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(In partnership with the director of the wiki, this is the first official peek at the Unified State Wiki.)
m (Added wiki pages to names listed.)
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The July Campaign (The Unified State and allies vs. The International Brigade)
The State, a different State. A Unified one. The goal of the Unified State was made evident through the months of planning within Spring of 2021, as Logan, [[Auel Kusan|Kusan]], [[James* Kazakov|James]], [[Lendo Alcarin|Lendo]] and Rollins came to the agreement that their prime has been passed and that a new era of [[The State|State]] for the newer generations needed to be formed, with old principles taught and passed down. The goal of the Unified State was not to bring back a guild and flaunt its power and former prestige, but to instead give the youth an opportunity and community to make a name for themselves, bring out their potential, and make an impact on the [[Graal Military Community]].
===The Beginning (February 2021)===
Planning for the untitled at the time, Unified State began in February of 2021. This lasted for several months and rotated many individuals in and out of the planning phases, throughout multiple group chats. In the end, the majority of the planning was done by Logan, [[Auel Kusan|Kusan]], [[James* Kazakov|James]], Truth, [[Lendo Alcarin|Lendo]] and Rollins. Throughout the months, dozens of topics and options were discussed and combed through from themes and uniform concepts, to the end goal of the guild.
===The Kozak Company (May 24th - September 10th)===
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===The CrUeL Company (May 25th - June 5th)===
CrUeL Company was one of the most organized companies with heavy emphasis on documentation and recruitment. The construction of the company within several days was a difficult obstacle, but thankfully Nekronian soldiers who answered the call of duty such as Monty, Chillim, Konev or Teddy Naz along with Savi and Nyoko Xuko or [[Spyros Çønsïlïm|Spyros]] and [[Mavis Magnus|Mavis]] Çonsilim from Kozak then, were retained after Nekron was put to rest. When CrUeL was active it held high expectations, as the talented team pulled off its construction spectacularly given the time limit they were given. Despite the fact that CrUeL was a newly built company, it successfully managed to advance in numerous friendly tournaments against the rest of the companies. Subsequent to the company running smoothly, [[Naz]] had his doubts and wanted to chase his own career and launch his own projects, therefore he considered a merge with Han and Kozak, the wisest decision in that case. June 5th, CrUeL Company merges with Han and Kozak Company.
===The Birth of The Unified State (May 31st)===
[[File:The_Birth_of_The_Unified_State.png|thumb|General Kusan and The Unified State during the Pre-Uniform Era on the Launch Day.]] [[File:Photograph2.jpg|thumb|The Unified State in a voice chat after a unforeseen shutdown of the servers with a goal of preventing The State from launching.|500x500px]]
The Unified State officially launched publicly on May 31st, 2021.  There was an astounding amount of members who attended festivities for the day to show their support and pride of the resurgence of The State.  General [[Auel Kusan|Kusan]] presented his troops at the base stairs of Onnet Town, after which a speech was given by Kusan which concluded with a unanimous “Hail State!” resonating amongst the ranks of the members.  Following a successful launch day, on June 1st, 2021, Graal servers shut down.  Speculation amongst the ranks suggested that the administration disrupted our efforts to revive The State and keep it from launching.  In the past, admins and The State have had rough history, but this did not stop the patriotism and energy within the guild.  “We may not have been able to play the game, but our spirits thrived through a server wide discord call that lasted hours into the night.”  The Unified State returns to Graal on June 2nd after servers are running efficiently again, and they launch an aggressive front of propaganda in the effort to assert dominance in the GMC.  Every guild was seen as opposition.  Sergeant Major [[Hythes|Reggius]] began logistics work and began creating in depth activity rosters for each company.  War is also on the minds of our members today.  A mass assembly of State troops arrived in Destiny, coined as The Southern Conquest by General Kusan.  The goal is to take Destiny primarily and then move North into Swamp and Deadwood respectively.  This would not be an easy task considering Arcadia, who was referenced as “The Sleeping Lion”, held both Upper and Lower Destiny.  They have held a strong and lengthy presence in the community, but their strength is dwindling. 
===The Unified State VS The Vehm (June 4th)===
[[File:Arcadia_Broadcast.jpg|thumb|Arcadia: Disbandment Broadcast, Official Dissolving Statement.|left|250x250px]] [[File:Vehm_Battle.jpg|thumb|The Unified State VS Arcadia and Allies]]
After some exploring, Captain [[Naz]] and General [[Auel Kusan|Kusan]] locate a PK zone within the volcano of Big City and deem this as claimable land. As they begin gathering soldiers to stake their claim on the island, word is received of Arcadians and allies gathering in Battle Arena. Arcadia with their allies, collectively calling themselves: "The Vehm", seek to respond to The Unified State's ultimatum of surrendering Destiny with war. The Unified Statehastily began gathering troops and approached Battle Arena with around 22 soldiers. However, to high command's surprise, Arcadia enlisted the help of four other guilds to aid in their fight, topping over 60 members upon entering the battle. The Vehm was prepared to take out The Unified State once and for all and prevent it from seeing the light of day in the future Bastion system. With odds stacked against them in regard to sheer numbers, battle experience, and organization, The Unified State was looking at a steep uphill battle, under the screenshot system nonetheless. Despite this, with the help of several key tips from [[Donald]] (Former Arcadian) who played a massive role in the thriving victory to assist The Unified State with valuable information. After hours of battling the Unified State comes out victorious and the Vehm is humiliated in front of the entirety of the GMC as their defeat breaks records. As if the humiliation wasn't enough, Arcadia, currently drowning in disappointment and shattered self confidence, decides to host the 77th Conclave within the next day. With The Unified State demonstrating its might despite the odds, proving themselves as a force to be reckoned with, and Arcadia's 3 year long journey with a tough decision in front of them, the previous battle seemed to be the final nail in the coffin, and Arcadia was laid to rest after the retaliation from The State, The Unified State.
