
From Graal Military Wiki
Revision as of 01:23, 8 April 2014 by gmc>Shoehorns

"He's the Hitler of Graal."

Auel is well known graphic artist, guild leader, and hacker. He is attributed with the creation of the guilds Imperia, Britannia, The State, and The Baby Punchers Association and is called the Father of the Graal Military for his influence in laying down their structure and doctrine. He is also an acomplished graphic artist, with his 78+ shield codes being used widely by all. He is also the designer behind most military uniforms and their variants and several original types of bodies. Auel is a publicly known hacker, with over 120 bans on his account and 45+ macro and hack alerts on his profile.

His loyalist following has resulted in the terms "Auelism" for the following of Auel and the term "Auelist" for his followers.


After completing the tutorial on Balamb Island, the player that would later become Auel was captured by a slave trader. In the days before the Out button, slavers would often capture noobs and sell them to farmers in order to work on their plantations. Auel was captured and sold to a farmer and worked on his farm for a short duration. After escaping from the plantation, Auel joined a group of slavers and became one of the people who enslaved him.

The Royal Guard

The Alliance

Trailblazing and Krung Thep

The Second Royal Guard and The Rise of Imperia

The Second Era of Imperia

Tales of Imperia

The Fall of Imperia

The State

Powers and Abilities

Legacy and Criticism