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== Delteria ==
Zearos, along with Xinke, Ryz, and many others, planned a move from Classic to Delteria in the months prior to the servers release in December of 2013. About a month and a half before the server was released, Zearos was hired for a staff position on the server. Zearos did some work prior to the servers release to get the server ready, and when the server was finally opened to the public, Zearos spent the next few weeks splitting time between completing quests and dungeons with the other Imperians, and helping out the players trying to get into the server get past the many, many bugs that were present at launch. The game was released unfinished, many spells and items didn't work, and many times players would get stuck in dungeons. After about a month of dealing with this, Zearos ended up getting into an argument with the head GM, Haslo, and had the account banned and reset, but not before transferring all items, many high level items and a large amount of gold, to an alt account, which he gave to Kusan a few days after, as Kusan was the only person who remained on Delteria. Kusan took the planned goals and structure for Imperia and used them to create Elysia, a very successful guild which impacted people on both Classic and Delteria.
== Hiatus ==
After being removed from Delteria staff in early January of 2014, Zearos did not feel like returning to either server for a while, so he took a break from Graal until late summer of that year. While he was gone, he missed the Zaer lead era of Imperia, where Zaer famously backstabbed the entire guild and sold it out to Auel before disappearing for good. Around June of 2014, Zearos used an alt account for about a month and a half to see how he could climb the rank ladder in the State without his name or prior experiences being used to judge him, this is something that Zearos did about four times since that point, never for more than two months, the highest rank he achieved was 1st Lieutenant, which was received after two months, the lowest was Sergeant, which I was gained after two weeks. After getting bored of this, Zearos came back on his main account, instantly met by an old friend, John Atlas, who prior to that Zearos had known as Senlok, who recruited him to the current version of the State.
== 2nd War of Paranoia ==
When Zearos returned, a new version of the State was in full swing, Zearos was given an officer position, and helped with trainings and recruiting for a while, but the guild quickly began to suffer a lack of activity. Auel's solution to this was to propose that many of the old Imperian members form a new Imperia to [[The Second War of Paranoia|wage war]] with the State. He proposed this idea to Zearos, Xinke, Kozak, and Ryzallion. The group quickly got to work building a new Imperia. These four, in addition to Collin Magnus and Demon Eatshumans, made up the top ranking officers of Imperia. Xinke was King of Imperia, while Kozak, Ryzallion, and Collin were each commanders of their own guilds, being the Imperians Army, Knights, and Dragoons respectfully. Demon acted as Master Trainer, in charge of training all members.
Zearos was given the rank of Duke, his primary purpose was being in charge of the foreign affairs for the guild. In most State era guilds, such a position would be pointless, but at this time, there was close to a dozen smaller guilds that were either individual militaries, such as Kibler Guard (lead by Fessler), or smaller guilds that were anti state. Zearos spent the next few weeks meeting with the leaders of these guilds, negotiating to either have them absorbed into Imperia, or for the larger ones that didn't want to lose total control, have them join the Alliance. After a few weeks, we had absorbed a majority of the rebellion guilds into Imperia, and had two other guilds as part of the Alliance, one of these was Kibler Guard, who we had worked out a deal with which while giving Fessler the illusion of control, made the guild Imperian in everything but name.
While the war as a whole lacked battles and actual conflicts, the majority of the ones that were had were won by Imperia, with the exception of one guild spar where Auel delayed the battle an hour to recruit members from one of the top GS teams. The guilds at this time were full of spies, Zearos himself having an alt as a mid level officer in the State at the time.
Over a month into the war, Harau Bacsey returned, forming a new Bacseya and joining in on the Imperian side. A few weeks after this, many of the Imperian officers, including King Xinke, were starting college, and as they wouldn't be able to contribute the time needed to Imperia, ordered for all remaining troops to transfer to Harau's guilds for the remainder of the war. This ended what is believed to be one of the greatest Imperian guilds to exist.
Zearos helped out for the remainder of the war, which saw no true winner, as both sides ended up falling within days of each other.
== Late Era State Guilds ==
After taking a break for a month or two, Zearos returned to join Morzan's state as a Colonel. He served in this State as well as the multiple states and Auel lead guilds that followed through Winter 2014 and Spring of 2015. This is the period that Zearos served strictly in an advisory role. he barely commanded any troops during this period of time. In the Summer of 2015, the incident of [[The Deletion of The State|July 21st, 2015]] happened, and the State never arose in the same form again.
== Intrepidus ==
Later in that summer, Xinke got Zearos, Ryz, Kozak, Collin, and others of the Imperian crew to try to make an Imperia like guild called Intrepidus. They had weeks of planning, careful recruiting, but unfortunately the guild fell flat and ended after a week due to lack of activity from both officers and members.
== College ==
Zearos began college in Fall of 2015, due to heavy workloads, he does not play Graal while he is at school, but will usually come back to help the community if he has free nights over his Winter and Summer breaks.
== Reforming the Community ==
There is no denying the community has suffered since the deletion of the State, and Auel having practically retired. The remaining leaders try to emulate Auel instead of creating something on their own, and as a result, no military guild seems to have the same success. Zearos does still care about the overall state of the community, and has done pieces about possible ways to reform. First, in 2015, he, along with Xinke and many others, contributed to [[The End Tomes, by Various Authors|The End Tomes, ]]a series about how to continue with militaries in a post Auel world. Then, in late 2016 into early 2017, Zearos wrote a three article series about t[[The Primary Issues Facing Modern Militaries, by Zearos D. S'ahlesius|he problems that modern militaries faced]] focusing on Ranks, Names, and Training.
== Quotes ==
''"I'm not some jackass that jerks themselves off over the shit that they say" -Z.D.S''