Fletcher Xavi

Revision as of 18:47, 6 December 2021 by Spyros Çønsïlïm (talk | contribs) (Added links.)


The logo of Guilnea which depicts a silver wolf.

The Beginning

Fletcher started off in late 2013 and struggled to grasp the controls and how Graal worked. Eventually, he figured it out and began to play properly. After understanding how the game worked, he joined a towering group called "GODS SQUAD" (which was later renamed "Extermination") under the name of "Wolf Dawn" and helped them tower mostly at the Castle and York, as towers used to be there until admins eventually removed them. Fletcher spent a lot of time in the towering guild "GODS SQUAD" and even learned a bit of Arabic during his stay, as most of the members were Arabic. "GODS SQUAD" became inactive in 2015 and Fletcher became inactive, unsure what to do next. However, in around 2016 Fletcher came across two guilds at Onnet having a face off. Little did he know, but this would be his introduction into the GMC. At this point, he had changed his name to "James". The two guilds were, if I recall correctly, Evora and The Republic. Fletcher immediately enlisted in Choco's Evora and adapted to the guild pretty fast. The Captain that Fletcher had enlisted under went forward to betray Evora for Sarovia, and Evora soon fell after. Once more, Fletcher was unsure where to go.

The Federation

The Federation was launched after Evora, and Fletcher once again enlisted - keen to be by Choco's side. The Federation eventually fell too and Fetcher began to travel between different militaries, like Sehzan, Haxovia, The Free States and so on. Around this time, Fletcher met Fyre Xavi and he began to admire his leadership. It was also around this time when he began using the name of Fletcher and created the family of Wulf. He was inspired by a character (Fletcher Wulf) from the Summoner Series. While travelling between guilds, Fletcher began to gain experience and more understanding of the Military Community itself.

Kingdom Of Wulf

The Kingdom of Wulf was created in around 2017, during the The Long Summer of 2017. Fletcher was still rather naive to the community, and allied Sarovia and the Grand Alliance was created; Sarovia, Sehzan, and The Kingdom of Wulf. The Kingdom of Wulf did surprisingly well, with King Jake C. Wulf as the head of it. Moose Hypatia was one of the starring members and helped bring KoW to relevance. KoW was involved in multiple battles, like The Battle of York which was against the military of Hellenthral, lead by Dalton - interestingly enough, this was the Kingdom's first (of many) wins in battle. Defeating Hellenthral and capturing York sparked the Kingdom's hunger for power and once The Long Summer of 2017 was over, KoW and Sarovia unallied as Jake began plans for the domination of the Graal Map. With luck, his plans came true and KoW managed to seize all land, with the help of Officers like Moose and Ryan Wulf as well as a few allies. However, this was the Kingdom's peak as it was then split into Houses (like Raleigh, Trebus and Wulf). In doing so, this properly kickstarted the House of Wulf's journey, as well as Fletcher's. The Kingdom of Wulf eventually disbanded, but the members kept contact with each other. Between 2016-2018 Guilnea (KoW's Predecessor) was created, and the motto of "Paint the Map Blue" was also made. This Guilnea was short lived, however, gained some relevancy.

The fourth Nova Byzantium

After Kingdom of Wulf's and The Free State’s fall; Aster, Fyre and many other Xavians helped start the 4th era of Nova Byzantium. Around this time, Fletcher was also admitted into the Xavi family and wore the name proudly. However, the guild was short lived - but revived a few times after.

Nova Byzantium and The Republic of Guilnea

In early 2018, Fyre Xavi created the 5th era of Nova Byzantium and Fletcher joined and obtained the rank of Ritter (Knight). The guild was prosperous and took part in many wars. During Nova Byzantium, Fyre helped Fletcher plan for a new, Viking era of Guilnea which took inspiration from Iceland. Nova Byzantium then disbanded to make way for The Republic of Guilnea.

The Republic of Guilnea

Fletcher created The Republic of Guilnea with the help of Fyre and CDAT Xavi who helped with the GFX, but Fletcher decided to keep the old logo and just add an Icelandic flag to one of the corners. Most Xavians from Nova Byzantium joined to help Fletcher (Fyre, CDAT, Finnegan and Olethreus Xavi) as well as some old timer Guilneans. Fletcher's closest friends Desmond Wulf and Artemis Wulf also joined to help, as well as Khi and Ryan returning. Despite all the planning and help from old friends, the last era of Guilnea did not last as long as expected. A few battles were won here and there, but this Republic failed to retake the Map like Jake's Guilnea once did. Eventually, The Republic of Guilnea began to die out but Fletcher did not mind as he had made strong friendships along the way. Thus, he decided to let Guilnea rest and it has not been revived since.

