
Zearos D. S'ahlesius: Difference between revisions

From Graal Military Wiki
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== Pre-Military Era ==
Zearos began playing in 2009, in the early days of classic, he played on and off for a while, often getting bored and quitting for extended periods of time. He joined and tried out a large variety of guilds during the early years, and unsuccessfully tried to launch a few of his own, as many noobs do.
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There is no denying the community has suffered since the deletion of the State, and Auel having practically retired. The remaining leaders try to emulate Auel instead of creating something on their own, and as a result, no military guild seems to have the same success. Zearos does still care about the overall state of the community, and has done pieces about possible ways to reform. First, in 2015, he, along with Xinke and many others, contributed to [[The End Tomes, by Various Authors|The End Tomes, ]]a series about how to continue with militaries in a post Auel world. Then, in late 2016 into early 2017, Zearos wrote a three article series about t[[The Primary Issues Facing Modern Militaries, by Zearos D. S'ahlesius|he problems that modern militaries faced]] focusing on Ranks, Names, and Training.
== The Holy Imperian Empire ==
At the beginning of 2019, Xinke approached Zearos with a plan he had been formulating with Richard Lux to revive Imperia, it was
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