Sol Fessler

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Revision as of 19:28, 27 July 2014 by gmc>Uptodate001

"I'm being ousted? That's alright. Grizz, can you hold a training?"

-Sol, upon the downfall of The Aurelian Federation.

About Sol

Sol is argued upon by many, as some say he is a grunt and some say he is a leader. The original founder of Arcadia, he abandoned it out of pure despair and fear. The Arcadians were a democratic people, and Sol was a dictator. Sol has commanded the fairly well known Aurelian Federation, and TNR. Sol was an officer in almost every guild he was in, and the lowest rank he ever had was Sergeant. Known for keeping a cool head in most situations, Sol never had a true mentor. A combatant and aggressive man, Sol was known to be arrogant, and often a tyrant. In response to many situations, Sol would often throw down diplomacy foolishly and resort to war. His beginnings weren't as glorious as many others, as he often sat on the sidelines of the earlier guilds. He was in almost every state, but was a shadow until the renewed era. Often inspired by Auel, sol was let down when Jasper reportedly told him "Remember in Britannia when you agreed to become a colony of Britannia?" "Yes." Well after that Auel guild chatted "Haha, the idiot fell for it."

The Octavian Dynasty

Sol is Octavian II in the Octavian Dynasty, and he is by far the most well known Octavian. With a ego to feed, and things to do, Sol has had one of the largest egos, altering personality, and leadership abilities in graal. But hands down, give credit to Auel.


"You need friends to become a leader, and haters to stay one."

"Hate is a strong word, but love is stronger."

"My plan backfired, I'm counting on you."