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Its safe to say that Vermilion officially began his military career in the community during 2014's State. Since then, he's stayed off the radar, only to appear under different names, being a member of numerous notable guilds that include, but are not limited to; Bavaria, Aurea, and multiple renditions of the State.
== The State (2014) ==
'TwasIt was late summer of 2014 when a State rally caught Danus3099s' eye. Having no other games to play at the time, he decided to join out of curiosity and boredom. Upon joining, he was placed as a Private. Seeing as how he lacked both experience or knowledge, his rank did not progress. Asduring his time there, and as the time went by, his overall interest in the guild slowly began to dwindledie out. Being the retard that he was, he was easily playedmanipulated by fellow guild mates, falling for all the plethora bull shit they managed to cram into his head. After falling for god knows how many false promotions, he slowly typed out his autistic goodbye into the guild chat and disappearedleft, thinkingafter mighty of the few wordswhich he said before leaving, it went along the lines of "loser guild I hate u bye". He proceeded to delete the game not long after leaving.
''It was after the State that he decided to change his name to Vermilion.''
== Bavaria (2015) ==
VermilionsLinus' time in Bavaria was short, as he left not long after recruitment. He had recently returned to Classic from his yearlong hiatus and it was the only promising guild at the time. Upon joining, he was placed as a Private in the 3rd Regiment and began making friends with hisbefriending fellow Privates almostrecruits immediately. Having learnedpicked up a thing or two from his time in the State, he managed to keep from making himself out to be a complete and utter retard. It was herein Bavaria that he learnedgained athe bitutmost amount of moreknowledge about the community. His stay was only about a week or so long when he made the decisiondecided to leave, aiming to establish a family of his own.
== Marius ==
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== 2017-2018 ==
I'd rather not get into detail about what I did during these years, seeing as how it'd take a fat minute. Insteadinstead, I've attachhave attached a list of guilds I was associated with. (Incomplete)
* Kate's Cut Throat Killers (2017)


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