
Revision as of 16:19, 18 May 2021 by Kusan (talk | contribs) (Added mission statement and organized eras.)

Pages taken from the long forgotten and defunct Elysia on Delteria Wiki.


Elysian Logo

Founding date



Kusan Delawyn, Fang Kusan, Azrael Kusan

Ruling Families

The Küsän Family, House Elysium

Mission Statement

Below is the unedited mission statement for Elysia written in early 2014 by Auel Kusan. For preface, Auel Kusan decided that with the migration from Classic to Delteria, he would go under a new name and therefore chose to go by Fang Kusan for his journeys in Delteria.

“The mission of Imperia is to establish Eden.

The game right now is a messed up place. Admins abuse their power, and do not really take care of the people. They are much more present than any other MMO, and the game has become twisted. The need for money has turned people on eachother, and theft, scamming, and begging is rampant. Players bully other players for fun, and they do the same in turn to others. A handful of tower guilds dominate all the towers, and they are made up of all the same people who are looking to collect many 1k hats. The game is without meaning, and many players are lost and alone.

None of this can be changed.

Society can’t be changed. But a new one can be made. A society with order, rules, where people can tolerate one another and be nice. In this society, it wont just be a pyramid, with all of us on the bottom, and no chance of getting higher except by becoming a admin. In this society, you can move up and have power over other people, and you can do great things. This can all be done. We can make the game the kind of game that it was made to be by creating our own small pocket of peace. That is Eden.

There are those who will try to stop us, and those who think that what we are doing is impossible, and maybe it is. But we will try, and we’ll have a good time trying.”

These are the words of the mission Imperia went to accomplish several years ago.  I admire Imperia and what it was built from, who it was built with, and it’s goals.  Therefore I made Elysia.  I made Elysia in order to bring societies and kingdoms to GraalOnline Delteria and try to make the mainstream military guilds seem old.  Military guilds accomplish destruction and chaos, they thrive for war and usually have no beneficial goal for the game or each other.  Elysia is not a military, it is a society.  The society that will make a difference and show everyone that it is a place of benefit, wonder, and greatness.  My goal was always to teach.  I enjoy helping others and teaching them new things so they can’t be used.  I teach and help others to become enlightened and educated thinkers and leaders.  That is why I made Elysia.  Eventually, the Elysian’s will be able to develop their own guilds, build their own societies and be successful.  This will all make Graal a better place, and so I aid you all to push the game into that era.

~Sincerely, Commander Fang Kusan of The Elysian Knights.

The Great Elysian Migration

The Great Migration was the bridge between Elysia moving from GraalOnline Classic to GraalOnline Delteria.  What made The Great Migration so difficult was the fact that Delteria was only available on Facebook and Playerworlds, no mobile release whatsoever.  Around 20 Elysians managed to move to Delteria, not all completely however.  Those who made it include; John, Alyx, Jordon, Jermaine, Grizz, Sol, Monkey, Irish, Eaglevision, Raiden, Julez, Kusan himself and and James K. Dolan.  While waiting for mobile release to come, Fang Kusan began to work on several documents that were required prior to Elysia fully starting on Delteria such as The Elysian Guard Examination, The Elysian Royal Guard Examination, The Elysian Constitution, and several more.  He also began to build up the weapon barracks and his funds for Elysia while developing the site and new features for Elysia at the same time.

The Prosperitas Era

Fang Kusan, founder of Elysia, officially moved Elysia to Delteria on May 2nd, 2014 (Beginning the Prosperitas era).  Considering none of the current Elysian Guard of Elysian Society leaders were moved to Delteria, Fang created a general guild known as The Elysian Armed Forces containing The Elysian Guard, The Elysian Knight, and The Elysian Society members.  Fang began training the current Elysians and assisting them to level up in order to have some trained members when all of the Elysians arrive to Delteria.

This Era lasted about a month with v

The Kingdom of Elysia under Imperia


Notable Members