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When he began the game, he was quickily enslaved by a group of criminals and forced to work on their farms. He would later become a criminal himself and became involved with illicit activities such as slaving and off map travel.
WhileAt some wanderingpoint, Auel encountered the Graal Defense Forces. The largest Pre-State military. While The State is the origin of all current militaries, there were militaries before The State that operated on different systems and organization. It focused on towering and protecting people from hackers, glitchers, and on towering. The GDF was lead by General Insignia. Auel founded his own slave and farming organization, the SEC and supplied funds to the GDF in exchange for manpower to help capture slaves. It was his first experience with running a guild, and the first exposure to an organized military.
Auel founded his own slave and farming organization, the SEC, and supplied funds to the GDF in exchange for manpower to help capture slaves. It was his first experience with running a guild, and the first exposure to an organized military.
These origins are one of slavery, exploration, illegal activity, and militarism. It's not surprising that such an environment would create the dictator that would be known as Führer Auel.
==The Royal Guard==
When his stint in the SEC was over, he found the potential for something more significant in The Royal Guard. Protectors of the First Auel, the Royal Guard kept peace in the Castle and guarded the King on his throne. It was peaceful times, players came from all over the game to request assistance from the King or request his wisdom to settle disputes. The tower guilds stayed above in their flag room, and the halls were filled with guards, nobles, and people socializing as a Kingdom.
The SEC and GDF eventually split paths. At the time, Auel was known as Arzachel. After spending time with several towering guilds, he wanted something more significant, something where he would be apart of something bigger.
At the time, Auel was known as Arzachel. The King recognized Arzachel for his leadership, and made him Captain of the Royal Guard.
He found the potential for something more significant in The Royal Guard. Protectors of a King whose name is forgotten (it is rumored to have been the first Auel in the Tale of the Mad King), the Royal Guard kept peace in the Castle and guarded the King on his throne. It was peaceful times, players came from all over the game to request assistance from the King or request his wisdom to settle disputes. The tower guilds stayed above in their flag room, and the halls were filled with guards, nobles, and people socializing as a Kingdom.
Arzachel was recognized for his efficent leadership and combat, the King made him Captain of the Royal Guard.
Several days thereafter, a Civil War broke out in the Kingdom between a faction of noblemen and their handful of followers and the King and his guardsmen. Peace was shattered, and everything fell apart.
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==The Alliance==
Attempting to jump-start his vision of a global order and government like had seen in The Royal Guard, Auel used his new position as a tower leader to forge an confederation between the 3 largest tower guilds at the time: AGK, NAL, and Rice Kings.
It was known simply as "The Alliance".
Despite wielding large numbers in total, the factions were difficult to organize to work together on any project. The lack of a central authority or commitment from any of the factions resulted in failure.
In an effort to organize the guild, Auel had turned his guild house into an office building. The office consisted of a secretary, his second in command Roxas, and several bookshelves and cubicle type structures.
This experience would lead to all State guilds giving up sovereignty and the State being ruled by an extremely powerful central authority: Auel himself.
The Alliance was the precursor to The State. Without it, The State would have never come into existance. In The State, all factions gave up sovereignty, and joined together to form one guild, and were not just united by words or figures, but were truly united.
==Trailblazing and Krung Thep==
The practice of Trailblazing was invented after the fall of The Alliance by Auel. It is a time of intentional inactivity and guildlessness to learn new skills. It is still practiced to this day.
Trailblazing was the proccess of not being in a guild in order to learn new skills alone. It was a practice originated by Auel after the fall of The Alliance. Trailblazing is still practiced today by many adherents of Imperian Doctrine. During this time, Auel learned how to create graphics, starting with shields, and later swords. He also studied under several glitch masters to learn not how to use glitches, but how to find them.
During the first trailblazing, Auel learned how to create graphics, starting with shields, and later swords. He also studied under several glitch masters to learn not how to use glitches, but how to find them.
These skills attracted the attention of the development group: Krung Thep. Lead by Chief of Research, Cae and her brother, Cael. Auel worked on projects like the A6, which would later be known as Sentinels. Working with other researchers, Auel created the classifications Type 1 and Type 2 invincibility, and worked on projects ranging from a portal system to invisibility.
