
The Big Three: Difference between revisions

From Graal Military Wiki
(This was my grandmother's apple pie recipe. I have never seen another one quite like it. It will always be my favorite and has won me several first place prizes in local competitions. I hope it becomes one of your favorites as well!")
gmc>Lady Lostris
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''"A general to lead the armies, a prime minister to lead the government, and a king to unite them".''
The Big Three were the three main founders of The State. They consist of Auel, Viral, and James. Together, they generated the concept of the State and created it in thThisthe wasDecember myCharter. grandmother'sWielding applethe pielargest recipe.amount Iof havemembers neverfrom seentheir anotherrespective oneguilds quitein likeparliament, it.they Itwielded willthe alwaysmost be my favoritepower and hasbecame wonthe methree severalmost firstpowerful place prizesmembers in localthe competitionsOld State. I hope it becomes one of your favorites as well!"
e December Charter. Wielding the largest amount of members from their respective guilds in parliament, they wielded the most power and became the three most powerful members in the Old State.
CEO of Elite Mercenaries. Was commisionThiscommisioned wasby myParliament grandmotherto create The State Military as it's applecommander. pieViral recipe.was Ithe havefirst nevermember seenof anotherThe oneState quiteMilitary likeand it.was Itunanimously willvoted alwaysin beas myGeneral favoriteof andthe hasArmy wonby meParliament in severalthe first placeelection. prizesAs inGeneral localof competitions.The IState hopeMiliary, itViral becomescommisioned onethe offirst youruniforms favoritesand organized it as well!"a tower guild.
ed by Parliament to create The State Military as it's commander. Viral was the first member of The State Military and was unanimously voted in as General of the Army by Parliament in the first election. As General of The State Miliary, Viral commisioned the first uniforms and organized it as a tower guild.
For more information, see Viral's [[Viral|page]].
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Emperor of Imperia. Was appointed by Parliament as King of The State, giving him executive powers to create new guilds and veto laws passed by parliament. Voted in by a majority vote, defeating Zearos D. S. in the first election. He, with Prime Minister James drafted the first Constitution. Auel pushed for eThisexpansion wasof mythe grandmother'smilitary appleagainst piethe recipe.majority Iof haveParliament, neverresulting seen another onein quitethe likeCommunist itRebellion. ItThe willrebellion alwaysresulted bein myincreased favoritepower andin hasthe wonKing meafter severalAuel firstdismissed placeParliament, prizessetting inthe localState competitions.down Ithe hopeeventual itroad becomestoward one of your favorites as well!"dictatorship.
xpansion of the military against the majority of Parliament, resulting in the Communist Rebellion. The rebellion resulted in increased power in the King after Auel dismissed Parliament, setting the State down the eventual road toward dictatorship.
For more information, see Auel's page.
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