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From left to right; Emperor Raiden, Empress Gorgo, Major Stein
The TaZe Clones

In a world torn apart by war, where the state's oppressive regime is ruthlessly enforced, a soldier finds himself caught between duty and desire. Fueled by a deep passion for justice, he becomes entangled in a clandestine gay romance, unfolding against the backdrop of an unforgiving battleground. Amidst the chaos and violence, their love blossoms in secret, offering a glimmer of hope and humanity amidst the turmoil. The soldier, torn between his loyalty to his comrades and his longing for a forbidden love, is forced to confront his own beliefs and values. As their relationship deepens, they dare to imagine a life beyond the war, a world where their love can exist freely and they can overcome the oppressive state that seeks to tear them apart. However, they soon realize that their fight is not only against the enemy on the battlefield but also against a society that refuses to accept their love. Ultimately, they must decide if their love is worth risking everything for or if they should abandon their desires in the name of survival. This gay romance of a soldier fighting the state challenges societal norms, explores the complexities of love amidst adversity, and raises questions about the sacrifices one must make for freedom and authenticity.

The Senate

There was some early controversy over The Atlantian Senate, as the Senators Irish, Azrael, and Grizz were let in without election. Also following the creation of the Senate, Atlantia's Emperor, Raiden, was given his position by Gorgo, and they later came to have their child, Prince Grizz, as the newest member of the Royal Family. The Senate and The Royal Family's adviser would come to be Senlok, an Asano Clan lead. There was daily elections for Senators, until the Senate reached 15 members. The Senators had no control overmilitary forces, however they were the only ones permitted to vote for large decisions such as a declaration of war or creation of a new department. Shortly after Atlantia's creation, Senator Azrael Kusan was given Valerock City, a city founded in the age of Morzan's State, in order to revitalize it so there would be a city aspect of Atlantia.

Before Atlantia

Before the creation of Atlantia, Gorgo was the Empress of Aurelium, where all her future soldiers were. Gorgo had, prior to the destruction of The State by Sherlock, made a deal with Octavian stating that if Aurelia was re-created, she would be the Empress. However before Gorgo became the Empress, she had retired from Alteria and founded The Inventory, a guild for retired, mature, Graal military veterans, whichconsisted of Grizz, Stein, Senlok, Arkantos, Lost, LaMont, Jasper, Donald, and several other unknown members. If not for The Inventory, Gorgo wouldn't have been the leader she was during Atlantia.

The Inventory's Logo

The Vulnus Reform

Not long after Irish becoming the General, Vulnus was given the power to make changes to Atlantia. He drastically changed ranks, and he also created the Atlantia . Vulnus was never given a formal rank, instead being ranked as "Gorgo's." In the Vulnus reform both Majors, Stein and TaZe, were demoted to Captain, and the Colonel, Quinn, was demoted to Major.

Annexed by The Nation

Following The Vulnus Reform, Auel returned to create the Nation. Gorgo made an agreement with Auel, giving him her empire, but left shortly after joining due to her general opinion that The Nation is a "Unorganized, disrespectful fail of a democracy." It is often thought that Auel did not return, Atlantia would have lasted much longer.


It's a little known fact that actually had uniforms prepared for Atlantians. They were based off of British Ceremonial Uniforms. These uniforms were never actually released however.

Atlantian Officer Uniform

Atlantian Uniforms were later recolored and used briefly by Time.

After Atlantia

After Atlantia was annexed by The Nation and the former Empress Gorgo left, she went on to plant the seeds for Pathenia, an empire created by TaZe, an ex-Atlantia major. After the events of The Nation, she not only re-created The Inventory, but later joined Asano Clan and assisted with the revitalization. There has always been talk of Atlantia returning for a second era, but now that Gorgo has quit, that is unlikely to happen.

TaZe as the Pathenia Emperor

Notable Acts

Some of Atlantia's notable operations/acts included (But aren't limited to):

  • Operation Frosty
  • Operation Train Ticket (TT)
  • Operation TaZe
  • Operation Persuasion
  • Operation Underground
  • Operation Signage
  • Operation Miners

Guilds Record

  • Atlantian Regiment 1; Major Stein.
  • Atlantian Regiment 2; Captain Low.
  • Atlantian Regiment 2; Major TaZe (Atlantia dropped Low's Regiment, and allowed TaZe to make a new one)
  • Atlantian Regiment 3; Colonel Quinn.
  • The Atlantian Military; General Irish.
  • The Atlantian Senate; Empress Gorgo