House Rhodes

From Graal Military Wiki
House Rhodes


Peter Regium Rhodes


Summer of 2012


Arcadia, Bavaria, Astoria

Founded by Peter Regium in 2012, House Rhodes is among the oldest and most prominent families in the Graal Military Community. Though it has had presence in the Bavarian Empire and Astroria, Rhodes is widely known as the ruling family of Peter's Arcadia.


(Work In Progress)


  • Lord Peter Rhodes - King of Arcadia and Bavaria
  • Lord Valen Rhodes - King & Consul of Arcadia | Lord of the Bavarian Dominion
  • Lord Donald Rhodes - Prince, Consul & Legate of Arcadia
  • Lord Oliver Rhodes - Prince of Arcadia | Colonel & Captain of Bavaria
  • Lord Shabac Rhodes - Field Marshal & Legate of Arcadia
  • Radiant Lord Manji Rhodes - General of Arcadia | Major of Bavaria
  • Radiant Lord Paterson Rhodes - Consul of Arcadia
  • Radiant Lord LaMont Rhodes - Consul of Arcadia
  • Knight Zeref Rhodes - Empress of Bavaria
  • Knight Titus Rhodes - Imperial Prince of Arcadia
  • Knight Azriel Rhodes - Princess, Wardeness & Senator of Arcadia | Major of Bavaria
  • Knight Timber Rhodes - Prince of Arcadia | Major of Bavaria
  • Knight Alyssa Rhodes - Princess of Arcadia | Major of Bavaria
  • Knight Ren Rhodes - Princess of Arcadia
  • Knight Veridian Rhodes - (Field) Marshal & Lady Paramount of Arcadia
  • Knight Rynji Rhodes - General & Liege Lady of Arcadia
  • Knight Cladz Rhodes - Marshal & Master-at-Arms of Arcadia | Major of Bavaria
  • Knight Emberlynn Rhodes - Commander, Senator & Tribunus of Arcadia
  • Knight Warrior Rhodes - Legate of Arcadia | Major of Bavaria
  • Knight Linus Rhodes - Legate & Lord of Arcadia
  • Knight Ell Rhodes - Master of Laws in Arcadia
  • Soft Rhodes - Consul of Arcadia
  • Rikah Rhodes - Senator of Arcadia
  • Uta Rhodes
  • Venari Rhodes
  • Mel Rhodes
  • Terri Rhodes
  • Coco Rhodes
  • Monkey Rhodes