===The Han Company (May 31st - September 10th)===
The Han Company was initially launched under the command of Captain Travis Peusilis, along with the assistance of numerous notable soldiers. General [[Auel Kusan]] publicly announced the launch of the company on May 31st. The company hastily began recruitment and achieved the goal of a 50 member tag in under a week time. Within a couple of weeks, the initial officer core was established. Members such as [[Arnold]] who had begun as Sergeant or Thanatos who had proven to be a worthy officer at Senior lieutenant and [[Vulnus K. Consilim|Vulnus]] had stepped in to keep stability within the tag. During the course of the following months, the roster would change dramatically, following Travis becoming Major of the company and Arnold leading the reigns as Captain. The company ran with very little obstacles along the way up until [[Hythes|Reggius]] executed changes in the ranking system of company’s, eventually introducing double Captains. At the time, [[Spyros Çønsïlïm|Spyros]] and Reggius Çonsïlïm were already planning their company's launch, before being told to perfect the already existing companies and agreeing to it before doing so, also the reason for the rank system changes so that they could transfer there to fulfill their promise. After a couple of weeks of Spyros and Reggius leading Han to its successes, time had come for their own company, Consilim Company. As Thanatos had proven his ability to lead, Spyros and Reggius proposed him as the newest Major of Han Company and was given the rank he deserved. Not long after transferring, Han Company entered a state of near shutdown crisis due to tag dropping in numbers, fulfillment of responsibilities and disorganization surfacing. As Han was on a timer to die, after events that occurred in Consilim which placed a soldier at Kozak again, he couldn't bare to watch it die and offered to re-introduce himself to Han and double tag as Captain in both tags, essentially aiming to lead both of them successfully and save Han, by the name Spyros Çonsïlïm. Thanatos and him placed Han Company on a revival path naming it: "Han Rising". After days of dedicating effort to its rescue, Han Company was back on its feet again and beyond. New members were introduced into the company and given new opportunities. People such as Kai, Raven (Formerly known as Christi) and Gothic were keen soldiers in Han company, showing exemplary ability and dedication to the company. Han scored 15-25 members online and the mission had been successful. After Consilim's disbandment, Reggius had now been declared the new Major as Thanatos was moved up to Lieutenant Colonel. After the rocky leading of Han Company due to trouble working together, Reggius takes it upon him to "retire" from Graal, leaving Spyros as the new Major of Han. Following the previous weeks of common normalcy, unexpectedly Thanatos retires from his position due to the upcoming school period. At that time, Spyros knew the school period was about to make its appearance and the mark it will leave is unpredictable and possibly unstoppable. It was too late for preparing though. That didn't stop the introduction of another Major who has more than proved worthy of it after indescribable impressions given. Impressions of a new leader. Emberlynn, who during Consilim's disbandment, transferred into Han Company, is now titled Major and Spyros has been awarded with a High Command Position. To Emberlynn's previous position replacement came Kai Maximus who had personally been mentored by Thanatos and Spyros to take on its duties. The school period has arrived however and with it was taken Emberlynn, Valentina, Rin, Hoshi, Samuel and a few others. The damage was irreversible and Han dissolves along with the rest of The Unified State as a whole.
===The Bonhart/Moraes Company (June 6th - July 4th)===
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'''June 19th''', General [[Auel Kusan]] attempted the recreation of a famous state photograph upon recommendation from numerous soldiers with detailed improvement. The attempt came out successful and the result was liked by the entirety of The Unified State.
[[File: Recreation_Photograph_.png|thumb|Famous State Photograph Recreation Photoshoot|center]]
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===Consilim Company (July 10th - August 15th)===
In a casual night, [[Spyros Çønsïlïm|Spyros]] and [[Hythes|Reggius]] Çønsilim were having a conversation about the overpopulation of the two existent Companies and about the fact that promotions can no longer possibly be given as all positions have been acquired by individuals. After a lot of talking, they create a plan about a new company under the name "Regium Company <nowiki>''</nowiki> led by them and take it upon themselves to propose the plan to high command. The plan was approved on a condition that Spyros and Reggius would work to perfect Han and Kozak before launching a new company. They immediately take work into their hands and do their best to improve the companies to be the best versions they can be. After nearly a week, the plans have began. Before officially launching Regium Company, Spyros approaches Reggius to initiate a change. They both agreed on the new name and the Consilim Company was born to honor those before them as they both are new generation Çønsilims. The Company runs smoothly for a fair amount of time with Spyros and Reggius excelling at teamwork. A while after, following the retirements and resignations of important officers and other soldiers for instance Jace and Emberlynn, the captains of Çønsilim, the company struggles to stay on its feet. Few days. before this incident, Spyros and Reggius noticed some trouble with communicating which is when a transfer with [[Jace Mendacium|Jace]] (Kozak) and Spyros (Çønsilim) is executed to ensure a better future for both companies. However, after the said individuals resigned, not long after, the disbandment of the company is announced and its troops are traded between Han and Kozak on August 14th.
===The Government (July 11th)===