These skills attracted the attention of the development group: Krung Thep. Lead by Chief of Research, Cae and her brother, Cael. Auel worked on the A6 Project aka Sentinels. Working with other researchers, Auel created the classifications Type 1 and Type 2 invincibility, and worked on projects ranging from a portal system to invisibility. All of these developments would have major ramifications in the future.
Auel met Harau Bascey, a fellow member of Krung Thep, and encountered several Graal Defense Forces members again such as Insignia and his lieutenants, Hawx and Lynx. Auel also met Viral (then known as De Wolf) in Krung Thep briefely.
Auel met Harau Bascey, a fellow member of Krung Thep, and encountered several Graal Defense Forces members again such as Insignia and his lieutenants, Hawx and Lynx. Auel also met Viral (then known as De Wolf) in Krung Thep briefely.
Chief Cae and Cael dissapeared suddenly, and disbanded Krung Thep. It was later revealed they were working on a project for the organization known only as Veda.
Chief Cae and Cael dissapeared suddenly, and disbanded Krung Thep. It was later revealed they were working on a project for the organization speculated to be called Veda.
The wherabouts of Cae and Cael are still actively sought today by certain individuals, even more than two years after their dissaperance for various reasons.
The whereabouts of Cae and Cael are still actively sought today by certain individuals, even more than three years after they vanished.
==The Second Royal Guard and The Rise of Imperia==
After the end of Krung Thep, Auel discussed the idea of starting a Kingdom with his friend from KT, Harau Bascey. Auel would be Captain of the Royal Guard as he was before, and Harau would be the King. Harau already had a family: The Basceyians that would become the Royal Family.
The Royal Guard and The Royal House of Bascey enjoyed some tranquility for thea firstfew monthmonths. The Royal Guard had been filled up, and Auel had commisioned the creation of The Royal Army to help control the influx of recruitsmade.
Unrest began to build up as Harau Bascey and the other nobles insulted the troopssoldiers, calling them racial slurs based on their nationalities. The troops confided inasked Auel to take control from his friend, and become the King. A coup was staged, and Harau was deposed and thrown out of the castle. Under the leadership of Captain Auel, the Kingdom of Imperia was proclaimed.
Auel declared that he would make himself a Margrave, acting regent of the throne until a suitible King could be found. Still only wanting to be apart of something bigger, not actually wanting to lead it, Auel continued to act like a Captain of the Royal Guard.
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Seeing that if he was to lead effectively, Auel returned to pick up the pieces of Imperia and did not assume the title of Margrave, he became King of Imperia.
King Auel commanded massive forces, Imperia was groundbreaking and new. People rallied to the call "Visi Krusa Imperia" (All Hail Imperia). Some of the notable guilds of the Second Era were:
The Royal Family: Lead by King Auel
The Royal Guard:
The Royal Army: Lead by General Kentiman
The Knights of The Round: Lead by Sir Ryzallion
The Lionsguard: Lead by The Wandering Troubadour
The Knights of Imperia: Lead by Commander Xinke
The Imperian Rangers: Lead by Captain Harimaid
The Imperian Vanguards: Lead by Griff
The Imperian Archers: Lead by Commander Aicen
The Imperian Cavalry: Lead by Zearos
The Imperian Paladins: Lead by Captain G. Robby
Imperian Special Operations:
The Imperian Standard Military Rank Structure was created by Auel to manage the massive size:
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Imperian doctrine focused skill over numbers, resulting in a team of highly trained Knights, Captain, and Commanders. As a result, the Imperian Military of the Second Era was probably one of the greatest in graal's history. This doctrine still is followed by many Imperians.
To rally forces, Auel put the focus on Imperia as a nation, as a Kingdom, not on himself, resulting in the Knights, Captains, and Commanders being more independent and self aware, adding to their effectiveness and the ability of the Imperian Military to operate three separate branches of five guilds each, unconnected by guild chat. The awesome feat has never been replicated.
Auel created the Imperian Calender and the Imperian Library to keep records, which have since been lost.
To rally forces, Auel put the focus on Imperia as a nation, as a Kingdom, not on himself, resulting in the Knights, Captains, and Commanders being more independent and self aware, adding to their effectiveness and the ability of the Imperian Military to operate three separate branches unconnected by guild chat. An epic feat that has never been replicated.
