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== The Kingdom of Arcadia ==
In 2019, Xinke, renowned State officer, approached Peter Rhodes with promise to destroy Sarovia once and for all in a new iteration of Imperia. Though Imperia and Astoria (another Peter had also led) did not have an optimal past, the destruction of Sarovia was an offer of which caught Peter's interest. Thus, The Kingdom of Arcadia was soon created as a tag under The Holy Imperian Empire. The Kingdom of Arcadia was a dominant tag in Imperia, with tag peaks in the twenties for some amounts of time. Arcadia had also executed the first successful 'City tag' in the GMC, a social guild, labelled as an Arcadian province. This city tag was called The City of Colstrium and lead by Rylan Rowe. When Xinke needed a hiatus, Peter was elected as Interim Emperor of Imperia for the time Xinke was away. During this period, Peter launched several military campaigns into Sarovian land utilising the entire Imperian might he now had. These campaigns were extremely successful, and in about a fortnight, Sarovia was almost dead. When Xinke returned from his hiatus and regained control of the Empire, instead of killing Sarovia physically, like Peter had almost done, he employed a strategy of nullification. This, Peter did not like. After this incident, Arcadian High Command began to notice more and more the flaws in Imperia, and in August, started planning a secession - planning to have Arcadia leave Imperia on December first, 2019 to establish their own Empire. Peter began to rapidly militarise - transforming Colstrium into a military tag instead of a City and launching a brand new nighttime tag, Lancieri di Arcadia, lead by Soft Rhodes. Xinke was not consulted for the launching Lancieri as was usually required when launching tags for an Imperian Kingdom but held no suspicion for it was more manpower for Imperia anyway (right?).
== The Arcadian Secession ==
When December first arrived, Arcadian High Command had waited until all non-Arcadian High Command officers were in order to spread a document about ''why'' Arcadia was seceding. If interested, you can read that document [ here]. Arcadian High Command spread this document in every server channel they could, and sent it to the DMs of everyone inside that server also. With this, The Arcadian Sovereignty was established. Some notable Arcadians who seceded from Imperia involve: [[Peter Rhodes]]; Ram Rhodes; Terri Rhodes; Coco Rhodes; Cladz Rhodes; Olly Rhodes; Emma Rowe; [[Donald|Donald Rhodes]]; [[Vermilion|Linus Rowe]]; Jiub Fraser; Uta Frode; [[Soft]] Rhodes and Ren Rhodes.
== The Arcadian Sovereignty ==


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