
Sol Fessler: Difference between revisions

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== Morzan's State-Aurelium ==
Sol abandons the 15th Regiment of Foot to join Morzan, he is made a Sergeant and soon applies for the government, his application is accepted and he serves there; helping to make important decisions. However, Sherlock returns and creates Kaiserlich. Sol joins Sherlock as a Colonel, and soon Kaiserlich is disbanded leading to Sherlock's second State. A day later, this State is also disbanded. Morzan remakes his state and Vulnus helps him. However, Vulnus soon makes his own guild, Alteria. Most of Morzan's State leaves. Sol is made the Commander of the guard, along with Gorgo being the governor and Raiden being the knight commander. Sol makes a deal with Gorgo to make her Empress if Aurelia is remade, and it is. Alteria falls and Aurelium is created, Gorgo is made Empress and within a few days Aurelium had a trademark, new, ranking system and orginization. The orginization of Aurelium would be used in a later State by Auel. Aga leads the Infantry Force, Azrael leads the Navy and Quinn leads the Cavalry. Aurelium succeeds, and Sol begins using the Auelian tactics he learned in Syrixia, he makes a deal with Joe Kyro to make a fake revolution, and begins to betray previous allies to gain power. It is short lived however when Sol goes offline and Gorgo, under the influence of Raiden, betrays Sol. The current unit commanders are loyal to Sol, however they are easily manipulated with offers of power. Gorgo abuses this weakness and Grand Admiral Azrael, Marshal Quinn, and Marshall Low defect. Grand Marshall Aga stays loyal however inactivity leads to his leave. Sol threatens the rebels repeatedly and is banned, however he leaks emails from his alt.
== Panzer Lehr-Kibler Guard ==
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