
Spyros Consilim: Difference between revisions

From Graal Military Wiki
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'''Çønsïlïm''' - Was givenGiven to Spyros by [[Vulnus K. Consilim|Vulnus Regium]] for the reason he differed from the rest of the troops. His personality, leadership and hard-work, but above of all dedication during his time in The State.
'''Verûm''' - HandedGiven to Spyros by Auel Logan and Frederick with the reason being his capabilities, such as a leader.
'''Kyro''' - ReceivedGiven to Spyros by Joe Kyro at the time he was supposed to be a part of the Kyronian high command, the final project before Joe's retirement.
'''Maximus''' (Founder) - Founder of Maximus along with Charles Maximus.
'''Koziak''' - OfferedGiven to Spyros by [[Sage|Sage Vølanus]] upon their friendship and teamwork over the years.
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