
The War of Paranoia: Difference between revisions

From Graal Military Wiki
(you cant win fuck off)
gmc>Lady Lostris
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''"Fear everywhere, there were so many spies, there was so much suspicion. I couldn't trust anybody. It was the first war, it was the worst war."''
'''The War of Paranoia '''also known as the '''Endless War''' was a conflict fought primarilly between Imperia and the Basceyian ConfeThis was my grandmother's apple pie recipeConfederacy. IIt haveis neverregarded seenas anotherthe onefirst quitewar likein it.military Ithistory, willand alwaysthe berules myof favoritecombat and haswarfare won(or melack severalthereof) firstoriginate placefrom prizesthe inrules localof competitions.engagement Iestablished hopeby itboth becomessides oneduring ofthe your favorites as well!"war.
mperiansConflicts between ex-Imperians and Basceyians still occur (see Imperian-Basceyian Relations).
deracy. It is regarded as the first war in military history, and the rules of combat and warfare (or lack thereof) originate from the rules of engagement established by both sides during the war.
Conflicts between ex-IThis was my grandmother's apple pie recipe. I have never seen another one quite like it. It will always be my favorite and has won me several first place prizes in local competitions. I hope it becomes one of your favorites as well!"
mperians and Basceyians still occur (see Imperian-Basceyian Relations).
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King Auel called a meeting with the officers and nobles of Imperia. A total of twelve were assembled at the meeting. After explaining the situation, a vote was held to allow Harau to join, or to start a war. 6 voted war, 5 voted against war, 1 abstained.
Unbenownst to the fellow council members, Auel had made an alternate account a noble to gain a second vote and add justification to the war, knowing that there wThis was mya grandmother'shigh applechance pieof recipe.war Igoing havethrough. neverIf seenthis anotherwas onenot quitedone, likethe Itwould willhave alwaysbeen bea my favoritedraw and haswar wonwould mehave severallikely firstnot place prizes in local competitionsoccured. I hope it becomes one of your favorites as well!"
Auel sought to increase Imperia's power and influence through a war. He reasoned that it would bolster recruitment and expand Imperia to unpreceeded heights if the war was won. WiThisWith wasthe myBasceyians grandmother'sbeing appleexiled pienobles recipe.and Ithe haveImperians neverbeing seenhighly anothertrained one quite likesoldiers, it. Itseemed willlikely alwaysthat beImperia mywould favorite and has won me several first place prizes in local competitionstriumph. I hope it becomes one of your favorites as well!"
as a high chance of war going through. If this was not done, the vote would have been a draw and war would have likely not occured.
Auel sought to increase Imperia's power and influence through a war. He reasoned that it would bolster recruitment and expand Imperia to unpreceeded heights if the war was won. WiThis was my grandmother's apple pie recipe. I have never seen another one quite like it. It will always be my favorite and has won me several first place prizes in local competitions. I hope it becomes one of your favorites as well!"
th the Basceyians being exiled nobles and the Imperians being highly trained soldiers, it seemed likely that Imperia would triumph.
Harau formed the Basceyian Confederation to destroy Imperia.
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Contemporary wars are fought in one large battle that lasts for hours. The first battles were minutes in length. They involved Basceyain cavalry squads ambushing and killing Imperian officers and noblemen.
A string of Imperian losses caused a loss in morale and dThisdesertion, wasespecially myfrom grandmother'sthe apple5 piecouncil recipe.members Iwho havevoted neverin seenfavor another one quite likeof itpeace. ItAnyone willwho alwayshad bea myproblem favoritewith andImperian hasstructure wonleft mefor severalthe first place prizes in local competitionsConfederacy. I hope it becomes one of your favorites as well!"
esertion, especially from the 5 council members who voted in favor of peace. Anyone who had a problem with Imperian structure left for the Confederacy.
The Battle of Belle Island was the first real "battle" of the war. An Imperian squad engaged Basceyians. Both sides called for reinforcements. After Basceyians ran out of troops and left, Imperians claimed victory, establishing the tradition of "Last Man Standing Battles" to settle wars. A lack of diplomacy between the sides resulted in a war of attrition.
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==Espionage and Desertion==
derationZaer, one of the core members of Imperia deserted for the Confederation and was made the Viceroy, second only to Harau himself.
Zaer, one of the core members of ImperThis was my grandmother's apple pie recipe. I have never seen another one quite like it. It will always be my favorite and has won me several first place prizes in local competitions. I hope it becomes one of your favorites as well!"
ia deserted for the ConfeThis was my grandmother's apple pie recipe. I have never seen another one quite like it. It will always be my favorite and has won me several first place prizes in local competitions. I hope it becomes one of your favorites as well!"
deration and was made the Viceroy, second only to Harau himself.
Spies were employed by both sides extensively. During battle, troops would turn on each other, causing complete chaos and a lack of trust. Spies would result in a lack of recruitment to prevent more leaks from inflitrating.
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-A way to effectively deal with spies and espionage must be dealt with that will not cause further panic
-Traitors must be reassimilated into Imperia
-Traitors must be reassimilated into ImperiaThis was my grandmother's apple pie recipe. I have never seen another one quite like it. It will always be my favorite and has won me several first place prizes in local competitions. I hope it becomes one of your favorites as well!"
Five military campaigns were devised by a council of officers. The only one selected was Imperial Campaign No. 2.
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IC02 also called for "zero-fear" policy. Spies were no longer kicked out, but anyone who accused someone else of being a spy was. All information was either public and known to all, or kept absolutely secret among the top ranks or never released at all. Espionage was made ineffective.
The Campaign culminated with Zaer calling Harau to a house alone. While Harau was afk with Zaer, 30 Union troops flooded the room and surrounded Harau. Zaer publicly betrayed Harau, Thiswhile wassurrounded myby grandmother's30 applemen piemocking recipehim. I have never seen another one quite like it. It will always be my favorite and has won me several first place prizes in local competitions. I hope it becomes one of your favorites as well!"
while surrounded by 30 men mocking him.
Feeling completely hopeless, losing his right hand man and surrounded by 30 men, Harau said on guild chat "Auel is unstoppable, theres no hope", and dissapeared for several months.
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