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After the war Imperia decided to generously split the conquered land with the other militaries, taking only York, Snowtown, Deadwood, and Destiny for themselves. Post-war the guild continued to get solid activity through the summer and held strong. The portions of land that were given to Aurea were taken by Sarovia when the Aureans returned to West. This land was quickly taken back by Imperia, again leaving Sarovia landless. 
The Imperians established a foothold into the BrazillianBrazilian military community with the help of Hizack Magnus, who started the first Imperian Brazilian tag, The Kingdom of Niflheim, a viking themed military kingdom. Many other BrazillianBrazilian leaders followed Hizack and joined, or created their own kingdoms under Imperia. This new community provided a major boost in the numbers of Imperia. 
On December 1st of 2019, The Kingdom of Arcadia, lead by Peter Rhodes, seceededseceded from the Imperian Empire over disagreements with the direction the Empire was taking, as well as disagreements over how to handle the remainder of Sarovia. After the departure of Arcadia, the Holy Imperian Empire continued to remain the largest combined military and in a strong state. Arcadia became The Arcadian SoverigntySovereignty and continued to be self sustaining. 
Shortly after, Imperia launched it's fourth phase, moving to incorporate more global cultures. The Kingdom of Elysia adopted a Japanese theme.  A new tag was made under Envisage Maza Magnus, the Tribe of Serelia, the first Aztec themed military guild, the original theme helping the tag to be met with success. The last of the Ordos, Ordo Magnus, was finally discontinued shortly after to lay way for a planned Egypt themed Kingdom, ending officially the crusdecrusade era and moving fully into the global empire. 
In the middle of January of 2020, the newly independent Arcadian Sovereignty attempted and failed to attack Imperia in the towns of Destiny and York. After the attack, Arcadia retreated to lick it's wounds for two months before again attempting to attack, this time attacking Imperians at York and the Imperian-allied Oxerians at MoD town. However, during this war the ever opportunistic Sarovians took advantage of the ongoing conflict to take the territories of both Delta and Destiny uncontested, before independently joining the conflict at MoD. This battle unfortunately ended early due to admin interference and was forcibly placed on ceasefire, which the Sarovians attempted to claim as a victory anyway. During this ceasefire, the Imperians Arcadians and Oxerians agreed to a temporary alliance with the goal of once again knocking Sarovia out of relevancy. The next day, Sarovia was attacked on three fronts, with Imperians engaging at Delta. Sarovia lost all three fronts and once again begun to spiral. This spiral was put to an end as Constantine returned to the game to steady the ship, and attacked the land of Destiny, now controlled by Arcadia alongside the newly emerged nation of Maveria. This conflict begun the [[The War of Destruction]], and a newly formed Anti-Sarovian Pact, which repeatedly bested Sarovia in battles until Constantine once again vanished.
To date (1/8/2020) Imperia has lasted for just over one year, and remains in a strong position. 
After Sarovia had lied dormant for long enough, the former allies of the pact launched a coordinated offensive on the Holy Imperian Empire, with Oxeria, Arcadia, Maveria, Atiesh, and Kiev all simultaneously attacking Imperian territories. The Imperians did not fight in these conflicts, as only days prior they had made an attempt to create a "new community" known as the GMA, in an attempt to bring order and clear toxicity from the GMC. Unfortunately, the Imperians tried to claim that being in this new community meant the attacks didn't matter, effectively committing self nullification. This move proved to strike a large, albeit brief, blow to the morale of Imperia, serving as a wake up call that change was needed.
In the months that followed the attack, Imperia once again changed themes, and saw large boosts in activity, choosing to focus less on the politics of the GMC and instead opting to internalize and have fun with the game. Imperia continued this way through the Summer of 2020. Unfortunately, as the Summer drew to a close, it became abundantly clear that the High Command of Imperia, being primarily consisting of adult members, would no longer be able to commit the time necessary to continue to run the guild on Graal. On August 30th, 2020, Imperia officially disbanded it's presence on Classic, ending the nine year legacy of Imperia on Graal.
== Notable People in Imperia (Auelian-1st Magnusian) ==
Line 144 ⟶ 148:
* Kei Elysium Neplion
* Envisage Magnus
* Noctis Magnus
* Donald Rhodes
* Jaz Solis
* Sirtroll Horvath
* Thanatos Magnus
* Hizack Magnus
* Tsu
* Bjorn Magnus
*JT Caelestius
* ThanatosMavis Magnus
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