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(get good fgt)
m (Fixed grammar up a bit, removed dead links. Removed the link to "Maddox" (I believe the Maddox on this page and the one with a wiki are two different people, would need to be confirmed however.).)
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One of the most well-known names in [[Graal Military Community|Graal Military]] history, the name Auel was first used by [[Auel|Auel Vist]], who changed his name from Cordias following the overthrow of [[Harau Bacsey|King Harau]] in the [[The Royal Guard|Royal Guard]]. Auel began bestowing the name upon [[The State|State]] officers whom he deemed most deserving, starting with [[Auel Kusan]]. The name is one of the few throughout history to be worn before, not after, one's username.

During the Imperial State in September [[Guilds and Leaders of 2020|2020]], Auel Vist passed on all of his rights and titles to Auel Logan, effectively making Logan the first in line for the Auel title, as well as the new head of the [[Vist|Vist Family]].
<em>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.</em> 

= Individuals =

== Old Generation ==
* '''Auel Vist''' - Founder of the Line of Auel.
* '''Auel Kusan''' - State General who requested the name of the second Auel.
* [[Auel Sherlock Zor|'''Auel Sherlock''']] - State General who was given the name and title of King to gain control of the State in 2014. This was done to maintain the purity of the State after the disappearance of Auel Vist. He relinquished himself of the name but continues to lay claim to the title of King of the State. This action received widespread backlash in the community as he is no longer an Auel, confirmed by Auel Vist himself.
* [[Vulnus K. Consilim|'''Auel Vulnus''']] - State General who took on the name Auel and was later given approval by Auel Vist due to his quality.
* [[Morzan Von Kazakov|'''Auel Morzan Von Kazakov''']] - State General who served and led the State on several occasions. He was exiled from the line in July of [[Guilds and Leaders of 2021|2021]] by Auel Logan.
* [[Xinke Han|'''Auel Xinke Magnus''']] - The last State General who took Auel's name after much struggle with him. He was declared the most deserving of the title of Auel.

== New Generation ==
* '''Auel Rohan''' - State General who was given the name alongside [[Aga]] sometime after the [[The Deletion of The State|July 21st]] catastrophe in an attempt to raise a new State.
* [[Kevlar Vaughn|'''Auel Kevlar''']] - State General who took on the name to gain further control over the Graal Military Community to aid his effort in restoring it. He was later given approval by Auel Xinke. Officially relinquished himself of the name on December 23rd, [[Guilds and Leaders of 2016|2016]], but was reinstated into the line by Logan on July 8th, [[Guilds and Leaders of 2022|2022]].
* '''Auel Logan''' - Mysteriously given the name by Auel Vist (Currently the first in line of Auel).
* '''Auel Zaza''' - Given the name in order to raise a new State.
* '''Auel Craig''' - Given the name during the 2020 Imperial State, led by Zaza.
* [[Aga|'''Auel Aga''']] - State General who was given the name alongside Auel Rohan sometime after the July 21st catastrophe to attempt raising a new State. Resented being appointed to the line and dropped the name shortly before quitting.
* '''Auel Maddox''' - Given the name by Auel Morzan in December 2016. Morzan rescinded the Auelship almost a week later.

== Claimants and False Auels ==
* '''King Auel''' - The first King of the Royal Guard, who quit and gave the name to the Captain of the Guard, Cordias, thus beginning the Line of Auel. This was a myth propagated by Auel in an attempt to erase Harau from the Royal Guard's history.
* [[Draz|'''Drazius''']] - A false claimant.

[[Category:The State]]

Latest revision as of 17:10, 13 November 2023

One of the most well-known names in Graal Military history, the name Auel was first used by Auel Vist, who changed his name from Cordias following the overthrow of King Harau in the Royal Guard. Auel began bestowing the name upon State officers whom he deemed most deserving, starting with Auel Kusan. The name is one of the few throughout history to be worn before, not after, one's username.

During the Imperial State in September 2020, Auel Vist passed on all of his rights and titles to Auel Logan, effectively making Logan the first in line for the Auel title, as well as the new head of the Vist Family.


Old Generation

  • Auel Vist - Founder of the Line of Auel.
  • Auel Kusan - State General who requested the name of the second Auel.
  • Auel Sherlock - State General who was given the name and title of King to gain control of the State in 2014. This was done to maintain the purity of the State after the disappearance of Auel Vist. He relinquished himself of the name but continues to lay claim to the title of King of the State. This action received widespread backlash in the community as he is no longer an Auel, confirmed by Auel Vist himself.
  • Auel Vulnus - State General who took on the name Auel and was later given approval by Auel Vist due to his quality.
  • Auel Morzan Von Kazakov - State General who served and led the State on several occasions. He was exiled from the line in July of 2021 by Auel Logan.
  • Auel Xinke Magnus - The last State General who took Auel's name after much struggle with him. He was declared the most deserving of the title of Auel.

New Generation

  • Auel Rohan - State General who was given the name alongside Aga sometime after the July 21st catastrophe in an attempt to raise a new State.
  • Auel Kevlar - State General who took on the name to gain further control over the Graal Military Community to aid his effort in restoring it. He was later given approval by Auel Xinke. Officially relinquished himself of the name on December 23rd, 2016, but was reinstated into the line by Logan on July 8th, 2022.
  • Auel Logan - Mysteriously given the name by Auel Vist (Currently the first in line of Auel).
  • Auel Zaza - Given the name in order to raise a new State.
  • Auel Craig - Given the name during the 2020 Imperial State, led by Zaza.
  • Auel Aga - State General who was given the name alongside Auel Rohan sometime after the July 21st catastrophe to attempt raising a new State. Resented being appointed to the line and dropped the name shortly before quitting.
  • Auel Maddox - Given the name by Auel Morzan in December 2016. Morzan rescinded the Auelship almost a week later.

Claimants and False Auels

  • King Auel - The first King of the Royal Guard, who quit and gave the name to the Captain of the Guard, Cordias, thus beginning the Line of Auel. This was a myth propagated by Auel in an attempt to erase Harau from the Royal Guard's history.
  • Drazius - A false claimant.