Maveria and The Royal British Empire

Choco created Maveria in late Summer and Fletcher decided to join and during his stay, earned the family name of Braganza. Aster also joined Maveria with him, and they had fun while it lasted. Fletcher's stay in Maveria was short lived as he went to help his old friend Desmond Fessler create a military called "The Royal British Empire" and held the rank of Prince, taking on the family name of Hohenstaufen in the process - Wulf was put to the side momentarily. TRBE allied Choco's Maveria and vowed to help them in battles. Fletcher managed to get old Guilneans to join TRBE, like Razor and Ryan Wulf. That September, a guild called The Herian Empire declared war on TRBE due to some TRBE members claiming Heria were spying. TRBE managed to claim Lower Destiny. British soldiers met Herian soldiers in The Northern Wilderness (Big City did not have a good enough PK zone) and both sides were eager to fight. There was a small scuffle but after a few PMs between Emperor Zeus and Desmond, Heria let TRBE own Big City but kept York. Heria had previously threatened to get Sarovia involved, but it never happened. After their retreat a Treaty was signed and the conflict ended. Heria began to weaken and their hostility levels grew, clinging onto to Sarovia more and more. Eventually Heria was masskicked by an unknown force and began to slowly die. After Heria's death The British Empire decided to launch Operation Kamikaze to properly destroy Heria and Sarovia. Operation Kamikaze was put into action after Heria's suffering in an attempt to destroy both Heria and Sarovia once and for all. It only partially worked. The plan was to ally Sarovia, gain information and stab them in the back. This had been done many times before and always failed. It was a long process and destroyed the Empire's reputation and Heria.

Halfway through the Operation, Slavia emerged and had tried to persuade the British soldiers to join them. This then caused Major, Blaine (British Lancers Regiment) to kick everyone from his regiment and a few others who didn't have officer in other regiments. A court session was held where Blaine denied the allegations of him working with Slavia. Blaine had kicked The British Empire three times to try and kill it.

"I did not and have not worked with Slavia or any other externality, I did this on my own accord."

It was later found that Blaine had been unhappy with The British Empire's structure and activity so he decided to kill of the 'said' cancer. Many soldiers had been upset with his actions but proud of Dallas W., whom had gotten the truth out of Blaine as he had lied about being with Slavia to give him more of a reason. (This also resulted in Blaine being kicked from the Hohenstaufen bloodline).

Operation Kamikaze began to slow after the masskickings as the Empire had been heavily damaged and needed help to recover. No such help had come, resulting in the slow decay of the British Empire. They had rejoiced in defeating Heria but died a tragic death due to trying the impossible.

After The British Empire came Lathum, lead by Thanatos Lathum, which also experienced the dreaded masskickings. Lathum got masskicked four times by Slavia and an unknown force, but still stood strong.

The Holy Imperian Empire

In 2019, Imperia was launched, which Fletcher did joined as he followed Fyre into Imperia and met people like Grey along the way. He was granted the rank of Seneschal and was stationed in Ordo Rhodos (Rhodes) but moved to Ordo Lathos (Lathum) which was owned by Thanatos. However Fletcher's stay was short lived; during the Summer of 2019 Fletcher became inactive and was assumed to have fully left the game, as he never logged on due to a scuffle with some of his former friends. This meant he did not witness Imperia's peak and Maveria's revival. Before leaving, however, Fletcher moved to Ol' West for a bit and joined the Aurean Empire with the rank of Colonel and owned a Garrison along with Thanatos. However, due to his inactivity he was kicked from both Aurea and Imperia.

Fletcher Wulf in Arnithen an uniform.

The Kingdom of Arnithen

Fletcher returned in June 2021 to catch up with some old friends and make amends to the likes of Thanatos and Moose. He is currently serving in the Kingdom of Arnithen, under his old friend Artemis Wulf who now goes under the name of Terian Garaunt.

Guilds and Families


  • Kingdom of Arnithen
  • Imperia (2019)
  • Maveria
  • The Royal British Empire
  • The State / The Free States
  • Azlam
  • Aurea
  • Aurea (Ol West)
  • Xavian Order
  • Nova Byzantium
  • Evora
  • The Federation
  • The Kingdom of Wulf
  • Sarovia
  • Guilnea / The Republic of Guilnea
  • Crawford
  • Kyronia
  • Lathum
  • Haxovia
  • The Republic

Family Names

  • Wulf
  • Xavi
  • Braganza
  • Serlon
  • Furyan
  • Hohenstaufen
  • Vayle
  • Raleigh
  • Toreno
  • Zanamere
  • Lathum