
The State: Difference between revisions

From Graal Military Wiki
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=== <u>Modern State and SAFF</u> ===
After two weeks of turmoil and chaos, King Auel and military officers (with the exception of Viral) return from ban. King Auel summons the remaining loyal state members, and forms the State Supreme Council, a successor to Parliament that will act as the governing body. Members of the Supreme Council would be known as 'Councilors', and every two weeks a Chairman would be elected who would lead the State and act as Commander in Chief. Auel was elected first Chairman of this new state.
Chairman Auel redirects The State's efforts towards civilian and government functions, creating a justice, financial, and other government departments.
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SAFF engages terrorist and state rebel guilds to great success. Many new SAFF teams are formed. The Alchemist program is cancelled by the Supreme Council. [[File:Screen_shot_2013-02-10_at_8.57.12_PM.png|frame|From top, left to right: Grizz, Eaglevision, Commander Pierce Bowen, Commander Jin Fang, Chairman Auel, Councilor James.]]
80% of SAFF is banned for a week, though the ban is lifted after 24 hours. The reasons for this ban was unknown, though it is later rumored to be that The State was posing a threat to the status quo. The most likely reason however was The State's free upload system. This begins to happen more and more frequently over the next few weeks. The State begins to become more anti-administration.
On March 31st, 2013, Chairman Auel disbands The State as a safety measure to protect the soldiers of SAFF, much to their protest. The banning stops after The State is disbanded, showing that they were being banned for being in The State. Many members quit without The State.
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But despite the onslaught of shield and sword, Arcadia remained. The State was being damaged more from members deserting, tired of fighting a war without good reason.
To destroy Arcadia, and the new resurgence of Imperial (not to be confused with Imperia), Roanoke was created. A fake account claiming to be the mentor of Auel. It gave hope to Arcadians and other anti-state rebels as their secret weapon that would destroy The State and give them peace. Roanoke gave them free uniforms, unbeknownst to them, controlled by Auel. After giving free uniforms to most of Arcadia's officer staff and to the leader of Imperial, Sherlock, the Trojan horse was complete. Auel triggered the ban, banning all of them for 1 hour scaring them into submission, the ban could be triggered at anytime or extended for longer lengths. This new weapon turned The State's worst enemy into it's most powerful weapon. It was the result of Auel's month long research, learning how to ban and prevent bans.
Arcadia surrendered and became a colony of The State. Peter Rhodes accepted defeat and disbanded his guild, his officers joined The State as enlisted soldiers as humiliation. Female members of Arcadia, who were unaffected, continued fighting The State lead by Alyssa. This flaw is noticed, and is corrected when Arcadia is reborn.
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=== <u>Age of the Power Struggle</u> ===
When Auel quit, he left his legacy in the hands of Morzan, a long time friend and servant to Auel. After a few day, Morzan ended the State claiming it was, "A purge of the unloyal". A third Age of Chaos ensued, and small militaries had quick rises and quick falls. After about a month, Morzan brought it back, attracting old State members and some of its old leaders. Morzan tried to introduce a government to the State and created a Parliament, where anyone with intelligence and experience could join and have a say in the State. Here Vulnus became a minister, and created a new circle of influence. Ultimately becoming more powerful in Morzan, being able to stage a coup at any given moment. It was around this time The Red Order or TRO was formed, which soon turned into the Sith-Jedi-Republic Alliance, or more commonly known as, "Star Wars". The Sith Leader Time, consistently provoked the State, and [[Vulnus K. Consilim|Vulnus]] held a rigged parliament Vote for the creation of "The Embassy" a ploy to unify, TRO, Jedi, Byzantium, and a few minor Clans. However, he never actually did, because he decided to not establish cross-guild relations and rather have himself act as a pan-political figure to keep peace, thus spreading his influence and power. Vulnus also convinced Morzan to make him the single General of State, for the first time in a long while the State was starting to see some structure and organization. However, Morzan didn't have a desire to lead and after a few talks with Auel, Morzan handed leadership to Sherlock. Vulnus had learned of Sherlock's plans to destroy the State before he was leader, but he wasn't online to stop the transition.
Sherlock instantly kicked Vulnus because he knew Vulnus's influence was greater then his own. Vulnus got several tags, and was repeatedly kicked he still acted as General even in this State. Vulnus's circle of high ranking members kept getting him inside, but Sherlock eventually was able to lock him out for a decent amount of time. In those twenty minuets Sherlock kicked many experienced officers, and promoted unqualified members destroying the infrastructure of the State. Morzan contacted Vulnus realizing what Sherlock was doing, Vulnus withdrew his circle and his circle in turn withdrew everyone in their influence, Morzan and Vulnus created a new State, and Sherlock changed the name of the State Guild, ending it.
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He got his officers to make a vote, which passed with more then 50%. Cycling the State into something else, a different name, a different look, and slightly different purpose, and different goals, while at the same time keeping deep State roots. Alteria was born as this new place, and members flocked, flocked, at this new demonstration of power and organization, with the only thing really changed as the State.
=== <u>The Morzanic State</u> ===
The exact time period of this era remains unknown, however it is believed to have happened in the middle of 2014. The military community was fractured with no real guild uniting them. Each military lacked the power to defeat the others and thus the community was stuck in a struggle to overcome the other. It was around this time that [ Morzan Von Kazakov] decided to bring back The State. The most prominent of the militaries at the time was The Confederacy, led by Macbeth. Morzan was able to convince Macbeth to convert his guild into The State, with Morzan as its king. With 5 guilds functioning as The State military, Morzan focused more on the government and civilian branches of The State. The government was based off of the government of The Old State, with ministers voting on matters of state. However as the King, Morzan ruled openly as the supreme authority. With The State back, many former members flocked to Morzan's State. Overtime Morzan managed to recruit Auel Vist, Xinki, and Vulnus Consilim into leadership roles to assist with running The State. The civilian program was launched with the focus of subjecting already formed guilds to The State. It yielded little success and only managed to subjugate the social guild Stylus. It was also during this time that the first on map base was launched. Based in Caldera all officers were required to stay and hold all events on the island. With all the officers and activities being in Caldera, the entire guild relocated. Due to rebel attacks, The State annexed Delta as a buffer between the rebels and Caldera. Terrorism and rebel attacks increased and Delta became increasingly more dangerous. Barracks were created and Delta was patrolled every hour. This would be the first and only successful annexation and control of a territory The State would have. The State continued to grow in numbers, with people intrigued with the idea of on map territories. However Morzan had to leave due to personal issues arising. Leaving control of the guild to General Vulnus, Morzan left. Within a week of Morzan's absence, The State collapsed and would not return for some time.
== Note from The Overseer ==
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