Revision as of 23:34, 14 September 2021

The Unified State

Founding Date



Auel Logan


Auel Logan, Auel Kusan, JJ Vist


Hail State!





Notable Wars

Arcadia and Allies (The Vehm) vs. The Unified State

The Unified State vs. The Estanari Republics and Naberius

The July Campaign (The Unified State and allies vs. The International Brigade)

The State, a different State. A Unified one. The goal of the Unified State was made evident through the months of planning within Spring of 2021, as Logan, Kusan, James, Lendo and Rollins came to the agreement that their prime has been passed and that a new era of State for the newer generations needed to be formed, with old principles taught and passed down. The goal of the Unified State was not to bring back a guild and flaunt its power and former prestige, but to instead give the youth an opportunity and community to make a name for themselves, bring out their potential, and make an impact on the Graal Military Community.


The Beginning (February 2021)

Planning for the untitled at the time, Unified State began in February of 2021. This lasted for several months and rotated many individuals in and out of the planning phases, throughout multiple group chats. In the end, the majority of the planning was done by Logan, Kusan, James, Truth, Lendo and Rollins. Throughout the months, dozens of topics and options were discussed and combed through from themes and uniform concepts, to the end goal of the guild.

The Kozak Company (May 24th - September 10th)


The CrUeL Company (May 25th - June 5th)

CrUeL Company was one of the most organized companies with heavy emphasis on documentation and recruitment. The construction of the company within several days was a difficult obstacle, but thankfully Nekronian soldiers who answered the call of duty such as Monty, Chillim, Konev or Teddy Naz along with Savi and Nyoko Xuko or Spyros and Mavis Çonsilim from Kozak then, were retained after Nekron was put to rest. When CrUeL was active it held high expectations, as the talented team pulled off its construction spectacularly given the time limit they were given. Despite the fact that CrUeL was a newly built company, it successfully managed to advance in numerous friendly tournaments against the rest of the companies. Subsequent to the company running smoothly, Naz had his doubts and wanted to chase his own career and launch his own projects, therefore he considered a merge with Han and Kozak, the wisest decision in that case. June 5th, CrUeL Company merges with Han and Kozak Company.

