James F. Zor

From Graal Military Wiki
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"The Father of Graalian Democracy."

James Feurnoux Zor was a military leader in Graal and is best known for being part of The State's "Big Three." James was the King of Valikorlia, one of the three guilds that were combined to create The State.


The Beginning

James joined Graal in the summer of 2010. For a long time, James was completely against any military advancements in Graal. James F. Zor was involved with a number of towering guilds such as The Snow Assassins, Cruxis, and Cruxis Evolution. James later on met Zearos D. S'ahlesius and Senlok Wehlet at Castle. He began to spend time with them and learn about how military guilds operated. Being around S'ahlesius and Wehlet soon led him to meeting his mentor, Auel Vist, at a military demonstration in Graal City.


James created Valikorlia in 2011, and soon built it into a military worthy of Auel's approval. Along the way, he had assistance from mainly Senlok, Wehlet, and DeWolf, who later became Viral. Valikorlia was the first military guild in Graal to be known as a Republic, not a Kingdom. James then used his empire, Valikorlia, to join Auel's Imperia in order to create The State.

The State

In early 2012, Auel Vist came up with a plan to annihilate every other military in Graal. He asked his two comrades, James Zor (then James Feurnoux) and Viral Cruel (then De Wolf) to assist him in fulfilling this plan. James agreed to join and gave his full support. He disbanded Valikorlia and sent all of the guild's members to The State, which proved to be relatively unsuccessful. In the first week of The State, elections were held to pick the guild's executives. Auel became the King, Viral became the General, and James became the Prime Minister. Since then, James has received a number of different ranks within The State, and even lead the guild for a time in Auel's absence.