
From Graal Military Wiki

Not all people with notable quotes have a wiki page, so I created this page. Please keep quotes of the same person together, and please italicize the quote itself.


  • "Winners win while whiners whine." - Auel
  • "Only the foolish deal in absolutes. There is no black and white good and evil, only grey." - Auel
  • "I don't play fair, I play to win." - Auel
  • "The less you speak, the more weight your words carry when you do." - Auel
  • "Humans aren't machines. You can't take one apart, reassemble it, and expect it to still work." - Auel
  • "Vulnism....you know, the belief that all badasses are the offspring of our dark lord, Vulnus." - Vulnus
  • "Life is short, get the hell off this game and make the best of it" - Vulnus
  • "Words are the weapon of the Intelligent" - Vulnus
  • "No, I give everyone a fair chance, I don't judge until you have given me a reason to do so" - Vulnus
  • "If everyone is an officer, then there is no true power" - Vulnus
  • "My wood is always locked in a hard on because I'm always fucking bitches." - Vulnus
  • "Lol yeah I know him, I trained him." - Kozak
  • "You can't fight to your opponent, you just need to relax and fight your game." - Kozak
  • "Guns almost as big as my... Sword." - Kozak
  • "Duuuuuuude.. Take the Auel dildo... Out of your ass." - Kozak
  • "Rules are meant to be broken, when the rule maker says so." - Kusan
  • "Everybody, hug formation.....on me." - Kusan
  • "A soldier who strikes fast, strikes first." - Kusan
  • "Rank here is a sign of experience, not exception." - Kusan
  • "You're not high enough rank to have health problems." - Kevlar
  • "Shieeeeeeeeeeeeet"-Kevlar
  • "Canada likes to be made fun of." - Gorgo
  • "I love how all militants are so generic. It's easier dealing with a group then several individuals." - Gorgo
  • "Time is the perfect example of a militant. Unusually huge ego, and takes the game way too seriously." - Gorgo
  • "I like to forget the past and look towards the future." - Gorgo
  • "Maybe Graal is the sole reason I'm so fucked up." - Gorgo
  • "Influence is undetermined by rank. I was controlling Generals as a Staff Sergeant." - Gorgo
  • "In a world where everything is pixels... Pixels are important" - Stein
  • "I'll stick with you until the Earth explodes or whatever" - Stein
  • "Period underscore period" - Stein
  • "Turtles would make great presidents" - Stein
  • "I made your face. You're welcome" - Stein
  • "I will steal a whale from Poseidon" - Stein
  • "Only pros cheat." - Arkantos
  • "Your girl is up for sweepstakes.. and i'll eat her ass like a cheesecake."-Fessler
  • "That's why I liked Amestria. It was easy. They were like plants, you just give them some water and some sunlight and their happy. They don't try to kill you when your sleeping.. for the most part."
  • "My name is jamal and I fly down the hall."-Fessler