The State

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"The state is the premier military guild that introduced the possibility of organized, uniformed, and equipped guilds into the current age. The state is a powerhouse of new graphics, military training, leadership training, and justice. The state set the trend of “infantry” guilds, and is the example that countless have tried to imitate."

-From 'About The State Military'


Pre-Unification Era The State was created from an alliance of empire guilds. These guilds were typically lead by a King or Emperor, and had an assortment of guilds such as a Guard, Army, Knights, or sometimes a parliament. While not all were empire guilds in this fashion, they all had some form of central authority which commanded lower commanders who in turn lead soldiers. They were all not very large. Comprised of 30-40 members at most. By the time The State was to be created, they were all long past their prime, and slowly fading away...

The most notable and most prominent of these guilds were: Imperia, Valikorlia, Elite Mercenaries, and the Bacseyian Confederation.

By the time of The State's inception, the Bacseyian Confederation had been defeated by Imperia through a series of wars. These wars would later serve as the basis of war conduct and war doctrine for all militaries. While the Confederation still existed, Basceyian remnants occasionally flared up to fight Imperia. Their leader: Harau Bascey, had disappeared after the "Never Ending War" or as Imperians called it "The War of Paranoia".

Imperia had also fallen into ruins. It was in the 9th Era when it joined The Stare. After King Auel De Imperia II ordered the disbandment of the Knights of Imperia, so as to make them Generals of the Imperian Army, the Knights rebelled and left Imperia. Without it's most skilled soldiers and leaders, Imperia was left to wither away and die.

Elite Mercenaries was lead by De Wolf (Later known as Viral). Formerly a large military contractor, it had hired out its manpower to some of the largest names out there. After a year since he had left, De Wolf returned and begun to sell towers that his guild had taken.

Most of Valikorlia's history remains unknown. It was the youngest of all the main factions, and was still small and in the process of growing when it joined The State.

Old State United by a vision of creating a player run government and society, the leaders of Elite Mercenaries, Imperia, and Valikorlia band together to create The Stare. King Auel De Imperia II, King James III, and CEO De Wolf sign The December Charter on December 18 2013, forfeiting their guilds sovereignty and creating The State Parliament, the first state guild.

Nine days later on December 27, elections are held for the leadership of The State. Members of parliament hail from the three major factions, and nearly a dozen other guilds who were inspired to merge their guilds. Auel is elected King of The State, James is elected Prime Minister, and De Wolf (now known as Viral) is made General of the State Military.

December 28, the State Constitution is ratified unanimously by parliament.

December 29, A training program proposed to parliament that would train select individuals to become hackers, acting as living weapons for the military. After a long debate from the opposition party, an agreement is made to train three of these. A total of 10 are trained in secret by King Auel. The program was later known as The Alchemist Program.

December 31, disgruntled representatives demand the ousting of King Auel and the implementation of a communist government. Lead by Minister of Justice, Xinke Han, the communist rebels are shut out of parliament. King Auel initates Martial Law, dismissing parliament for 3 days and giving him total control of The State. He dismisses parliament and the Prime Minister, and orders General Viral to use his forces to quell the rebellion.

In Early January, King Auel and members of the Alchemist program discover a method to distribute custom bodies for free. Begin preperations to use this technology to revolutionize the game by creating the first real army in graal.

Shield uniforms are replaced with custom bodies, the State Military rapidly expands without parliament interference. Before, members of parliament (mostly communists) placed limits on the size of the military. Without any limitations, the Military expands to include 100+ members. Becomes a large towering guild.

Parliament begins to wane. The Prime Minister becomes less active, meetings become infrequent and rare. Representatives lose interest and join the military for more powerful positions. King Auel gains more power.

Harau Bascey returns to rechristen the Basceyian Confederation as the Basceyian Federation. Communist exiles flock under his banner. Skirmishes break out between The State and the Federation.

By Mid-January, skirmishes fade out. General Viral, King Auel, and dozens of other military officers are all banned simutaneously for "intentionally scamming".

By Late-January, the State is in ruins, at its peak in Early-January, it had 50 members on, controlled 3 towers at once, and was a revolutionary new guild. Now it was left with no leaders. Guilds begin copying The State in the absence of the State's pressence.

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