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From Graal Military Wiki
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AUEL then decided the guild do jack shit every now and then he was known as an influence to people who enjoy getting large groups of dipshits to jack off to gay porn while you get fucked hard in the ass by a 5 year old and suck imperia's dick
<nowiki>-----</nowiki>love peace and yin yangs X{C O D E}X
==Birth of The NAZIS==
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one day while state lied around the trainstationn being gay fags circlejerking and doing jack shit imperia came along and killed everyone while state failed at trying to recover AUEL got fucked in the ass by five year olds while imperia kicked states ass after the slaughter AUEL went back to circle jerking with his groupees and being a gay fag with his SAFF and occasionalyy making shitty shields that noobs use all the time and uploads just so his "army" can look like dumbasses while they be gay around the trainstationn this is what state now does every minute of every day of every week of every month of every year
love peace and yin yangs X{C O D E}X<br />Modern State and SAFF
After two weeks of turmoil and chaos, King Auel and military officers (with the exception of Viral) return from ban. King Auel summons the remaining loyal state members, and forms the State Supreme Council, a successor to Parliament that will act as the governing body. Members of the Supreme Council would be known as 'Councilors', and every two weeks a Chairman would be elected who would lead the State and act as Commander in Chief. Auel was elected first Chairman of this new state.
Anonymous user
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