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[[File:2019Arcadia-LinusRowe.jpg|thumb|''Linus wearing the Imperian Arcadian uniform.'']]
''-It was 2011 when Vermilion first downloaded GraalOnline, downloading both Classic and Era more or less at the same time. His interest in the game was short lived as he deleted it only a month later. AtIn the timebeginning ,he used the creative name of Danus3099 as his characters name.''
== The Origins of Vermilion ==
Between the years of 2011 and 2013, Vermilion, still using the name Danus3099, began to wander and explore the poorly recreated Zelda graphics GraalOnline Classic used. He continuesly deleted and redownloaded the game every so often due to his growing intrest in the vast expance of mobile games, aswell as whenever he threw a pissy fit over being killed. During these years he recalls joining a few insignificant guilds, of which he can no longer remember the names of. During this tedious and monotonous period in Graal, he explored things such as, Player Killing, Sparring, and at one point, Roleplaying. He also joined a few military guilds during late 2013, but refuses to acknowledge them, seeing as how he stayed in them for less than few days at most.
Its safe to say that Vermilion officially began his journey in the community during 2014's State. Since then, he's stayed off the radar, being a member of numerous notable guilds that include, but are not limited to; Bavaria, Aurea, and multiple renditions of the State.
== The State (2014) ==
'Twas late summer of 2014 when a State rally caught Danus3099s' eye. Having no other games to play at the time, he decided to join out of curiosity and boredom. Upon joining, he was placed as a Private. Seeing as how he lacked both experience or knowledge, his rank did not progress. As the time went by, his overall interest in the guild slowly began to dwindle. Being the retard that he was, he was easily played by fellow guild mates, falling for all the bull shit they managed to cram into his head. After falling for god knows how many false promotions, he slowly typed out his autistic goodbye into the guild chat and disappeared, thinking mighty of the few words he said before leaving, it went along the lines of, "loser guild I hate u bye".
''It was after the State that he changed his name to Vermilion.''
== Bavaria (2015) ==
Vermilions' time in Bavaria was short lived. He had recently returned to Classic from his yearlong hiatus and it was the only promising guild at the time. Upon joining, he was placed as a Private in the 3rd Regiment and began making friends with fellow Privates almost immediately. Having learned a thing or two from his time in the State, he managed to keep from making himself out to be a complete and utter retard. His stay was only about a week or so long when he made the decision to leave, hoping to establish a family of his own.
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== 2017-2018 ==
I'd rather not get into details about what I did during these years, seeing as how it'd take a fat fucking minute. Instead, I've attach thea list of guilds I joinedwas associated with. ''This list includes, but is not limited to;''
* Kate's Cut Throat Killers (2017) Under the name Vermilion M.
* The Free States (2017) Under the name Xenon, after a friend.
* Edo (2017)
* Edo (2017) Under the name Artis CrUeL, after the original he met in TFS.
* Armenia (2018) Under the name Orpheus CrUeL; General of Armenia.
* The State (2018) Under the name Crius CrUeL.
* The Anghus Association (2018) Under the name Orpheus.
* Adraxia (2018) Under the name Artis.
Guild whore? Righto.
== Communist Aurea (2019) ==
It was the year 2019, near the end of summer when Vermilion returned from vacation and decided to hop on Graal. He noticed an obvious amount of members around TS were Aurean. In the 5few minutes that he was on, Macbeth, being the Colonel-General of the 1RBA at the time, offered him the position of Commander in his tag. Having no plans for the rest of the summer, he happilygladly accepted and joined Macbeths' division.
He took up the name Linus C, an alt name he used some years ago, for personal reasons. During his time in Aurea, Linus achieved the rank of Colonel-General of the 1RBA after Macbeths promotion to Marshal (this having happened after Kevlar was banned and Lance took over). He was also made Colonel-General of the 2nd Rifles Division during The Aurean State after Artix took over with his Ukrainian theme. He was made an All-Union Party Member of the Aurean State. Alas, Kevlar returned and as certain events lead to one another, Aurea began to crumble.
In an attempt to launch a guild of his own, Artix rounded up what men and women he could, and set off to establish the Kingdom of Scipio on Classic. While a boldnotable attempt, the guild died shortly after it's launch and Linus joined The DRSODarkSteel Order under Harau Bacsey.
''-I'm not particularly proud of my hasty decision-making when joining DarkSteel. Although, I was removed in less than a day on suspicions of being a mole.''
== Arcadia (2019-2020) ==
Before joining Arcadia, he decided to give Elysia a try. 10 minutes in he left, as it was litteraly the most retarded guild he's ever joined, and that says a lot. Soon afterwards, he was recruited into The Kingdom of Arcadia on October 3rd, 2019, as a Guard in its City of Colstrium. From there he was transferred around until the succession, which he was then settled into the main tag for a few months.
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''It's now been a whole fucking year and I'm still here''. ''Happy doing what I am.''
== Families (A-Z) ==
* ''Anghus''


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