
The Kingdom of Avernia: Difference between revisions

From Graal Military Wiki
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The Kingdom of Avernia was formed on February 27th, 2021 by Jaxson Kamno. It was a quick start project to just get out there. From the start, Avernia and Amptriull were on bad blood. Avernia has gone to war with Amptriull on multiple occasions, for Onnet, for York, for Northern Wilderness, and many more. Avernia has gonewent into an Alliancealliance with Arnithen,. For a military that has been up and isrunning for about a week on friendlysuch termsshort withnotice, Nekron.and owning a good portion of the map, Avernia haswas beenoff growingat a great start. King Kamno kept Hizack Lux, Claude Lathum, Antonio L. Han, Thanatos Lathum, and willTruth continueVerrin in his innermost circle. With this High Command, Jaxson was able to growsuccessfully start up his Kingdom. The high light of Jaxson's Kingdom, according to him, is when Elweria, a Turkish kingdom, disbanded after taking a loss from Avernia.


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