
From Graal Military Wiki

Humble Beginnings

In 2015, young Arnold was searching through the app store and found a peculiar game called Graal Online Classic. He downloaded it and was bombarded with content. He eventually got around the game and named himself "Soilder". Due to his small and developing brain, he had not come around to the conclusion that Soilder, was not the correct spelling of Soldier. However, this name stuck with him. You would often find him, wearing red and black, farming grass on the terraces of Air Asia. He would eventually come down from there and visit the nursery, to bully small children.


After days of farming continuously at Air Asia, he had decided to leave the game for a period of time. Eventually around 2016, he got bored and found this game on his device. He opened it up again, discovering his forgotten character. He once again started farming in Air Asia, however, he explored the map more. Exploring every town, building, and cave. Eventually he had decided to reside near burger refuge. He saw a nearby group of people, talking about recruiting for the military. Arnold had then asked to join. This military, would be known as the New Sarovian Empire. He spent most of his 2016 here, socializing with other members. He wasn't quite the sharpest tool in the shed, never advancing a single rank. He was practically the pinnacle of an average soldier. However, one day, they had a meeting, in which Constantine was handing out medals for a previous war. Arnold had actually received "The Star Of Caroulus", the 2nd best medal in Sarovia. Sadly, this is no longer documented on the Sarovian website. During his times in Sarovia, he would constantly get kicked, and for such petty reasons. Fire an arrow accidentally? Kicked! It was quite stupid, however, Arnold was more stupid, attracted to the guild like a moth to the light. Then during Constantines birthday event, he snapped. He fired arrows everyone, bombing the entire regiment. John quickly kicked him from the guildhouse and had him banned for the time being. Arnold was finally free from the wrath of Sarovia.


After leaving Sarovia, Arnold was furious. All that bottled up hate and unleashed. He proceeded to take his mothers credit card and go on a spending spree. He bought everything in sight, mounts, morphs, hats, bodies, all of them. Funnily enough, he still had no idea how to upload, spending none of that money on customs. He then cooled down for a bit, bullying small children and just chatting. One day, a man called Joe Kyro was recruiting for Kyronia. Arnold (Still named Soilder at the time) had joined Joe, and quickly become close friends. Arnold would help Joe spy other guilds and serve as a soldier as well. Sadly, Kyronia had then slowly dissolved, and so did Arnolds motivation to continue military guilds.


A few months lather, Arnold once again joined another military, this time called Hyperia, led by Germain. He became friends with Germain, helping him spy other guilds, just as he had done with Joe. He was a loyal soldier, therefore earning him the title of Crawford, bestowed to him by Germain. Hyperia then slowly died, Germain disappeared, and Arnold guildless.


Desperate for a new guild, Arnold scattered to join the Llamanian empire, led by Kingllama. When he was conducted into the guild, he met a certain individual that would change his graal life. The uniforming officers name was Monty. They very quickly became close friends. Monty showing Arnold graals in and outs, teaching him how to get the flippers, secret chest spots, and much more. Arnold had stayed together with Monty in Llama until eventually Monty had quit. Arnold, losing one of his closest friends, had also quit.