reformation, more faces would be thrown around Imperia, leaving Spyros to meet many he would continue to know and work with, such as Halfdan, Isiah, Kei, and Aiken, Halfdan in particular becoming a close friend of his.

With the adoption of a formal church within the Elysian Papacy, Spyros would become a priest until the eventual return to form with the Ordo Caelestius, another crusader theme, on June 22nd of that year. The Arcadian secession shortly after would leave a feeling of malice towards the country within Spyros, and as with the anti-Sarovian feelings, this would come into play later in his career.

With the secession crisis begun by Arcadia, Sarovia would capitalize on Imperian land, taking Delta and Destiny unopposed, and joining a battle at MoD before its shutdown by Classic Staff. The War of Destruction had now begun.

During this forced ceasefire, Arcadia, Imperia, and Oxeria banded together to oppose the Sarovian incursions, with the claims of victory over MoD leaving sour tastes in the guilds' mouths. It would be the largest conflict in Spyros' time in the GMC thus far, though the Imperian alliance with Oxeria was so off-putting, he would leave and subsequently join Arcadia, contrary to his currently held sentiments against them. A battle in Destiny would cause this to be very short lived, as with some individuals hacking, swaths of soldiers were banned, Spyros included, leading to a forced vacation during the long ban time.

Notable Achievements & Titles

  • Major General of The State Military
  • Colonel & Head Minister of The Unified State
  • Commander of The Elysian Empire
  • Major of The Imperial State/Auxiliary States
  • Captain of The Valerian & Aurean Empire
  • Captain & Knight of The Magnusian Imperia
  • Necromancer & Acolyte in The Blades of Nekron
  • Paladin in House Regium of The Kingdom
  • Administrator of The Graal Military Wiki
  • Member of The Graal Historical Society
  • Founder & Head of The Maximus Line
  • Lord of House Verûm
  • Elder of House Mendacium
  • Member of The Çønsïlïm Family


  • Çønsïlïm: Inducted in the family by Auel Vulnus due to the belief that he's proven himself through his long-term service to the State, and his loyalty to him. Spyros, Angel and Mavis are currently the last standing Çønsïlïms that remain active on Graal, and by extension the Graal Military Community.
  • Verûm: Given the name by Auel Logan during his time as Colonel of the Unified State on account of his capabilities and leadership qualities - was later backed by Fred Von Kazakov, the former head of Verûm. As of 2022, Spyros was appointed the Lord of House Verûm and welcomed into the Vistris Senate of the Auro-State Empire.
  • Maximus: Founder of The Family - created in order to hand out to allies.
  • Valeria: Inducted into the family by Paynius Valeria - was later stripped of the name along with the rest of the military Valerias upon Beatles' return.
  • Fessler: Inherited the name - was later exiled by Ace Fessler for unknown reasons.