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[[File:Zearos_1.png|thumb|left]]Zearos (Z-ear-oh-s) D. S'ahlesius (Suh-less-e-us) is by far one of the oldest remaining members of the military era. Past the first era of the State, Zearos almost always refused to take positions as a commander or guild leader in any military guild, he instead opted to act as an advisoradviser to the heads of the guilds to which he was loyal, and as an ambassador to others. His word was always considered and respected by the wiser of the military leaders.
== Pre-Military Era ==
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Zearos had observed that although idle and often inactive, the members of the Royal Family held an extraordinary amount of power. So, he changed his look and name to "Lord Cavendrum", went to the throne room, and joined the Royal Family. For two days he sat in the throne room, gaining respect of the members of the RG and the RA. Eventually, he talked to the Kentiman, General of the Royal Army, and requested a leading position in the Army. Kentiman recruited him and gave him full powers in the guild, as well as the rank of General, co leading the guild alongside Kentiman.
As a generalGeneral, Zearos (At this time under the name Kantor) worked very closely and developed a great relationship with Kentiman. At the time, Zearos and Auel got along fairly well, each had a fairly large amount of mutual respect for the other. Zearos met many of the men who became legends of Imperia during this time, this included people such as those mentioned above (Harau, Kentiman, Jade, Link, and Auel) as well as others such as Ryzallion, Occido, Zaer, and Sir Richard.
There were of course other players who had felt unappreciated and unrecognized, and a few of them left to attempt to form rival guilds, most of which would attack the throne room every now and then, but all inevitably fail within a week. It wasn't until nearly a month into Zearos' time in the guild that the first great divide of the Royal guilds came to be. Margrave Auel, leader of all the military divisions of the royal guilds had gained complete loyalty of nearly all the soldiers as well as most of the Royal Family who did not bear the name of the king, Bacsey. With this strong following, Auel realized the leadership skills of King Harau were slipping, so he organized a military coup, driving Harau from the kingdom, followed by those still loyal to him. Harau formed his own guild, The Bacseyian Federation, which quickly faded into obsoletion. Due to this, everyone in the Royal Guard made a fatal mistake of allowing them to fade from their memories and forget that they did still indeed exist.
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Imperia grew very quickly, The Imperial Army as well as many of the other branches in Imperia had wild success. Some of the branches did not do as well, but the strength of the other guilds carried them through. In these early days, there was very little drama, Zearos became friends with many of the other guild leaders, notably Xinke, Kentiman, and Zaer. The nobility of Imperia was fairly obnoxious, and Zearos received his only ban during this time by calling Duchess Jade by many uncouth names.
This was also when Zearos befriended two underrated members of Imperia and State history, SenlockSenlok Wehlet (Later known as John) and Occido. Both of these players were incredibly intelligent and became good friends of Zearos. They spent a large amount of their free time in Graal searching for secrets of the game, looking into the many hidden rooms and doors that seemed like they were either password accessible or to be released soon. They called the group that seeked out these secrets "The Society" after a building of such sorts that used to sit in south Swamp Town. They remained close friends over the many years they played, all loyal to Auel and his guilds.
Despite the immense success of Imperia, Auel one day logged off and did not return for 13 days. During this time Imperia crumbled without his guiding hands, many of the guild leaders and nobility made futile attempts to save Imperia. Unfortunately they could not, and thus the first era of Imperia ended. The behaviourbehavior of disappearing and allowing guilds to crumble, only to come back with plans for something new was something Auel would never break the habit of doing, the only difference is he grew less appologeticapologetic of the fact after dozens of times.
== Trailblazing ==
After Imperia fell, Zearos spent a large amount of his time on Graal doing something with other Imperians that would quickly become one of the favorite activities of Imperia and eventually the State, killing Graal babies. This was before any adoption center was set up, so the babies at the time all sat crowding the streets of Graal City. Zearos and the others spent endless hours trapping, tourturingtorturing, killing, and generally harassing the Graal babies.
A week and a half after Imperia had crumbled, Auel returned, he had some made up sob story of why he had to leave, and an idea for a new, business focused guild called Shinra.
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== Other Imperian Age Guilds ==
Overall, there were 9 Eras of Imperia spanning nearly two years. Between the many eras of Imperia were a series of other guilds designed by Auel, sometimes giving other leaders a chance to shine. The non military in between guilds included The Baby Punchers Association, a guild dedicated to the antagonizing of Graal Babies, a few attempts the Graal News Network, Auel's idea for a more efficient way to get news to graaliansGraalians, it failed all three times it was tried, Zearos acted as both a Journalist and an Editor.