==Tales of Imperia==
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==Current Activity==
Auel is currently MIA.
Since leaving The State, Auel has retired from leading guilds and been inactive.
==Legacy and Criticism==
He has been banned for three months but he has returned and has created a new guild, "The Nation".
Some say that the methods that Auel has used to create The State and his influence make him a tyrant. Notably his ruthless and wanton destruction of smaller military guilds, despite having said on many occasions that he is "fighting to help give voice to smaller guilds". Others call him a visionary leader who pioneered the creation of a revolutionary new era of guilds, a great leader, and arguably the most legendary military commander in the game. Both are subjective: whether Auel was an evil tyrant, or a benevolent dictator.
Auel's current whereabouts are unknown.
Auel's philosophy is most clearly shown in one of his quotes: "I don't play fair, I play to win". For Auel, the end justifies the means. He has had no qualms over manipulating, hacking, banning, bribing, coercing, and intimidating others to get his way. His goals are unclear and unknown but to a few, so whatever noble, if even, end that these undoubtedly unethical actions were taken for is also unclear.
A man claiming to be an Auel, Clovis Vist, bearing the samily family name and traits has recently appeared. It is said that Führer Auel is set to return and take control of The State again at the end of June 2014.
After interacting with Auel, many people come to think that he hates them, this is not the case. He comes off as aloof and detached because he does not care about his subordinates. As someone who has lead guilds for so long, he has lost too many subordinates to become attached to them. It is only to a small circle of officers that he cares about and is himself. He has been known to ban several of his own soldiers for the sake of banning a single enemy.
Auel rules through fear and awe. He never brags about what he is capable of, people know through his actions and the rumors from others.
Auel was not always a callous and cold commander. However, as he himself laid down the rules of war that the military follows, he has participated in more wars than any other player in graal. War turned a jovial, friendly and caring fellow soldier who wanted to be apart of something bigger than himself into a disillusioned and ruthless dictator.
He is known for his sociopathic tendencies, especially his drive for power and ruthless methods to dispose of anyone who gets in his way.
-"Winners win while whiners whine."
-"Only the foolish deal in absolutes. There is no black and white good and evil, only grey."
-"I don't play fair, I play to win."
= Powers and Abilities =
=Powers and Abilities=
'''Off Map Traveling/Warping:'''
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Auel is a skilled orator. He has inspired countless players to follow him because he has been able to inspire them through his words. His success canis be acrediteddue to his ability to speak and convince other people to support him.
==Legacy and Criticism==
Some say that the methods that Auel has used to create The State and his influence make him a tyrant. Notably his ruthless and wanton destruction of smaller military guilds, despite having said on many occasions that he is "fighting to help give voice to smaller guilds". Others call him a visionary leader who pioneered the creation of a revolutionary new era of guilds, a great leader, and arguably the most legendary military commander in the game. Both are subjective: whether Auel was an evil tyrant, or a benevolent dictator.
Auel's philosophy is most clearly shown in one of his quotes: "I don't play fair, I play to win". For Auel, the end justifies the means. He has had no qualms over manipulating, hacking, banning, bribing, coercing, and intimidating others to get his way. His goals are unclear and unknown but to a few, so whatever noble, if even, end that these undoubtedly unethical actions were taken for is also unclear.
After interacting with Auel, many people come to think that he hates them, this is not the case. He comes off as aloof and detached because he does not care about his subordinates. As someone who has lead guilds for so long, he has lost too many subordinates to become attached to them. It is only to a small circle of officers that he cares about and is himself. He has been known to ban several of his own soldiers for the sake of banning a single enemy.
Auel rules through fear and awe. He never brags about what he is capable of, people know through his actions and the rumors from others.
Auel was not always a callous and cold commander. However, as he himself laid down the rules of war that the military follows, he has participated in more wars than any other player in graal. War turned a jovial, friendly and caring fellow soldier who wanted to be apart of something bigger than himself into a disillusioned and ruthless dictator.
Despite this, a handful suspect that his evil demeanor is a put-on act designed for an unknown purpose...
-"My people love me because I don't care about them."
-"Winners win while whiners whine."
-"Only the foolish deal in absolutes. There is no black and white good and evil, only grey."
-"I don't play fair, I play to win."
Anonymous user
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