GraalMilitary Wiki

From Graal Military Wiki
Revision as of 09:09, 11 June 2020 by Nyl (talk | contribs)
Welcome to the Wiki,
the GMC encyclopedia that anyone can edit.
Provided by the Graal Historical Society


June 4th, 2020

Welcome to the Wiki.

We live on. The migration is finished and the wiki is now open for everyone to edit. We would like to encourage everyone to contribute to and support the wiki and the its team. The wiki is in need of new pages and information, and we cannot do this alone. As it was intended, the wiki is a community project that lives off of community support. There are lots of things to write about and a variety of pages we're sure you want people to read. Don't let history be forgotten. Create a wiki account and immortalize the history we have all made together.

The Wiki is currently looking for new staff, as well as current guild leaders to collaborate with in new community projects. If you are interested in joining us or working with us, get in touch with Xiaoguard, Zearos, or Nyl.

Thank you,



For a complete list of people with a wiki page, click here.

Military Guilds & Organizations

For a complete list of militaries with or without a wiki page, click here.

Notable Conflicts

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