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(→‎Amestris-Dobeln: Fixed unclear statements on battles between valorous and amestris.)
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time guilds and forms projects. An attempt to re-initiate Project New Heights fails, and Sol continues his service in the community, without meaning. Nothing much happens during this time, but he holds officer positions and tries to help fledging guilds end the power struggle that plagues the game. Sometime around this time, State and Imperia return. State forms, quickly, bringing loyalists from all over the game. Imperia does the same, and the battle sides are hastily drawn, with battles occuring constantly. Sol joins the State, and serves. However, when he attempts to foil Steins plot to disband a unit, he is indicted for attempted treason. He angrily leaves the guild, and Stein disbands the unit the next day. Looking for action in this conflict between Imperia and State, Sol  forms the Kibler Guard, and becomes Franz Kibler. The Imperians agree to attach the Guard to the Imperian Units, but Sol is a unpopular leader in the Kibler guards. Former friends such as Ramia Kibler become enemies. Sol fights with Imperia against the State, but his unpopularity in Kibler leads to him being passed up to lead an Imperian unit. Kibler eventually falls, and Bacseyia forms. Sol does not serve with Imperia for much longer, and Bacseyia is still fairly pre-launch. Sol forms Aurelis, the 3rd "Aur" trilogy guild. Sol quickly gains support, dubbing the guild the "Anti State-State." It's not as medeival as Imperia, nor Bacsey. Supporters of gun based militaries who dislike the State join to fight, and John Senlok joins to aid him. There is a sense of fair distrust between the two, as months before, Senlok had scammed Sol out of over 100 thousand gralats. They serve, however, and rebuild their friendship. In an effort to combat the State, Sol orders all his troops to ambush Savus's units. A battle occurs, and the State pulls back. As the days go by, Aurelis begins too rapidly attempting to pursue the State, and it leads to the downfall of the guild. John Senlok joins Bacsey to lead the Intelligence corps, and Sol follows to co-lead it. For a while, the guild is harmonius. Former arch-rivals Mathiveas Kaine and Sol, become good friends. However, when Xanth joins Bacsey, Sol, (Now Vulpes Inculta), suspects him of treason. He calls him to the supreme Bacseyian court, and a trial ensues. John, someone who Sol considered a true friend, mercilessley attempts to defend Xanth, taking heavy attempts to soil Sol's name during the court case. Sols suspicions were correct, as Xanth quickly flees the guild before being potentially convicted. After the court case, Sol requests to be moved to The Bacseyian Legion, the guild that Mathiveas leads to co-lead it. He retains the same amount of power, but in a different unit. This move was sparked by growing tensions over John Senloks taking credit for many of the things Sol had been doing, and the court case was the climax in the issue. The guild, Bacsey continues, and Harau makes a Fallout Power armor themed body for Sol. They become good friends. That's when, Auel contacts Sol weeks after the court case. In a conversation, Sol decides to coup Harau to end the war of paranoia. It would take a lot of planning. Auel offers Sol the position of a unit leader, but he declines. Auel gives him the archives password, when it was "Testament", (Making Sol one of the only people to be given the archives password, not stealing it.) Auel and Sol begin to form a form of bond, as they both realize they live in the same city, fairly close by. They talk about their lives in the area, a tale of two cities. One being a goodie, school based, upper class dude who is his class president. The next being a smart, more street based, lower middle class who doesn't do too well in school. Auel mentors Sol, giving him real life advice. Sol begins planning to overthrow Harau, something that would be difficult with how well the guild was doing in his reign.  Sol uses the fact that Harau is too blinded by hate to lead, partnered by others, to convince Mathiveas to join his cause. Several others do, as well, in careful negotiations. They begin coming closer to the "day of action," when Mathiveas messes up. He tells Xeno their plans to overthrow Harau, and Xeno tells Harau "There are members in your guild against you." But refuses to say who, "To protect them." Harau is furious, he believes it is an attempt to destroy Bacsey. Sol is glad that Xeno covers for him, and they begin to develop a friendship. Harau orders a siege on Xeno's compound, where his guild, (Aegis) resides. A tough battle occurs, when Sol jumps at the opportunity. He mascots Mathiveas Kaine, and Harau begins to go insane. (that rhymed.) Sol knows that the Bacseyian and Aegis troops chanting "Hail Mathiveas" would lead Harau to abdicate, losing his most trusted officer to a coup. Sol completely finishes it off, and Mathiveas is crowned king. Sol leaves, and forms Amestris. Mathiveas joins him, to become the Colonel of the 1st Battalion. Amestris would begin an illustrious legacy, becoming the final great guild of 2014, before the great power struggle.
