Stein C. Allanach

From Graal Military Wiki


Stein Today

Stein, as a noob he had many friends and had seen uniformed State Soldiers often, and they always almost had a hypnotic effect on him. He wanted to be among them, and be "Great" like them. So one day, Stein came across a rally and contacted Major Falcon, and was recruited to the SFF. Following this he adopted the Graal Military lifestyle and served with mindless obedience. Not long after he joined, the conflicts with Xeno and The Riders of Rohan began, which is where he laid the foundation for all this future skills and wisdom. At this time, Stein became recognized as an excellent soldier, jumping up the ranks from Private, to Sergeant, to Lieutenant. After Auel quit, against his better judgement, Stein joined The Order of The Black Knights, Xeno's new guild. It was then when he realized that Xeno wasn't the cold-blooded rebel Auel made him out to be, and he began to harbor a distrust for Auel, the leader he once idolized. Not long after joining The Order, he left because "Xeno is a terrible leader", and after a short time, when Morzan returned to recreate the State, he joined back and received the rank Sergeant First Class. It was at this time Stein joined the Consilim Family. Later, after Sherlock destroyed the State, Stein joined Alteria, Vulnus' military, and received the rank of Guard. During Alteria, Stein was chosen by Gorgo to receive extra, private training to become one of the next generation of officers. Soon after the fall of Alteria, Stein joined The Inventory, Gorgo's Retirement Guild. He later came out of retirement to join Octavian in Aurelium. There he had the rank Operator, only to later leave for Atlantia where he became a Major, until The Vulnus Reform when he was demoted to Captain. Stein, during Atlantia, launched Operation Persuasion, an operation designed to keep people from defecting, proving his intelligence to his superiors. Stein joined the Nation with his peers when Atlantia was given to Auel, and he later retired again to The New Inventory. Stein was also receiving private training with Azrael Kusan, however he later quit to learn from Vulnus.


Stein is a very kind, humorous, and a
Top Middle: Major TaZe. Left: Juliette. Bottom Middle: Major Stein. Right: Unknown
(sometimes painstakingly) honest person. Although he may sometimes seem foolish, Stein can be serious at times, and very intelligent. Stein has also always been a very happy person, being able to find a bright side to every situation. He has never been hostile towards anyone, preferring instead to find a diplomatic and reasonable approach to every situation, making him a major asset in militaries.

this guys beast-vata your welcome stein