The Birth of The Unified State (May 31st)

General Kusan and The Unified State during the Pre-Uniform Era on the Launch Day.
The Unified State in a voice chat after a unforeseen shutdown of the servers with a goal of preventing The State from launching.

The Unified State officially launched publicly on May 31st, 2021.  There was an astounding amount of members who attended festivities for the day to show their support and pride of the resurgence of The State. General Kusan presented his troops at the base stairs of Onnet Town, after which a speech was given by Kusan which concluded with a unanimous “Hail State!” resonating amongst the ranks of the members.  Following a successful launch day, on June 1st, 2021, Graal servers shut down.  Speculation amongst the ranks suggested that the administration disrupted our efforts to revive The State and keep it from launching.  In the past, admins and The State have had rough history, but this did not stop the patriotism and energy within the guild.  “We may not have been able to play the game, but our spirits thrived through a server wide discord call that lasted hours into the night.”  The Unified State returns to Graal on June 2nd after servers are running efficiently again, and they launch an aggressive front of propaganda in the effort to assert dominance in the GMC.  Every guild was seen as opposition.  Sergeant Major Reggius began logistics work and began creating in depth activity rosters for each company.  War is also on the minds of our members today.  A mass assembly of State troops arrived in Destiny, coined as The Southern Conquest by General Kusan.  The goal is to take Destiny primarily and then move North into Swamp and Deadwood respectively.  This would not be an easy task considering Arcadia, who was referenced as “The Sleeping Lion”, held both Upper and Lower Destiny.  They have held a strong and lengthy presence in the community, but their strength is dwindling. 

The Unified State VS The Vehm (June 4th)

Arcadia: Disbandment Broadcast, Official Dissolving Statement.
The Unified State VS Arcadia and Allies

After some exploring, Captain Naz and General Kusan locate a PK zone within the volcano of Big City and deem this as claimable land. As they begin gathering soldiers to stake their claim on the island, word is received of Arcadians and allies gathering in Battle Arena. Arcadia with their allies, collectively calling themselves: "The Vehm", seek to respond to The Unified State's ultimatum of surrendering Destiny with war. The Unified Statehastily began gathering troops and approached Battle Arena with around 22 soldiers. However, to high command's surprise, Arcadia enlisted the help of four other guilds to aid in their fight, topping over 60 members upon entering the battle. The Vehm was prepared to take out The Unified State once and for all and prevent it from seeing the light of day in the future Bastion system. With odds stacked against them in regard to sheer numbers, battle experience, and organization, The Unified State was looking at a steep uphill battle, under the screenshot system nonetheless. Despite this, with the help of several key tips from Donald (Former Arcadian) who played a massive role in the thriving victory to assist The Unified State with valuable information. After hours of battling the Unified State comes out victorious and the Vehm is humiliated in front of the entirety of the GMC as their defeat breaks records. As if the humiliation wasn't enough, Arcadia, currently drowning in disappointment and shattered self confidence, decides to host the 77th Conclave within the next day. With The Unified State demonstrating its might despite the odds, proving themselves as a force to be reckoned with, and Arcadia's 3 year long journey with a tough decision in front of them, the previous battle seemed to be the final nail in the coffin, and Arcadia was laid to rest after the retaliation from The State, The Unified State.

The Han Company (May 31st - September 10th)

