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==The Senate==
There was some early controversy over The Atlantian Senate, as the Senators Irish, Azrael, and Grizz were let in without election. Also following the creation of the Senate, Atlantia's Emperor, Raiden, was given his position by Gorgo, and they later came to have their child, Prince Grizz, as the newest member of the Royal Family. There was rumors of Gorgo and Raiden having some form of romance around the time of him being instated as Emperor, however these are unconfirmed. The Senate and The Royal Family's advisor would come to be [[Senlok Wehlet Asano|Senlok]], an Asano Clan lead, also known as John Watson from 221B. There was daily elections for Senators, until the Senate reached 15 members. The Senators had no control over military forces, however they were the only ones permitted to vote for large decisions such as a declaration of war or creation of a new department. Shortly after Atlantia's creation, Senator Azrael Kusan was given Valerock City, a city founded in the age of Morzan's State, in order to revitalize it so there would be a city aspect of Atlantia.
==Before Atlantia==
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