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== Pre-Military Era ==
== Pre-Military Era ==
Zearos began playing in 2009, in the early days of classic, he played on and off for a while, often getting bored and quitting for extended periods of time. He joined and tried out a large variety of guilds during the earl
Zearos began playing in 2009, in the early days of classic, he played on and off for a while, often getting bored and quitting for extended periods of time. He joined and tried out a large variety of guilds during the early years, and unsuccessfully tried to launch a few of his own, as many noobs do.

y years, and unsuccessfully tried to launch a few of his own, as many noobs do. Early in the same year that the Royal Guard was formed, Zearos found a home in a small guild operating out of Onnet Town, the name of the guild is all but relevant here. After the fall of the guild in the late spring of that year. Zearos changed his name to "The White Knight", he changed his look to the classic white and gold armor and that would become known as the classic Imperian Armor. He spent a month roaming Graal, assisting random players and spending an odd amount of time killing Graal Babies. He did this for nearly two months, until one day he roamed into the throne room of the castle, the
Early in the same year that the Royal Guard was formed, Zearos found a home in a small guild operating out of Onnet Town, the name of the guild is all but relevant here. After the fall of the guild in the late spring of that year. Zearos changed his name to "The White Knight", he changed his look to the classic white and gold armor and that would become known as the classic Imperian Armor. He spent a month roaming Graal, assisting random players and spending an odd amount of time killing Graal Babies. He did this for nearly two months, until one day he roamed into the throne room of the castle, the
re he saw the Royal Guard in their early days. King Harau Bacsey, Link, Jade, and The Wandering Troubadour sat
re he saw the Royal Guard in their early days. King Harau Bacsey, Link, Jade, and The Wandering Troubadour sat
in the throne room. Zearos was recruited by Jade, and a training was set by Link for the next day.
in the throne room. Zearos was recruited by Jade, and a training was set by Link for the next day.
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Zearos had observed that although idle and often inactive, the members of the Royal Family held an extraordinary amount of power. So, he changed his look and name to "Lord Cavendrum", went to the throne room, and joined the Royal Family. For two days he sat in the throne room, gaining respect of the members of the RG and the RA. Eventually, he talked to the Kentiman, General of the Royal Army, and requested a leading position in the Army. Kentiman recruited him and gave him full powers in the guild, as well as the rank of General, co leading the guild alongside Kentiman.
Zearos had observed that although idle and often inactive, the members of the Royal Family held an extraordinary amount of power. So, he changed his look and name to "Lord Cavendrum", went to the throne room, and joined the Royal Family. For two days he sat in the throne room, gaining respect of the members of the RG and the RA. Eventually, he talked to the Kentiman, General of the Royal Army, and requested a leading position in the Army. Kentiman recruited him and gave him full powers in the guild, as well as the rank of General, co leading the guild alongside Kentiman.

As a general, Zearos (At this time under the name Kantor) worked very closely and developed a great relationship with Kentiman. At the time, Zearos and Auel got along fairly well, each had a fairly large amount of mutual respect for the other. Zearos met many of the men who became legends of Imperia during this time, this included people such as those mentioned above (Harau, Kentiman, Jade, Link, and Auel) as well as others such as Ryzallion, Occido, Zaer, and Sir Richard.
--That's all I'm doing today, I'll add more when I get a chance.

There were of course other players who had felt unappreciated and unrecognized, and a few of them left to attempt to form rival guilds, most of which would attack the throne room every now and then, but all inevitably fail within a week. It wasn't until nearly a month into Zearos' time in the guild that the first great divide of the Royal guilds came to be. Margrave Auel, leader of all the military divisions of the royal guilds had gained complete loyalty of nearly all the soldiers as well as most of the Royal Family who did not bear the name of the king, Bacsey. With this strong following, Auel realized the leadership skills of King Harau were slipping, so he organized a military coup, driving Harau from the kingdom, followed by those still loyal to him. Harau formed his own guild, The Bacseyian Federation, which quickly faded into obsoletion. Due to this, everyone in the Royal Guard made a fatal mistake of allowing them to fade from their memories and forget that they did still indeed exist.

One day, a new player named Xinke, a fairly recent recruit to the Royal Army, caught the attention of Zearos. Xinke's interest and loyalty to the guilds were outstanding, and Zearos gave him several promotions over a one or two week period. Partly due to this rapid rise through the ranks, partly due to Kentiman's disapproval of Xinke, he quickly caught the attention of Auel, and was taken under his wing.

One day, Auel private messaged Zearos, at this time, the Royal chain of guilds had reached their limit of allies, but Auel wanted to continue to expand. He told Zearos his plan to form a new chain of guilds, but by the name base of "Imperial" rather than Royals. The Royal guilds would remain intact for the most part, the exception being the Royal Family, the Imperial guilds would act as an extension of the Royal Guilds. Auel had respected Zearos accomplishments as a co general, and offered for him to command his own guild in the Imperial chain, leaving Kentiman to handle RA alone. Zearos accepted, creating the "Imperial Army", and allied many of the other guilds being formed for the first Kingdom of Imperia.