Amestris is formed, bringing Mathiveas as the Colonel of the 1st Battalion. Heavy recruitment begins, with rigid development. Sherlock forms Kaiserlich, and Sol gives a memorable speech on the plans to end him. Sherlock attempts to form a war against Aegis and Amestris, so he may mop up the results. By this time, Imperia, Bacsey, and the State are all gone, officially meaning the end of the war of paranoia at the hands of the Bacseyian Coup. Fessler and Xeno defeat Sherlock, and he quits, marking the final use of that account. Amestris brings in many notable figures, and reaches 36 members on at one point. Xinke Han is the colonel of the 4th Brigade, Colonel Fizz Aesti is the colonel of the 3rd Brigade, and Colonel John Senlok leads the 2nd Brigade. Mathiveas keeps his reign on the 1st. Vol, a newer member in the community is given Brigadier General in an attempt to develop his potential, but he is eventually demoted. Kevlar Vaughn is recruited by Fessler, as an attempt to begin Project Eden, (referenced in xinkes article on the community.) Project Eden aims to build huge cities, quests, railroads, and shops in many guild houses, with mayors, police, and a whole society to break off from the main game. Stein Allanch, former Amestrian Colonel, (disbanded his unit and left) is given the position of Mayor in Amestris I, the capital city. Positions for the project begin getting filled, however Fessler attempts to stop Kevlar from giving Stein control of the guild and city. Kevlar ignores the warning, and Stein disbands Amestris I and the city. Kevlar, and many other officials, are extremely disheartened.  General and President Sol, (now known as Fessler of course,) attempts to bring activity and morale up by bringing war upon Valarous, a military with Valeria as its ruling family. Battles erupt, and at the end, treaty is made. However, Auel convinces Kevlar to disband Eden completely and join him, where "Eden can be successfully remade." Kevlar agrees, and morale begins to drop. Fizz and John disband their units. Mathiveas stays loyal, so does Xinke. Notable members who had once joined, such as Viral CrUeL and Auel Vist leave. Sol orders the demobilization of all active units, and he exiles himself. After Amestris, he becomes inactive. He eventually comes to hold the rank of Colonel in the State on 3 occasions, in the year 2015. Eventually, Peter Rhodes forms Bavaria, Harau has the Covenant, and Sol forms Dobeln. Dobeln brings back many grizzled Amestrian and Aegian war veterans under one banner, but struggles to fight Bavaria. Special Ops raids occur, but Bavaria is at its peak, and coupled with Peters alliance with Harau, Dobeln is barely staying above water. Activity is good, and trainings occur all over destiny. In a desperate attempt to seize an advantage, Sol orders a campaign on Bavarian territory. On the road between CTF and Dozers, Bavarians encircle Dobelns armies with Covenant help. A tough battle occurs, but in a decisive defeat is given to the Dobelns. After the decisive battle of CTF, many smaller battles and special ops missions of both sides occur, however eventually, Dobeln is completely defeated. Harau Bacsey forms his notable "Fessler is Hitler" video.
==Post Dobeln-Reconstructional State==
With Dobeln gone, Fessler goes extremely inactive. He quits for 6 months, and returns to remake Amestris. It does well, but Sherlock puts an end to that when he mascots Mathiveas Kaine, Fesslers closest friend, against him. Mathiveas and Fessler begin to grow distant, and Sherlock and Mathiveas closer.  Fessler quits once more after the failed Amestrian re-creation, and serves a lot in Ol'west, as the NFR Grand Marshal, until Sherlock and other subordinate officers are able to convince Kevlar Vaughn to completely discharge General Fessler from the New Frontier Republic. Fessler rebels, but eventually loses access to his account. Fessler becomes a vocal critic of the Sarovian Regime, and attempts to form a guild but eventually cuts off the plans. He serves as the Knight-Quartermaster of House Regium, for a time, and is the Liege-Lord of House Avalor during the Kingdoms. After, he forms the Royal Army and becomes increasingly vocal in the need for a total reconstruction of the community. The Royal Army eventually falls, in part due to the Xiaoguard controversy, and in part due to the failed attempts of merging with Sarovia and Azrael. He wanders, but eventually joins Vulnus and the Reconstructional State. He becomes a Major, originally, leading the 2nd Infantry, but is promoted to Colonel of the 1st Battalion with the reforms.
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