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(Just added the pre launch Kyronia and wanted to look at it before I continued)
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[[Category:The State]]
The State, a different State. A Unified one. The goal of the Unified State was made clear through the months of planning within spring of 2021. Logan, Joe Kyro, [[Auel Kusan|Kusan]], [[James* Kazakov|James]], [[Lendo Alcarin|Lendo]], and Rollins came to the agreement that their prime had passed, and that a new era of [[The State|State]] for the newer generations needed to be formed, with old principles taught and passed down. The goal of the Unified State was not to bring back a guild and flaunt its power and former prestige, but to instead give the youth an opportunity and community to make a name for themselves, bring out their potential, and make an impact on the [[Graal Military Community]].
== History==
=== The Pre Launch ===
"The initial concept to launch The Unified State was planned and executed by Joe Kyro. The idea to craft a facade under the name of The Kyronian Empire, house the hicom and officers there, hidden till launch. The Kyronian Empire had a touch and go conflict with Arcadia in order to assess their current level of power, teach new members how a "War Group Chat" works, and to give public notice that the guild was underwhelming and not worth even looking at. This facade lasted a month before the hicom decided to launch.
=== The Beginning (February 2021) ===
Planning for The Unified State (though the name had not been established at the time) began in February of 2021. This lasted for several months and rotated many individuals in and out of the planning phases, throughout multiple group chats. In the end, the majority of the planning was done by Logan, Kusan, Joe Kyro, James, Truth, Lendo, and Rollins. Throughout these months, dozens of topics and options were discussed and combed through, from themes and uniform concepts, to the end goal of the guild.
===The Kozak Company (May 24th - September 10th)===
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The Han Company was initially launched under the command of Captain Travis Peusilis, along with the assistance of numerous notable soldiers. General Auel Kusan publicly announced the launch of the company on May 31st. The company hastily began recruitment and achieved the goal of a 50 member tag in under a week's time. Within a couple of weeks, the initial officer core was established. Members such as [[Arnold]] who had begun as Sergeant or Thanatos who had proven to be a worthy officer at Senior lieutenant and [[Vulnus K. Consilim|Vulnus]] had stepped in to keep stability within the tag. During the course of the following months, the roster would change dramatically, following Travis becoming Major of the company and Arnold leading the reigns as Captain. The company ran with very little obstacles along the way up until Vulnus executed changes in the ranking system of companies, eventually introducing double Captains.
At the time, Spyros and Reggius Çonsïlïm were already planning their own company's launch, before being told to perfect the already existing companies first. This was also the partial reason for The Unified State's rank system change, as to prevent rank inflation among the companies. After a couple of weeks of Spyros and Reggius leading Han to stability the, time had come for their own company, The Consilim Company. With Thanatos having proved his ability to lead, Spyros and Reggius proposed him to be the newest Major of Han Company, and he was given the rank he deserved.
Not long after transferring, The Han Company entered a state of near shutdown crisis due to the tag dropping in numbers. Fulfillment of responsibilities and disorganization began to surface. As Han was on a timer to die, after events that occurred in Consilim which placed Spyros Çonsïlïm in The Kozak Company again, he couldn't bare to watch it die and offered to re-introduce himself to Han and double tag as Captain in both tags, essentially aiming to lead both of them successfully and save Han. Thanatos and Spyros placed Han Company on a revival path naming it: "Han Rising". After days of dedicating effort to its rescue, The Han Company was back on its feet again and was better than ever. New members were introduced into the company and were given new opportunities. People such as Kai, Raven (Formerly known as Christi) and Gothic were keen soldiers in Han company, showing exemplary ability and dedication to the company. Han scored 15-25 members online and the mission had been successful. After Consilim's disbandment, Reggius had now been declared the new Major as Thanatos was moved up to Lieutenant Colonel. After the rocky leading of Han Company due to trouble working together, Reggius took it upon himself to "retire" from Graal, leaving Spyros as the new Major of Han. Following the previous weeks of common normalcy, unexpectedly Thanatos retired from his position due to the upcoming school period. At the time, Spyros knew the school period was about to make its appearance and the mark it would leave was unpredictable and possibly unstoppable.