
Zearos D. S'ahlesius: Difference between revisions

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== The Second Imperia ==
Auel's second Imperia launched to a great start, Kentiman once again lead the main army branch, Xinke lead the knights, and Zearos lead the Imperian Cavalry. While the cavalry didn't have the large numbers of the other guilds, Zearos still gathered a decently sized grouping of players and trained them in the way of mounted combat. Training cycles would be fairly extensive for the cavaliers. Zearos' training sessions would divide the trainees into two groups and have a series of exercises training for how to fight against both foot soldiers and other mounted players while on a horse. Zearos' unit while small was well trained quickly and had extraordinarily proficient cavaliers. Unfortunately, the second Imperia died after roughly a month, and many of the members of the cavalry did not return in the future renditions. No cavalry guild since has been able to meet the widespread success of the Imperial Cavalry, and Zearos himself eventieventually gave up on the skill of Cavalry. [[Category:People]]
== Other Imperian Age Guilds ==
Overall, there were 9 Eras of Imperia spanning nearly two years. Between the many eras of Imperia were a series of other guilds designed by Auel, sometimes giving other leaders a chance to shine. The non military in between guilds included The Baby Punchers Association, a guild dedicated to the antagonizing of Graal Babies, a few attempts the Graal News Network, Auel's idea for a more efficient way to get news to graalians, it failed all three times it was tried, Zearos acted as both a Journalist and an Editor.
In this time, Xinke also had a chance to lead a kingdom with Auel's assistance known as Britannia, unfortunately, Xinke wasn't truly in control and was just a figurehead while Auel called all the true shots. Zearos lead a branch of the military during this era.
== Imperia Eras 3-8 ==
For sake of saving time for those reading this page, I will condense the third to eighth era down to a single section. In all of these, Zearos role remained nearly the same, he would be in charge of running the Imperian/Imperial Academy. The exact purpose of the academy would vary era to era, but for the most part it was to train new recruits. A few other officers in the state would help to teach sometimes. The Academy varied from a three day training course lead by only Zearos to being an extended training opportunity with multiple classes available. Zearos lead a guild in almost every single organization lead by Auel, military or not.
There were minor differentiations between the eras. In the 3rd, the structure was that of a monarchy, the fourth was an empire, the 6th took the form of a republic, during which time Zearos acted as a councilman for the Imperian Council.
It is worth noting that during the fifth era of Imperia, Zearos sat with his friend, Senlok, in the throne room of the castle, a few guards scattered around, but fairly empty on their end of the screen. It was at this time that a man wandered in by the name of James Zor. After a brief exchange of words, Zearos and James quickly grew to be very good friends. Zearos had an unsuccessful attempt to recruit James to Imperia, but he did peak James' interest in militaries, and the two would talk fairly frequently over the next few months.
Throughout every era of Imperia and the guilds between, Zearos attempted to act as a voice of reason to Auel. Initially, Auel took alot of what Zearos said into consideration. People forget that once, Auel had a deeper care and respect for those who followed him. Everything changed after the War of Paranoia, after that war, Auel grew distant and cold, and while he still heard Zearos' advice, he had been shaken up to much by the war to give any true consideration.
== The War of Paranoia ==
The War of Paranoia took place in the fourth era of Imperia. At the time Zaer was Auel's righthand man. Over the past week or two, there had been reports of lower ranked members of Imperia being occasionally attacked by members of Harau Bacsey's military organization, The Bacseyian Federation, which he formed out of spite when he had been kicked, but took half a year to make any real action on it. The war truly started with the Battle of Belle Isle, the details of which have been somewhat exaggerated or forgotten in other tellings, I hope this can clear at least some things up.
Zearos went to Belle that day for a reason I can't remember at this time, back then there was no airlift, but instead a bridge. After crossing the bridge and walking westwards, three Bacseyian soldiers came out from under bushes and began to attack him. After a brief and very unsuccessful attempt to fight them off, Zearos called for help in the guild chat. Auel and Kentiman were first on the scene, followed by the rest of the online Imperians. However, it seemed that as more Imperian reinforcements came in, even more Bacseyian ones were coming. After a few minutes of fighting, Auel realized that the Imperians were far outnumbered, he started to call in favors with retired and ex Imperians to get them to come and fight for him, if at least for the one battle. Many did come, one of which is the famous military figure Ryzallion. The battle quickly turned in Imperia's favor as more and more people came, and eventually Harau called a retreat.
Unfortunately, despite the clear results, both sides still claim victory of that battle to this day. As far as the rest of the war, I'm sure you can find a detailed description of it elsewhere on this wiki, so I won't burden you with the details. Zearos role in it was a soldier, a trainer, and an infiltrator.
As stated above, the war had a drastic impact on Auel. He became a more distant and crueler leader, his guilds wouldn't last as long as they once did before he disappeared, yet he always came back with some new plan on what to do. Zearos' respect for Auel slowly plummeted, and it was because of this that in the late fall of 2012, right before the ninth era of Imperia, that Zearos relationship with Imperia went sour.
== Fallout ==
At this point, Auel had cycled through probably a dozen organizations in three months. Zearos had lead guilds in nearly all of them, as he had since the first Imperia. Overall, between each new guild Auel had him create, reforms during Imperian Eras, and just straight up bullshit from Auel, Zearos had spent around 25,000 Graalats and a thousand hours for Imperia and Auel, and although in the early days he was appreciated, ever since the W.O.P, Auel had taken every officer under him for granted. It was due to this, and anger at Auel's most recent random disappearance, that after Auel publicly proposed the ninth Imperia, Zearos went to Auel's Guild house to have a conversation with him. While intent was initially to be civil, the conversation quickly became heated, they debated furiously for almost an hour over all the wrongdoings and grievances Auel had done over the year and a half Zearos was in service to him. I will not burden you with the details of the argument, only that both sides were truly furious by the end, Zearos left in a foul mood, with no intention of ever joining Auel again.
If only he had been so lucky.
== Valikorlia ==
It was November of 2012, a day or two after the debacle with Auel, Zearos joined the military of his close friend James, Valikorlia. Valikorlia was small at the time, but James had all the makings of a great leader, he could have even been better than Auel if he had the chance. James put Zearos second in command of Valikorlia, and with the combined power of James leadership skills and Zearos' knowledge and experience from the State, they built a military of strong potential. Given time, it could have been more successful than the State was. Unfortunately, they were not given the time they needed to prove this. Roughly a month after Zearos joined Valikorlia, Auel made a decision that is both the best and worst in military history,
(That's all for now, probably do more in a week or so, you see where this is going though)[[Category:People]]
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