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After many of the guilds that had fought The Unified State faded away, they returned to the Bastion. Ace was well prepared for a possible round two and enlisted in the Kingdom of Arnithen, one of the last remaining militaries that took part in the July Campaign.
After many of the guilds that had fought The Unified State faded away, they returned to the Bastion. Ace was well prepared for a possible round two and enlisted in the Kingdom of Arnithen, one of the last remaining militaries that took part in the July Campaign.

Ace would assist anywhere he could. Starting out as a Sergeant, Ace would assist in foreign affairs and plan their first move against the Unified State with the leader. An alliance between Arnithen, Kronborg and Nolvendore was formed to continue the fight against the State, who had gained various allies (Nekron, Exercito, Path of Order and Suzuran).
Ace would assist anywhere he could. Starting out as a Sergeant, Ace would assist in foreign affairs and plan their first move against the Unified State with the leader. An alliance between Arnithen, Kronborg and Nolvendore was formed to continue the fight against the State, who had gained various allies (, Exercito, Path of Order and Suzuran).

The first battles began, and with Arnithen in the defensive, they would lose a piece of territory. After taking the defensive, Arnithen went on the offensive. Primarily led by Ace himself, the Kingdom of Arnithen had racked up many victories with only two defeats. Throughout the war with the Unified State, Ace had made his way to the Veteran rank and witnessed the Unified State's disbandment.
The first battles began, and with Arnithen in the defensive, they would lose a piece of territory. After taking the defensive, Arnithen went on the offensive. Primarily led by Ace himself, the Kingdom of Arnithen had racked up many victories with only two defeats. Throughout the war with the Unified State, Ace had made his way to the Veteran rank and witnessed the Unified State's disbandment.

Revision as of 03:14, 9 November 2023

Ace Fessler

Ace Fessler - August 21st, 2020

Join Date

October 7th of 2017


Maveria, Amestria, Arnithen


Fessler IV, Hughes, Pertinax

Ace Fessler is a member of the Graal Military Community, mostly known for his leadership of the Maverian Empire and the Amestrian Empire.

The Babylonian Empire

In October of 2017, Ace was recruited to the Babylonian Empire. This was one of the first militaries he enjoyed and took seriously. After a few weeks, the leader of Babylonia stepped down and Zaza replaced him. Ace looked up to Zaza and admired his ability to lead Babylonia. This would give Ace the inspiration to work hard in order to receive better ranks. As time went by, Ace would receive his first family name, Hughes, from Zaza. Ace eventually lost interest in Babylonia and resigned.

The Free States

Upon joining the Free States, Ace would meet many of the militants he’d end up working with later in his career. In the Free States, he would meet Leon Fessler, with whom they developed a connection.

Near the end of the Free States, Leon created a Fessler loyalist family called "Ryze", and would offer Ace the name. He humbly accepted his offer. Around this time, Ace would receive the rank of Sergeant and participated in many of the standoffs against Sarovia.

One day, unaware of the guild's disbandment, Ace came online to an empty tag, and so he left.

The Neo Babylonia

Zaza contacted Ace about Neo Babylonia, a remake of the old Babylonia he had joined months prior. Ace agreed to help.

The guild was running smoothly until the old leader of Babylonia returned and tried to reclaim it, which Zaza declined. This led to a civil war. Ace chose to stay with Zaza, who he recognized as the true leader of Babylonia.

Weeks after the Civil War ended, they moved on. Zaza would end up stepping down due to inactivity and gave Ace ownership of Babylonia. However, because of his lack of experience in leadership, the tag was handed off to someone else, but the guild died soon after.

The Nealon Empire

Seeing his friend Zaza in Nealon, Ace decided to join. Initially, their plan was to overthrow the leader and make Zaza the new Emperor, but that plan quickly faded, so Ace and Zaza left. Soon after, a whole chunk of their officer core would leave due to the leader's carelessness and the majority of them fled to Imperia.

The Magnusian Imperia

When Nealon fell, most of Nealon, including Ace, found their way into Imperia. Ace joined Ordo Caelestius and enjoyed the first few weeks, but after the tag leader transferred to make the Kingdom of Elysia, the tag slowly fell apart. Under the leadership of Kittyboo, Ace was made a Paladin, but quit soon before the guild collapsed.

After a few months, Ace returned to Graal and would rejoin imperia. Ace joined the Holy Imperian Empire and worked his way up to Lieutenant of the Guard. After a month, the guild started getting repetitive and was lacking activity. it would peak once, and then it was a ghost town for the rest of the day.

As a way to pass time, Ace would tower off-tag and socialize. He kept doing this until saw himself close to a demotion when he was reported to Xinke. Xinke ended up making a schedule, which would allow Ace to tower from 9 P.M. to 12 P.M. Ace was annoyed, yet he understood why it was implemented. On the same day, Ace was told he would be transferring to Elysia, since their female officer didn’t like how they were treating her and resigned. Obviously, Ace didn’t want to transfer, thinking that Elysia had all the toxic degenerates. Seeing how he was already having issues with Imperia, Ace decided to move on.

