User talk:Matte Saints

From Graal Military Wiki
   The Great Depression  
 It may not be recent news, however, it is a fact, visible to any man and woman who participate in the Graal Military Community (GMC), that we are at the worst moment in the history of our community. From social problems to political intrigue and a totally bankrupt and inefficient structure. The golden age of the GMC died after 2017. The community now treats role-playing as their own lives, but they forget that role-play means playing roles. There are no more players trying to play your character, they are their own characters and when we find someone who tries to playing your character, which is rare, it disappears due to dissatisfaction. 
 Perhaps the biggest problem after the lack of responsibility on the part of the players is their own guild. The guilds became bands of imbeciles that compete for the rank of "GREATEST GRAAL GUILD". Upon reaching this post, they acquire the absolute power of the community; they have the power to ban, decide results, accuse and they can even sentence the accused. This is absurd. imagine that you have been accused of a crime, and the same person who accused you will judge you and will also dictate what punishment you will suffer, strange, isn't it? In addition, there is bad guild conduct in wars, denying obvious results, demanding stupid evidence such as: A PRINT OF 5 DEAD SOLDIERS, OR AFK. But what are the criteria for deciding if the soldier is afk? Well, we evaluate by pixel, according to what I see there is a pixel out of place so it is afk. Many people disagree with this criterion, so it is necessary to prove in a more concrete way, such as a profile photo of the player online or offline, which could have been taken days before or even years, so it is necessary to ask for the file information like date, time and etc, no? Obviously not, only this is necessary for us to prove that this player was afk / offline. This without mentioning the subject of false claims, which is widely used by many guilds. We are at a disadvantage so we will cry out, several people will take flags and shout "We won". So these guilds win the war without even winning, and no one can contest, as they have prints of millions of enemy afk soldiers. We should have supervisors and referees, to decide impartially who won that war, mediate treaties or ban players that constitute anti-rp and transgressions, and we did but they were treated as partial and stupid. These idiots tried to do a job that should exist in all role-playing communities, as it exists in many games, so they left because their efforts have been thrown away, you cannot fight ignorance. This is not a recent news, we all know that we are in a great depression and only a change of ethics in all players and a reform of our community structure.
 Thank you for reading this article, I am not 100% fluent in English so there must be errors in addition to the fact that this is my first article, have a great day and see you next time.  
Matts Saints-Spadar