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<nowiki>During the First Oxerian Era, Emily VirTue was an iconic Officer. The first noticeable event that boosted her popularity and relevance were the Oxerian General Elections. The Empire needed a stable General to lead the army, so once this event was published, she applied as a candidate. Emily was seen as a hard working and loyal Officer. People liked her unique forms of trainings, and ideas of rapid growth and reorganization of Oxeria. She held a speech, and propaganda was created to boost her chances of winning. When the results were shown, it was a decisive victory. Emily won the elections against James Kyro 31-10. The second event that sparked Emily's popularity were the wars against Xavi. Her dislike for that family only fueled her patriotism which the people noticed. She led two wars against the House of Xavi, both resulting in Oxerian Victories. She was made into a Knight Commander ( Title not Rank), and given her own Corps to lead. The Second Oxerian Corps quickly surpassed the first, only further strengthening peoples positive view on her. Later on, just days before Twister quit, he knighted and promoted her into the Field Marshal of the Oxerian Armed Forces. Once the First Oxeria died, several months later, she chose to ask Ike Wolfbane for ownership and leadership of the Oxerian Empire and its family. She reformed the Oxerian Empire, which was first an absolute Monarchy, led by her. Then came the Saroxerian Union, which lasted for 5 months. She was Empress of both Sarovia and Oxeria, and was a Monarch of the Unified Saroxerian Crown. Once Saroxeria was abolished, she reorganized Oxeria with a new Democratic ideology, and a brand new strategy and way of leadership. Therefore, the name Emily ll was brought to light. She fought several so called ''Civil wars'' against Crodax, which was led by Twister behind the idea of claiming the Oxerian Throne. Despite 6 recorded attempts to overthrow her, she remained the Empress of Oxeria. She is seen as the most successful Oxerian leader, and the one responsible for the success and achievements Oxeria has had.</nowiki>
== Saroxeria Union Merge ==
In August of 2018, The Oxerian Empire was ready to declare war against Sarovia and retake Onnet. A planned offensive was created, and with the promise from [[Maverian Empire & The Maverian Republic|Maveria]] to aid Oxeria in its conquest, everything was ready. Or at least that is what Oxeria believed. Just a day before the offensive was scheduled to begin, The Maverian Kaiserreich decided to betray their promise, and declared war against Oxeria and Sarovia. The State, which was led by Vulnus at the time, decided to follow Maveria's decision, and oppose Oxeria and Sarovia. The Oxerian Empire was in a difficult position, and had to either wage war on two fronts, or side with its old enemy in order to defeat the current one. An emergency Officer meeting was held that night, and Oxeria decided to accept an alliance proposal from Constantine VI. Oxeria and Sarovia then ambushed The State in Destiny, and after 2 hours, Maveria and The State retreated, and victory was proclaimed. For the very first time, The Oxerian Empire fought on the side of Sarovia. The State quickly fell just days after that conflict, and Maveria surrendered and signed a peace treaty. A few weeks later, on the 28th of August, The Oxerian Empire was approached with an offer, to create a unified Empire, ruled with a united Crown and Noble family of Vasa-Oxeria. After another Officer Meeting, the Oxerian people accepted the proposal, and the unification of Oxeria and Sarovia occurred. With Her Majesty Emily l VirTue Vasa-Oxeria as the Crowned Empress, and His Majesty Martius l Vasa-Oxeria as the Crowned Emperor of Saroxeria.
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On April 26, 2019, a guild called The Kingdom of New Oxeria was created under [[Imperia|Imperian]] support, by an Oxerian coup by Lieutenant, Kaleb V. Kaiori, and General Aiken L. Neplion of the Third Command, protesting supposed corruption within Oxeria and Sarovia of faking a war to boost activity. Kaleb was selected to be the King of the guild by Imperia, due to his experience and being a well known Oxerian. However, within two days, the Kingdom was mass kicked and deleted by Kaleb, who went on to rejoin Oxeria. A majority joined back Oxeria, with Aiken taking some time off before joining Imperia.
== DecliningOxeria Erain (2019 - 2020) ==
After Oxeria gained total independence, Emily ll set her views in rapidly modernizing Oxeria. Massive rallies were a regular event, and Oxeria managed to fill up its two Commands within 2 weeks. New documents were written, more shields were created, a brand new ranking system was set in place, and Oxeria was getting back on its own feet. At this time, Twister Crodax attempted to claim Oxeria, believing it was weak in stability and Crown authority, his rebellion was crushed within a week, and he was forced to run to Imperia. While this civil war forced Oxeria to devote its attention towards Crodax, Sarovia decided to attack Oxeria. When Oxeria declared its independence, Sarovia demanded Onnet to be given to them, and that Oxeria could only keep Snow Town. Using Oxeria<nowiki>'s rebels as the perfect opportunity, Sarovia annexed Snow Town, and Oxeria was forced to cede it without war, as a two front war would end very badly. On the 26th of April, Imperia attempted to place an Oxerian nationalist as a King of a ''New Oxerian Kingdom''</nowiki>. Fortunately for Oxeria, Imperia made a massive mistake in believing that an Oxerian Officer would simply betray for a flashy rank, and the guild was quickly destroyed, getting all Imperian officials in it demoted to members, and inviting Oxerians to swarm the guild chat, Hailing Oxeria. On the 26th of July 2019, Oxeria celebrated its one Year Legacy Under Empress Emily. A few months later, [[Aurea]] decided to aid Twister in creating a <nowiki>''Communist Oxeria''</nowiki>, dragging Oxeria into a war, and once more being forced to fight along Sarovia. The New Sarovian Empire surrendered, abandoning Oxeria in a war at Onnet Town. No miracles were expected, and a cease fire was signed after 8 hours of fighting. Empress Emily ll held a meeting with Kevlar in order to sign peace in exchange for Aurea and Imperia to cease supporting a fake Communist Oxeria.