The Maverian Empire

After leaving Imperia, Ace would be asked to join Maveria. When Ace joined, he would be given the rank of Gemeine in the First Infantry.

Few weeks later, Ace would make his way up to Oberfeldwebel through hosting various trainings and being liked by senior staff. At the time, while the guild was at war, Ace would receive the Presidential Cross and would be knighted by Choco, making him Sir Ace. Soon enough, Ace would become a Hauptmann.

During this time, Leon Fessler would join and invite Ace to the Fessler family, which he accepted. Few weeks later, the third tag, Hussars, was disbanded, and the members were split in half and put into First and Second Infantry. Ace was told he would be transferring over to Second Infantry as a Kommandant, but there was a miscommunication and Choco wasn’t aware of this. As a result, he returned to the First Infantry, but not as Kommandant.

When Ace became a Kommandant again, he would contribute a lot of his time into the First Infantry. Putting promotion lists together, keeping the tag full, hosting trainings and more. When the Oberstleutnant left to create the third tag, it gave Ace a great opportunity for a promotion, and so he was promoted to Oberstleutnant the same week. As Oberstleutnant, Ace saw himself leading the tag since the Oberst was inactive. Ace was also offered the Minister of Justice position. Seeing it as a great way learning, Ace of course accepted. Choco would then show Ace his plans for the the Royal Maverian Police, but this would unfortunately never come to light due to Maverias disbandment.

At this time, the Oberst was on the brink of retirement and Ace was told by Choco to be prepared to take over the Infantry. Obviously, he was a little scared that the tag would instantly flop when he took over, but it didn’t, and ended up becoming one of the strongest Infantries in Maveria. The officer core it had was one of the best, and the activity was great.

A month after Ace became the Oberst, Choco approached the high command, told them he would be inactive for a while and wouldn’t be able to make decisions for Maveria. The high command decided they could continue the guild and vote on things as a group. They managed to pull it off for a few weeks, but then school months were approaching and Maveria's activity was dropping. Choco proposed the idea to fight one last battle against Oxeria, which they agreed on.

Ace and the high command believed Oxeria was stagnating the Graal Military Community by holding land, but not doing anything, and so they invaded Oxeria-held Onnet and directed their allies to attack the other two oxerian lands, in which they were successful since Oxeria focused on Onnet, their Capital. After an hour or two, they had won at all three fronts. The high command set a date to have the last ceremony, and on September 13th, during the ceremony, Ace said his goodbyes and Maveria was disbanded.

Auro Roma

Shortly after Maveria was disbanded, Ace enlisted in Aurea and was placed in Leon’s legion. Soon, Ace was promoted and he took over his Legion. After a few weeks of keeping the guild active and alive, Ace became a Colonel and continued to give suggestions on how they could be doing things better, but his ideas were being ignored and Ace's work on keeping the tag alive was being credited to the wrong guy. Seeing that the high command wasn’t active enough to lead a military, Ace left with a good chunk of members and helped create Aurelia, led by Leon Fessler.

The Aurelium Empire

After Ace left Aurea, Leon created Aurelia and made Ace the leader of the Royal Army tag as a Marshal. Initially, the military was successful, getting a full tag within days, and starting a second tag soon after. However, Leon lacked motivation to continue playing Graal, and as a result, the guild was disbanded.

Nova Byzantium

After Aurelia was disbanded, Ace took a break for a few weeks and upon his return, he found the Byzantium server link and joined.

Ace started as a Superior Decanus and would carry the guild on his shoulders for the majority of his time there. He’d host all the trainings since the officers wouldn’t, organize promotions, set up events and inspections. It was clear that most of the high command wasn't doing their jobs.

In due time, Ace became a Legatus, which was far overdue in his opinion, and stayed at that rank for the rest of his time in Byzantium. Eventually, Ace reached his limit. Feeling under appreciated and being the same rank as people who did nothing, infuriated Ace. After a senior officer demoted him for not uniforming a newcomer, he left.

Soon after, Ace was informed that they were clowning on the reasons he left, calling it embarrassing. Ace spent the rest of his time convincing members to leave and masskick.

Karlsburg Raiders

A few weeks after Ace left Byzantium, Choco had him he was making a new military. Ace talked to him about it for a bit, and waited for it to be launched. Soon enough, it was created and Ace became a Captain.

The guild showed great success due to its unique take to trainings and how it ran things. Later, the guild Livion would attack twice. These wars would be crucial to Ace, because it was the first time he had to dispute screenshots by himself. The first war was won after Livion's leader failed to disprove the screenshot. In the second war, Ace challenged Livion to a battle, first to five with no allies. Livion accepted, but after they were destroyed three to zero, they tried to sneak an Arnithen sparrer onto their team, and so the Raiders automatically won.

After this, Ace approached Choco and he made Ace a Commander. They continued to do decently, but when militaries stalled to sign Chocos Graal Military Community war reform document, a lot of the Raiders, including Choco, didn’t enjoy Graal anymore and it was disbanded.

Anti-State Movements

After a long break, Ace would return to Classic in order to express his negative views towards the Unified State. Ace would be alone with his views until he learned that Choco Bites had revolted and created the 225th Infantry Division.

