The Octavian Empire is a guild of the Graal Military Community, founded by Tullius Septim-Clive in November of 2019.

The Octavian Empire

The Octavian Flag


Tullius Septim-Clive


November of 2019


Tullius Septim-Clive, Erich Septim-Clive, Hunter Septim


House Septim-Clive

Graal Classic

Kingdom of Octavia: First Iteration

In 2019, though the specific month has been lost to time, Emperor Tullius launched the Octavian Empire, with Erich joining in 2020 as Crown Prince. The first war of Octavia was against Exercito, in which they emerged victorious upon the retrieval of Exercito from Onnet Town.

In late January, Tullius abdicated the throne to Erich, who inherited his titles of Emperor and High Lord of Octavia. As a result, Tullius was appointed Crown Prince.

During the War of Destruction, Octavia joined the pact with Sarovia and the Sith Order (Liberation pact by Chris Septim-Clive) against the Oxeria-Imperia alliance. However, after the battles for Onnet Town and MoD, Maveria poached Octavia to death, thus putting an end to the first era of the Octavian Empire

Kingdom of Octavian: Second Iteration

Work In Progress

The Octavian Empire: First Iteration

Work In Progress

The Octavian Empire: Second Iteration

Work In Progress

Graal Ol' West

Kingdom of Octavia

Work In Progress

Octavian Colonial Empire

Work In Progress