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It was the year 2019, near the end of summer, when Vermilion returned from a trip and decided to log into Graal on an account he'd created some years back, having finally pulled his head out of his ass and verified it before leaving in 2015. He noticed them right away, like any man with eyes would have, Aureans. This was a first seeing as how he had taken leave in 2016, never having had the chance to witness such a beauty. In the few minutes that he was on, he was contacted by Macbeth, Colonel-General of the 1RBA at the time, and was offered the rank of Commander of the 1st Red Banner Army. Having no major plans for the rest of the summer, he gladly accepted and joined Macbeths' division.
Before joining, he decided to change his name to Linus. During his time in Aurea, Linus achieved the rank of Colonel-General of the 1RBA after Macbeths promotion to Marshal (this having happened after Kevlar was banned and Lance took over). He was also made Colonel-General of the 2nd Rifles Division during The Aurean State after Artix Stijgen took over with his Ukrainian theme. He was made an All-Union Party Member of the Aurean State. Linus genuinely enjoyed being an Aurean, during his time there, he became friends with a multitude of people, notable ones being [[Soft|Soft Krieger]], Lance Rhodes, and [[Nyl|Nylius Avidius]]. Soon after Artix took over as the Vozhd, Kevlar returned and assumed the position of General-Secretary, above Artix. Aureans rejoiced as their leader had returned to them, bearing wonderful news of Ajax Kaage and his successful deletion of the Sarovian Empires' main unit. Some time went by and Kevlar soon went inactive, focusing on his personal life rather than Graal, as every man should. Alas, as certain events lead to another, Aurea began to die.
In an attempt to launch a guild of his own, Artix rounded up what active Aureans he could, and set off to establish the Kingdom of Scipio. While a notable attempt, the guild died shortly after it's launch and Linus, having been asked to join by Richard Lux multiple times since Aureas downfall, joined The DarkSteel Order under Harau Bacsey.


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