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== The Return-End of Fessler ==
Some time later, Fessler returns, although extremely inactive. He joins Auels State again, this time as an advisor in the central command. For some weeks, he remains at this position. Eventually however, he is notified that Auel was "banned" and logs on to help Vulnus take control of the State, in face of Yohans predicted attempt to take control. Vulnus remakes the central command and infantries, disbands the second army and groups power into one central guild. Fessler is made lieutenant colonel of the second brigade, under colonel macbeth. Macbeth becomes extremely inactive, and Fessler assumes duty of colonel. A week later, Auel returns and retakes the command of the State. He explains that the State will return to the original format of a big 3 with monthly elections for general and prime minister. In the elections, Irish wins prime minister by a landslide and Fessler continiously builds support for the general position. The final 3 contendors are Captain Craig, Logan, and Fessler. Craig eventually drops out of the race and attempts to switch his supporters votes to Logan, but auel vetoes this move as some of Craigs supporters wished to vote Fessler. Secretly, Logan and Fessler agree to make the runner up Lieutenant General. In a closely contested election, the entire State gathers in the parliament hall and votes one last time. It is tied. The vote must go to the 4 estates, where Logan wins the officers, Fessler wins the enlistees, the foreigners are split, and the NCOs are split. At the last minute, Sergeant Gareth K. Petrovich appears and enters the NCO area, voting for Fessler. Fessler becomes general.
In Fesslers term as general, the State saw many ups and downs, truly representing what the State could be, up and down. There were many inner guild conflicts, many rank issues, but also high activity and prescence in wars. As the guild went on and Auel disappeared once more, Fessler struggled to keep the State orderly as resources went to the government. In a battle with Sarovia at yorktown, they utilize a lag related glitch to completely wipe all of the States units. The State falls back, but Fessler and the senior staff collaborate. They decide to rebuild.
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