Kyro Family Mythos, by Joe Kyro: Difference between revisions

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= The Birth of The Universe =
Initially, there was naught but a black infinitude, the void itself, and a singular soul, an infantile wisp of limitless energy, lost in this endless darkness, it sought release. The pent up mass of power needed some kind of "direction" or "purpose". To find this "purpose", the soul reached into itself and birthed existence, spreading itself into what we know today as reality into true existence. An excruciating never-ending time paradox, in which the energy was both everywhere and nowhere at all, both living and dead at once. The previous wisp was now the nexus of spacetime itself, amply referred to as the Graalverse. It was placed in the heart of all universes and dimensions with detail. Additionally, the soul, having been the epicenter of this new world and the cynosure of its birth, it took on its "purpose" and soon enough it's sheerΒ willpower and determination focused enough energy into one location, to become a being capable of spontaneous creations, gifted with the ability to bend the laws and concepts of this world that It created and manipulate them. Eventually, the energy was named Kyro. When He awoke in this form, He admired the world and all within it. He found that while he was dispersed. He had subconsciously created many concepts and laws which the world abided by and so He would watch the world to keep said law and concepts from going out of balance. Whenever He watched the world, it prospered, on the contrary, when He looked away, even for the slightest of moments, the world would dissolve swiftly and die if left unattended. While attempting to discover a solution to this problem, somehow innately, He knew... He would have to create others like Him, however He required mere mortals to make them a reality or they would have no desire to protect the mortal world and so He decided to take upon an ordinary form and capture the most qualified of individuals. Subsequently, He granted them access to extraterrestrial power, an art available to master in the society of Kyronia by only the most worthy of the family, creating a pantheon of Gods to watch the world for him when he leaves, and here He stands today.
=[[=Jace Mendacium|Jace Kyro]]: The First KyroBetrayer==
The first being chosen for ascension was one named Jace. Due to Jace's similar demeanor to Him, they grew friendly quickly. He was shocked to find Jace's desire to protect the world. In life, he fought many great battles, assisting the realm of Kyronia in many war efforts. Jace fought for truth above all. Consequently, He thought it was only proper to grant Jace total power over Law, War and Brotherhood, and so He placed Jace as a protector of the world. Unfortunately, with only a mortal mind, Jace could not comprehend how to use his powers and so He decided to find another, perhaps a more intelligently advanced one than the first to help Him enlighten everyone with knowledge, and true power. HeJealous overcameof his blocksinability withto therise helpto ofpull Irispower Jace would grow up to throw a temper tantrum, tainting himself and heretwo other once deities, twisting them heinto standsdemonic todayforms.
==God of Law, War & Brotherhood==
The first being chosen for ascension was one named Jace. Due to Jace's similar demeanor to Him, they grew friendly quickly. He was shocked to find Jace's desire to protect the world. In life, he fought many great battles, assisting the realm of Kyronia in many war efforts. Jace fought for truth above all. Consequently, He thought it was only proper to grant Jace total power over Law, War and Brotherhood, and so He placed Jace as a protector of the world. Unfortunately, with only a mortal mind, Jace could not comprehend how to use his powers and so He decided to find another, perhaps a more intelligently advanced one than the first to help Him enlighten everyone with knowledge, and true power. He overcame his blocks with the help of Iris, and here he stands today.
=Iris Kyro: The Mother of All=
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Prophet lived his life on a boat, devoting his life to the sea, ferrying people around for a little coin here and there. Prophet was an honest and hard working man and so one day when He went to visit the boats, a young man was running it. Profit lay old and grey still in the cabins of his ship and so He granted Prophet powers and immortality so he could continue his work within the realm of Kyronia, and here he stands today.
=Kai Kyro: The NewbieFoolish=
==God of Education, Color & Clairvoyance==
Though Kai was met recently, he seems confident that these will be his domains. Kai was responsible for the influx of new citizens and militants alike, as well as their trainers,. newlyHe appointedwas hisblinded powers,and fooled by the lies of Jace and heretook these members to hejoin standsthe todaybetrayer.
=The Kyrø Twins=
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She was found one cold night by Him, with her brother; Markus, a playful child with a kind heart, a loving soul and exceptional talent. In general, a quick learner. She desired nothing but for those around her to accept, love and respect her for who she is, but He was too focused on Markus and the rest of the family to give her much of anything. Having spent most of His attention on the runaway son and keeping the others in check, Oksana wondered why He didn't acknowledge her as she deserved. He gives even the worst of them chances, notice and admiration. One day, she asked Him directly and he stated thusly: "My daughter, you do your best work when I am not there to hinder you and the work you do is adored by many. I have to focus more on those that make mistakes, otherwise they could really damage the natural functions of reality with their endless power." She then understood He had a job to do above all else. Her dad was God after all, and here she stands today.
==Markus Kyro: The Prodigal SonBastard==
===God of Knowledge, Mirrors & Light (Second of The Twin Gods)===
This boy was found one night next to his sister; Oksana, on the side of a road, half buried in snow while He was walking home on a cold winter's night. He loved His son and things were going well until Markus left, attempting to reach new heights before he was ready. But his reason for leaving you may be wondering? Mark was always outshone by his sister and her pure intentions. Whereas all he could do, was know things and make light shows. When Markus left the realm of Kyronia, he created a Library to store knowledge and for a while, it worked. Over time, he learned that the majority of those in the Graalverse cared not for intellect. Subsequently, the library shut down and Markus returned home where his father welcomed him with open arms. andOnly herefor him to for a last time spit in his father's eye, siding with the betrayer, and hebeing standsfully todaydisowned.