== The First Era of Imperia ==

Revision as of 03:37, 12 October 2015

Zearos is by far one of the oldest remaining members of the military era. Past the first era of the State, Zearos almost always refused to take positions as a commander or guild leader in any military guild, he instead opted to act as an advisor to the heads of the guilds to which he was loyal, and as an ambassador to others. His word was always considered and respected by the wiser of the military leaders.

Pre-Military Era

Zearos began playing in 2009, in the early days of classic, he played on and off for a while, often getting bored and quitting for extended periods of time. He joined and tried out a large variety of guilds during the early years, and unsuccessfully tried to launch a few of his own, as many noobs do.

Early in the same year that the Royal Guard was formed, Zearos found a home in a small guild operating out of Onnet Town, the name of the guild is all but relevant here. After the fall of the guild in the late spring of that year. Zearos changed his name to "The White Knight", he changed his look to the classic white and gold armor and that would become known as the classic Imperian Armor. He spent a month roaming Graal, assisting random players and spending an odd amount of time killing Graal Babies. He did this for nearly two months, until one day he roamed into the throne room of the castle, the re he saw the Royal Guard in their early days. King Harau Bacsey, Link, Jade, and The Wandering Troubadour sat in the throne room. Zearos was recruited by Jade, and a training was set by Link for the next day.

The Royal Guard Era

The day after being recruited, Zearos had a brief, thirty minute training session with Link on the roof of his house. Afterwards, He was promoted to the rank of 'Knight' by the Captain of the Royal Guard, Auel, as all who had been past the initial training were. Unfortunately, at this point, Zearos was still young, stubborn, and a bit foolish. As his name at the time was "The White Knight", he didn't want the word 'Knight' in front of his name, so he requested for Auel to leave him rankless. When this request was denied, a brief argument ensued, which ended with a minor victory on both sides, Zearos' name became "Antralth", and Auel was convinced to make all the ranks of the Knights into 'Sir', as it was more in line with history.

After returning to the throne room and meeting with Auel and other members of the Royal Guard and Royal Family, Auel took a quick liking to the head and armor combination that Zearos wore, and declared it to be the uniform of the Royal Guard, requiring members who could afford to buy the body to do so. Zearos received a brief fifteen minutes of fame for this, but this was only brief, and he quickly faded into the framework of the guild.

About a week into Zearos' time in the Royal Guard, Auel successfully proposed to King Bacsey for a third guild to be added to the chain, The Royal Army. At this time, Zearos' was focused on having power, he wanted to be on the top. So, first he asked Harau if he could also form a chain. The request was declined by Harau, and Auel wouldn't listen to his requests. So, a little angered, Zearos devised a plan and quit the Royal Guard.

Zearos had observed that although idle and often inactive, the members of the Royal Family held an extraordinary amount of power. So, he changed his look and name to "Lord Cavendrum", went to the throne room, and joined the Royal Family. For two days he sat in the throne room, gaining respect of the members of the RG and the RA. Eventually, he talked to the Kentiman, General of the Royal Army, and requested a leading position in the Army. Kentiman recruited him and gave him full powers in the guild, as well as the rank of General, co leading the guild alongside Kentiman.

As a general, Zearos (At this time under the name Kantor) worked very closely and developed a great relationship with Kentiman. At the time, Zearos and Auel got along fairly well, each had a fairly large amount of mutual respect for the other. Zearos met many of the men who became legends of Imperia during this time, this included people such as those mentioned above (Harau, Kentiman, Jade, Link, and Auel) as well as others such as Ryzallion, Occido, Zaer, and Sir Richard.

There were of course other players who had felt unappreciated and unrecognized, and a few of them left to attempt to form rival guilds, most of which would attack the throne room every now and then, but all inevitably fail within a week. It wasn't until nearly a month into Zearos' time in the guild that the first great divide of the Royal guilds came to be. Margrave Auel, leader of all the military divisions of the royal guilds had gained complete loyalty of nearly all the soldiers as well as most of the Royal Family who did not bear the name of the king, Bacsey. With this strong following, Auel realized the leadership skills of King Harau were slipping, so he organized a military coup, driving Harau from the kingdom, followed by those still loyal to him. Harau formed his own guild, The Bacseyian Federation, which quickly faded into obsoletion. Due to this, everyone in the Royal Guard made a fatal mistake of allowing them to fade from their memories and forget that they did still indeed exist.

One day, a new player named Xinke, a fairly recent recruit to the Royal Army, caught the attention of Zearos. Xinke's interest and loyalty to the guilds were outstanding, and Zearos gave him several promotions over a one or two week period. Partly due to this rapid rise through the ranks, partly due to Kentiman's disapproval of Xinke, he quickly caught the attention of Auel, and was taken under his wing.

One day, Auel private messaged Zearos, at this time, the Royal chain of guilds had reached their limit of allies, but Auel wanted to continue to expand. He told Zearos his plan to form a new chain of guilds, but by the name base of "Imperial" rather than Royals. The Royal guilds would remain intact for the most part, the exception being the Royal Family, the Imperial guilds would act as an extension of the Royal Guilds. Auel had respected Zearos accomplishments as a co general, and offered for him to command his own guild in the Imperial chain, leaving Kentiman to handle RA alone. Zearos accepted, creating the "Imperial Army", and allied many of the other guilds being formed for the first Kingdom of Imperia.

The First Era of Imperia