The Han Company was initially launched under the command of Captain Travis Peusilis, along with the assistance of numerous notable soldiers. General Auel Kusan publicly announced the launch of the company on May 31st. The company hastily began recruitment and achieved the goal of a 50 member tag in under a week time. Within a couple of weeks, the initial officer core was established. Members such as Arnold who had begun as Sergeant or Thanatos who had proven to be a worthy officer at Senior lieutenant and Vulnus had stepped in to keep stability within the tag. During the course of the following months, the roster would change dramatically, following Travis becoming Major of the company and Arnold leading the reigns as Captain. The company ran with very little obstacles along the way up until Reggius executed changes in the ranking system of company’s, eventually introducing double Captains. At the time, Spyros and Reggius Çonsïlïm were already planning their company's launch, before being told to perfect the already existing companies and agreeing to it before doing so, also the reason for the rank system changes so that they could transfer there to fulfill their promise. After a couple of weeks of Spyros and Reggius leading Han to its successes, time had come for their own company, Consilim Company. As Thanatos had proven his ability to lead, Spyros and Reggius proposed him as the newest Major of Han Company and was given the rank he deserved. Not long after transferring, Han Company entered a state of near shutdown crisis due to tag dropping in numbers, fulfillment of responsibilities and disorganization surfacing. As Han was on a timer to die, after events that occurred in Consilim which placed a soldier at Kozak again, he couldn't bare to watch it die and offered to re-introduce himself to Han and double tag as Captain in both tags, essentially aiming to lead both of them successfully and save Han, by the name Spyros Çonsïlïm. Thanatos and him placed Han Company on a revival path naming it: "Han Rising". After days of dedicating effort to its rescue, Han Company was back on its feet again and beyond. New members were introduced into the company and given new opportunities. People such as Kai, Raven (Formerly known as Christi) and Gothic were keen soldiers in Han company, showing exemplary ability and dedication to the company. Han scored 15-25 members online and the mission had been successful. After Consilim's disbandment, Reggius had now been declared the new Major as Thanatos was moved up to Lieutenant Colonel. After the rocky leading of Han Company due to trouble working together, Reggius takes it upon him to "retire" from Graal, leaving Spyros as the new Major of Han. Following the previous weeks of common normalcy, unexpectedly Thanatos retires from his position due to the upcoming school period. At that time, Spyros knew the school period was about to make its appearance and the mark it will leave is unpredictable and possibly unstoppable. It was too late for preparing though. That didn't stop the introduction of another Major who has more than proved worthy of it after indescribable impressions given. Impressions of a new leader. Emberlynn, who during Consilim's disbandment, transferred into Han Company, is now titled Major and Spyros has been awarded with a High Command Position. To Emberlynn's previous position replacement came Kai Maximus who had personally been mentored by Thanatos and Spyros to take on its duties. The school period has arrived however and with it was taken Emberlynn, Valentina, Rin, Hoshi, Samuel and a few others. The damage was irreversible and Han dissolves along with the rest of The Unified State as a whole.

The Bonhart/Moraes Company (June 6th - July 4th)


225th Infantry Division (June 11th - July 15th)



June 19th, General Auel Kusan attempted the recreation of a famous state photograph upon recommendation from numerous soldiers with detailed improvement. The attempt came out successful and the result was liked by the entirety of The Unified State.

Famous State Photograph Recreation Photoshoot

June 20th, Senior Lieutenant Thanatos introduces The Unified State to the newest edition of uniforms including Enlisted-Non-Commissioned Officer, Officer and High Command bodies. The new uniforms surfaced and originated from the regalia body design and with effort, not to forget the assistance received by Azerius, was transformed into the latest generation of State uniforms.

New-Generation State Uniforms

The Unified State VS 225th Infantry Division (June 25th)




Obstruction of Sovereignty (July 4th)


Consilim Company (July 10th - August 15th)

In a casual night, Spyros and Reggius Çønsilim were having a conversation about the overpopulation of the two existent Companies and about the fact that promotions can no longer possibly be given as all positions have been acquired by individuals. After a lot of talking, they create a plan about a new company under the name "Regium Company '' led by them and take it upon themselves to propose the plan to high command. The plan was approved on a condition that Spyros and Reggius would work to perfect Han and Kozak before launching a new company. They immediately take work into their hands and do their best to improve the companies to be the best versions they can be. After nearly a week, the plans have began. Before officially launching Regium Company, Spyros approaches Reggius to initiate a change. They both agreed on the new name and the Consilim Company was born to honor those before them as they both are new generation Çønsilims. The Company runs smoothly for a fair amount of time with Spyros and Reggius excelling at teamwork. A while after, following the retirements and resignations of important officers and other soldiers for instance Jace and Emberlynn, the captains of Çønsilim, the company struggles to stay on its feet. Few days. before this incident, Spyros and Reggius noticed some trouble with communicating which is when a transfer with Jace (Kozak) and Spyros (Çønsilim) is executed to ensure a better future for both companies. However, after the said individuals resigned, not long after, the disbandment of the company is announced and its troops are traded between Han and Kozak on August 14th.

The Government (July 11th)