Ace was happy to enlist and was assigned to lead the tag. The guild was the main arrowhead in rallying the community together to beat the Unified State, and so Ace would get into contact with many different militaries to prepare. Ace would lose many friendships he had built throughout the years with the "Rebel State", finding himself constantly arguing in various servers. Eventually, the invasion date was closing in and many of the militaries had pulled out in fear of losing, but all the guild cared about was going down fighting.

However, Soft Rhodes later launched Treor Serenissima with similar anti-State views as the 225th Infantry Division. The battles were a great success with Treor joining the fight. The same militaries that had pulled out, had returned, and all of the guilds combined managed to wipe out the Unified State.

Their goal was fulfilled, and there was no reason to continue. Ace was a Lieutenant General upon the guild's disbandment.

Kingdom of Arnithen

After many of the guilds that had fought The Unified State faded away, they returned to the Bastion. Ace was well prepared for a possible round two and enlisted in the Kingdom of Arnithen, one of the last remaining militaries that took part in the July Campaign.

Ace would assist anywhere he could. Starting out as a Sergeant, Ace would assist in foreign affairs and plan their first move against the Unified State with the leader. An alliance between Arnithen, Kronborg and Nolvendore was formed to continue the fight against the State, who had gained various allies (, Exercito, Path of Order and Suzuran).

The first battles began, and with Arnithen in the defensive, they would lose a piece of territory. After taking the defensive, Arnithen went on the offensive. Primarily led by Ace himself, the Kingdom of Arnithen had racked up many victories with only two defeats. Throughout the war with the Unified State, Ace had made his way to the Veteran rank and witnessed the Unified State's disbandment.

Completing the goal Ace was set out to achieve since June, Arnithen reached its final days and disbanded. Ace also received a spot in the Arnithen Hall of Fame for his contributions to Arnithen.

The Amestrian Empire

During Ace’s short hiatus from Graal, Sol Fessler would return and get into contact with the Fessler Family. Ace hadn’t yet met Sol, and was pleased to finally meet the founder of the family Ace resided in. He approached Ace and proposed the idea of creating a military together. With the rest of the Fessler Family on board, Ace accepted.

The Amestrian Empire was an adaptation of the 2014 Amestria, led by Sol Fessler. Beginning as a Prince with the plan of becoming Emperor down the road, Ace worked tirelessly with his fellow High Command for a successful pre-launch. Around this time, Ace would receive an invitation from the 7th Aurean Empire to meet. They threatened Amestria and told High Command not to make any hostile moves towards Aurea, or they would pay the price. The meeting was an insult to Amestrians, who had not shown hostility towards Aurea up until that point. This would spark the Amestrian-Aurean conflict that would last almost the entirety of Amestria’s existence.

With the meeting concluding, Ace planned to build his military strength and take on Aurea in the near future. With Amestria fully launched and two divisions at their disposal, the first battle fought was against the Brazilian Coalition, and was a swift success.

After the victory would begin the string of bans that would unfortunately hit the Second Division's Colonel and make the tag unrecoverable. Ace would assist in recovery efforts and in no time, the Second Division was back. During this time, Sol would slowly step back and let Ace take the initiative on Emperor duties while remaining in the position and giving input where needed.

On the 6th of March, the battle against Aurea would commence with the invasion of MoD. The invasion was a success, and Ace would continue his contributions to Amestria until his eventual crowning on April 4th. Ace’s first few days were a success with the divisions' activity peaking once again. The Sarovian Empire would also get into contact with Ace with the idea of working together. Ace had never respected Sarovia and has always heard and seen their toxicity, and so he rejected the offer given to him, which sparked the first Sarovian/Aurea offensive against Amestria. The first battle was a failure on Amestria’s end, but the following battle, led by Ace himself, was going in Amestria’s favour up until Sarovia’s disqualification.

As time went on, another string of bans would hit the Amestrian High Command, and Ace was slowly distancing from Graal. He understood his absence would affect the guild, and with the old Amestrian server purged by a rogue HC member, Ace didn’t want his High Command to work for a military he wasn’t putting effort into. Ace proposed the idea of disbanding, but the idea of making a fFderation that could kickstart new and smaller militaries caught Ace’s eye. Amestria was disbanded on June 5th, and Ace said his goodbyes: "Never gave up, through four lost tags and many battle losses. That's what makes an empire truly great." Aurea had disbanded before Amestria’s final days, completing the goal Ace and Sol set out to achieve since the beginning, along with bringing the Fessler Lineage back into their glory days.

Notable Achievements & Titles

  • Emperor of The Amestrian Empire
  • King of The Evorans
  • Prince and Oberst of The Maverian Empire
  • Lieutenant General of The Fessler State
  • Conmander of The Karlsburg Raiders
  • Colonel of Auro Roma
  • Veteran in The Kingdom of Arnithen
  • Legatus of Nova Byzantium
  • Paladin in The Magnusian Imperia
  • Head of The Fessler Lineage
  • Led 23 successful battles against The Unified States