Line of Maximus

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Revision as of 09:46, 26 December 2021 by Spyros Çønsïlïm (talk | contribs)
The Maximus Family

Royal Maximus Flag

Maximum, amply referred to and addressed as Maximus, interpreted from the indistinguishable Latin word, translated to "The Greatest", consists an international family, primarily instigated by Charles, Spyros and relatively Sofia in 2021, subsequent to absorbing inspiration, consequently being encouraged by contradictory titles among the Graal Military Community. It mainly possesses deep roots in The State, specifically its latest reincarnation, The Unified State. Additionally, throughout the majority of its existence, speculation amongst the Lineage emphasizes its prominent cynosure is establishing an individual's true potential.


The family endured and transitioned through various, numerous, countless phases preceding reaching its culminating destination. Once the terminal objective was achieved, after a succeeding period of time, the family commenced to die out, while Charles entered a state of inactivity. Upon returning, he a anew shifts the family into a contemporary phase, dubbed "Dupont", preparatory to disappearing once again. Consequently, the new phase silently too dissolved.

Due to being the last remaining hopes of its revival, Spyros tends to rebirth the family with the most prominent figures of today's moribund military community.

Line of Maximus

The members include militants who have excelled in leadership, have thrived in teamwork, have expanded their boundaries to reach new heights and above of all have promoted loyalty.

(Reformation In Progress)