
Sol Fessler: Difference between revisions

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m (VulpesSolHoratioVata moved page Sol Vata Octavian Vulpes Horatio to Sol Vata Octavian)
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==== Aurelia ====
Sol, during his activity was planning to make a new military called Aurelia, it was to be the 1st in a trilogy of 3 guilds which was never revealed until recently. Sol switches from Sol to Octavian and begins to create Aurelia. Senlok/John is to be a Consul, the same rank as Octavian and the joint leader of Aurelia. The joint rule accomplishes much and Senlok overthrows Octavian, Octavian is kicked. Senlok becomes a dictator, Emperor of Aurelia. Sol becomes furious and seeks revenge.
==== Aurelian Revolution ====
Angered at Senlok's coup, Octavian makes a revolutionary guild to fight Senlok and Aurelia, although it failed Octavian was given the rank of Prime Minister in Aurelia in exchange for ceasing the revolt, and Octavian continued to think of revolutionary actions against Senlok in secret.
==== Return to Aurelia ====
As prime minister of Aurelia, Octavian accomplishedhelped theaccomplish offAurelia's limitsoffmap journeys and the goals set originally for Aurelia,. He ran Parliament. whenWhen Senlok abandonedretired hisafter posta asmildly Emperorsuccessful run, the Aurelian Empire briefly fell. Octavian took ithis place as per regulations in hopes of revitalizing Aurelia. However, Aurelia fell weeks later and it was disbanded. Aurelia remained inalive but changed as the 15th Regiment of Foot and TaZe/Savus/Sovis was first recruited here.
==== Morzan's State ====
Enlisting in Morzan's State, Octavian went up through the ranks to Lieutenant. He was put into the government, though when Morzan's state was taken over by the Kaiserlich. Octavian supported Kaiserlich.
==== Kaiserlich ====
Joining Kaiserlich after Sherlock and a descendant of Senlok, John, successfully took over Morzan's State, Sherlock inflates the ranks and begins kicking influential people. He puts Octavian only to Lieutenant and lets the State fall.
==== Alteria and Morzan's state II ====
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