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== History ==
In a meeting between Auel, Vulnus, and Sherlock, a system was formulated to support a sizable guild that would unite the community under a single banner. Vulnus later drafted and archived the plans for future use.
When their plans were put into effect, the Kingdom unified every military guild in existence into one common cause. There were numerous great houses, each led by their respective family. Subservient houses flocked under the great houses, which typically had guilds starting with "Knights of." All houses had claims to land, as well as the right to compete for territories against other houses.
Initially, the Kingdom system had no chosen leader, until elections for a High King were hosted and coordinated by Roanoke Han, also known as Xiaoguard. Unbeknownst to Auel Vist, Vulnus won the elections and was crowned High King. Opposed to being the King, Auel went inactive, and with him, [[Vist|House Vist]] fell dormant.
House Crawford would later secede from the Kingdom system and incite the Crawford Rebellion, challenging The Royal Army (the joint forces of the Kingdom and its houses). High King Vulnus called upon and rallied the collective houses, mustering what was arguably one of the largest armies in the history of the military community. The two sidesCraes clashed in combat for less than an hour, until the leader of House Crawford was forced to swear fealty to the High King before the eyes of the Kingdom.
In due time, AueltimeAuel Vulnus stepped down and abdicated the throne to Auel Vist. This action did not sit well with the other houses and caused major unrest, eventually leading to the demise of the Kingdom.
Knights are the primer fighting force of the Kingdom. They are sworn to fight for and protect their Lord. To become Knight, one must display the attributes of a Knight, someone who is level-headed, intelligent, respectable, and talented warrior. One can only become a Knight after training under a Knight as a Squire, then being Knighted by the Lord ofLordof their Hold in a formal ceremony. This ceremony signifies the transition of being a warrior within a Banner to a respected Officer within a Hold.
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The Kingdom is an immensely large guild structure, so large in fact, that the rest of Graal has never seen anything quite like it. The Kingdom is ruled over by the King and the royal family, who rule the Kingdom from their guild, The Royal Family.
The royal family has direct control over two other guilds which are allied to it. These guilds are the royal guardsgurds divisions. The royal family also has some dominion over other great houses. These great houses in turn have dominion over regions of Graal known as holds. These great houses have control over minor houses, which make up most of the great houses’ armies. Each great house can have three minor houses to rule over. The major houses also have a guild of knights at their disposal to protect their holds.
Minor Houses are filled with two types of people, house members and bannermen. House members are official members of the family, which are allowed to have a small fief of land to control within their Lord’s domain. Bannermen are those that serve as the guards and soldiers for the house. They can be anything from Knights to new recruits. What makes a bannerman a bannerman is that they serve under their Liege-Lord and their Liege-Lord’s family.
Knights serve under the direct authority of their Lord. They are among most highly skilled and respected members of their hold. They train constantly so they can go out and protect the realm and their respective hold.
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*House Regium - Auel Vulnus
*House Vist - Auel Vist
*House Mako - Constantine Vasa
==Minor Houses==
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*House Vaiken (Overlord House: Vist) - Tyrell Vaiken
*House Mustang (Overlord House: Regium) - [[Donald|Donald Rhodes]]
*House Rakai (Overlord House: Vist) - Xzavier Rakai
*House Midas (Overlord House: Mako) - Lasha Midas
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*House Valeria - Achilles Heracles
*House Wolfbane - Dragimere Wolfbane
*House Camelot - Dean Valeria
*House Vatras - Praecursator Vatras