In this time, Xinke also had a chance to lead a kingdom with Auel's assistance known as Britannia, unfortunately, Xinke wasn't truly in control and was just a figurehead while Auel called all the true shots. Zearos lead a branch of the military during this era.
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For sake of saving time for those reading this page, I will condense the third to eighth era down to a single section. In all of these, Zearos role remained nearly the same, he would be in charge of running the Imperian/Imperial Academy. The exact purpose of the academy would vary era to era, but for the most part it was to train new recruits. A few other officers in the state would help to teach sometimes. The Academy varied from a three day training course lead by only Zearos to being an extended training opportunity with multiple classes available. Zearos lead a guild in almost every single organization lead by Auel, military or not.
There were minor differentiationsdifferences between the eras. In the 3rd, the structure was that of a monarchy, the fourth was an empire, the 6th took the form of a republic, during which time Zearos acted as a councilman for the Imperian Council.
It is worth noting that during the fifth era of Imperia, Zearos sat with his friend, Senlok, in the throne room of the castle, a few guards scattered around, but fairly empty on their end of the screen. It was at this time that a man wandered in by the name of James Zor. After a brief exchange of words, Zearos and James quickly grew to be very good friends. Zearos had an unsuccessful attempt to recruit James to Imperia, but he did peak James' interest in militaries, and the two would talk fairly frequently over the next few months.
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== The War of Paranoia ==
The War of Paranoia took place in the fourth era of Imperia. At the time Zaer was Auel's righthandright-hand man. Over the past week or two, there had been reports of lower ranked members of Imperia being occasionally attacked by members of Harau Bacsey's military organization, The Bacseyian Federation, which he formed out of spite when he had been kicked, but took half a year to make any real action on it. The war truly started with the Battle of Belle Isle, the details of which have been somewhat exaggerated or forgotten in other tellings, I hope this can clear at least some things up.
Zearos went to Belle that day for a reason I can't remember at this time, back then there was no airlift, but instead a bridge. After crossing the bridge and walking westwards, three Bacseyian soldiers came out from under bushes and began to attack him. After a brief and very unsuccessful attempt to fight them off, Zearos called for help in the guild chat. Auel and Kentiman were first on the scene, followed by the rest of the online Imperians. However, it seemed that as more Imperian reinforcements came in, even more Bacseyian ones were coming. After a few minutes of fighting, Auel realized that the Imperians were far outnumbered, he started to call in favors with retired and ex Imperians to get them to come and fight for him, if at least for the one battle. Many did come, one of which is the famous military figure Ryzallion. The battle quickly turned in Imperia's favor as more and more people came, and eventually Harau called a retreat.
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== Fallout ==
At this point, Auel had cycled through probably a dozen organizations in three months. Zearos had lead guilds in nearly all of them, as he had since the first Imperia. Overall, between each new guild Auel had him create, reforms during Imperian Eras, and just straight up bullshit from Auel, Zearos had spent around 25,000 GraalatsGralats and a thousand hours for Imperia and Auel, and although in the early days he was appreciated, ever since the W.O.P, Auel had taken every officer under him for granted. It was due to this, and anger at Auel's most recent random disappearance, that after Auel publicly proposed the ninth Imperia, Zearos went to Auel's Guild house to have a conversation with him. While intent was initially to be civil, the conversation quickly became heated, they debated furiously for almost an hour over all the wrongdoings and grievances Auel had done over the year and a half Zearos was in service to him. I will not burden you with the details of the argument, only that both sides were truly furious by the end, Zearos left in a foul mood, with no intention of ever joining Auel again.
If only he had been so lucky.
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At the very first of these meetings, Zearos decided to follow in the trend and do a major image rehaul, he changed his entire look to the white robed old man and took the name Zearos D. S'ahlesius.
The name itself came from two sources. The first being named after Zearos' Dungeons & Dragons character from when he used to play, Zearos Deklazdier, and the last name S'ahlesius was taken from a man who taught Zearos alota lot of the basics of the game in his early days, an 'assassin' named S'ahlesor.
Zearos had a few contributions to the structure of the first State. Mainly was his strong insistence upon having some sort of representative council in the state as well as giving all members the right to vote for their leaders.
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Do not judge them for this though, at the time only cherry picked pieces of content from Delteria was shown, and there was no way to know that it would end up being absolute ass.
(That's all I have time for tonight, I'll try to type up more next week. Next time I'll cover my Adminship in Delteria and our attempt to bring Imperia to the new server as well as later eras of the State.