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[[File:FFD_Vaata.png|thumb|left|Sol, during Bacsey|220x220px]][[File:Capture.png|thumb|Sol, also known as Fessler, Octavian, Vata, Braddock, and Vulpes.]]
== Sol Vata Octavian Fessler ==
"He's not a leader, at least I don't think he is. But I don't think he's a grunt either." Sol, also known as Vata, Octavian, Vulpes, Fessler and Braddock is a well known graalmilitary participant who has served since some of the early beginnings of militaries. Though sometimes underrated and sometimes overrated; he often quotes that it's just perception.

== SAFF-Imperial ==
== Fessler<nowiki/> ==
Enlisting in SAFF around it's beginnings, Sol didn't last to get a uniform or see it thrive. He left 2 days after he joined to become a towering jock. Later, however he saw Imperial and A new Auelian guild: The Federation. He admired Auel and his officers and hoped one day to be like them, but he questioned the sentinels to be "Robots." and believed them to be alts of Auel. He enlists in Imperial and is ranked PFC. He serves as well as he can, and eventually Imperial falls. Sol, currently known as "XIII" is banned, for "General Harassment." A week later he returns under the alias of "Sol." It is to be noted that he had to make a new account because the banned one was unidentified.

== The New Republic-Mid State ==
Sol returns and gathers Imperial Colonel James and Peter Rhodes. Peter takes control of the main infantry unit while James is put in charge of the military command. Manji, who later enlists is put in charge of the militia force. This is one of the first examples of a "militia." You need to reach Lieutenant in the militia to transition to the military. A navy is eventually made under a good friends of Sol's, Petrenko. The Republic thrives and contact with any other nation is minimum, however Sol offers Sherlock the guild because the original plan was to rebuild Imperial for him. Sherlock denies, and makes a Imperial himself. The two nations engage in a conflict, and Peter Rhodes reveals that like Sol, Manji and Petrenko, it is his first time as a leader. The inexperience is matched by sheer numbers and few skirmishes between Imperial and The Republic are held. Eventually, tensions rise among the members and it escalates to where Peter revolts against Sol. He kicks everyone from the kingdom main guild and tells Sol it is because he didn't take enough action against the State. Although this is what Peter said at the time, later on Peter states it was a test to see who was loyal. Manji joins Peter in the revolt and eventually, Sol gives up and helps Peter form Arcadia as a officer. Later on however he leaves Arcadia and enlists in Mid State as a corporal. He is set to receive a free custom here but a issue with the distribution doesn't allow him to. He goes off for 2 days and comes back to find the State in ruins.

== Arcadia-Syrixia ==
After Mid State falls Sol enlists in the reborn Arcadia as a officer. He is put in charge of the Sharpshooters division and makes it a major unit of Arcadia, he serves and helps in several operations but see's weaknesses in the democratic government of Arcadia, and leaves to make a Federation of small tribes. It has minor success and at it's start has 6 members online. It is known as the Federation of Xencel, and allies Arcadia with GC connection. Arcadia and Xencel see a battle at Li's dojo between Imperia and Imperia, a Imperian civil war. Auelian loyalists are fighting Imperian loyalists, Arcadia and Xencel aid Imperia. A large battle erupts. It is said to be a draw. Sol disbands Xencel and stays a wanderer for a day, Auel makes Britannia and Sol enlists. He is made a Sergeant, and helps Captains and Lieutenants in their jobs. Sol receives his first and only free custom here, however he eventually changes it and loses it. A promotion to Lieutenant is in order, however Britannia falls before he receives it. Sol then plots to make a society, with 3 classes: Upper, lower, and mid. These will be the general populace and there will be a government and armed forces guild allied to it. It is known as Praetoria, and it is noted that Sol told these plans to Kusan before he made Elysia, making Praetoria the first society. Praetoria is spearheaded by King Sol and General James, now known as James Dolan. General Sherlock and Lieutenant General John of Syrixia were peaceful and not directly hostile to Praetoria, however indirect hostilities lead to a armed conflict, Syrixia, a full military easily defeated the unexperienced Praetorian militia. Sol leaves Praetoria and is taken in to Syrixia as a Sergeant. Sol begins closely watching Sherlock's tactics as a leader. Taking down notes in secret, Sol begins to notice that Sherlock succeeds by using deception and lies as a close ally. He continues to take notes on Sherlock which would later be a big part of Talon Company. Sol is promoted to Lieutenant and made coordinator of the artillery team, he coordinates attacks on the betrayed Arcadians. The artillery team is made official and Sol is given command of it, placed along with Xinke's brigade in the newly formed secondary command. Sol is promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and in a week the artillery and newly formed brigades are decommisioned to put more troops into the main command, Syrixia falls into inactivity and dies.

== Talon Company-Aurelia ==
After Syrixia falls, Sol wanders and makes a group of intellects into a non guild group known as "Talon Company." Notes on select individuals were passed around here and Sol began to learn "The tricks of the trade" in the militaries. Talon Company is disbanded a week after forming, however, Sol remakes the Republic and Sherlock joins him. Arcadia is still being lead by a mostly female rule, and both sides are weaker then expected originally. Sol orders Sherlock to make a Special Division and soon they are working together, however Sol goes inactive for a bit and Sherlock makes his own State. Sol returns and joins, becoming a Sergeant. Sol helps make on-map forts however eventually goes inactive, again returning. He finds the Arcadian tribes still struggling and the militaries in disorginazation. Sol creates Austratt here, a English speaking Austrian WWI based nation. It begins to thrive but falls due to Sol quitting for a month. Returning to find Auel back with new GFX, Sol instead helps Kusan make Elysia. Sol is made governor of the first city, Falren. Falren thrives however John, who was later revealed to be Senlok, went traitor and sold the city. Falren was renamed to the Elysian Footmen. Sherlock however convinces Sol to disband the footmen and leave to join the State, agreeing Sol completes the offer. To be ranked Major in the next State, and Sherlock also agrees to make him a Napoleon Bonaparte body, a idol of Sol at the time. Imperium, Auel's current guild falls and Auel makes the state right after. Sol is ranked Major and helps to keep the State running smoothly, he is the same rank as John. A inactivity spike for Sol however leaves him gone until he returns a week later. He finds many people banned and begins to plot for a new military, which will be the first in a trilogy of guilds. It was later revealed to be part of a test which will lead up to a project that cullimates years of work. Aurelia is joint lead by Senlok and Sol, both Consuls. They lead the Aurelian Federation, it succeeds and mimic goals are made. Senlok, however overthrows Sol. Sol leads a revolution against Senlok, which fails. However, Sol, crafty as he is, is able to get a spot as Prime Minister, right under the newly crowned Emperor Senlok. Project New Heights, goaled to get off map, which was part of the tests, half succeeds. Sol achieves many goals made, and Senlok gains a bit of reputation, however Senlok soon leaves his post as emperor to join 221B with Sherlock. Sol takes over and begins using his craftiness to bring Aurelia up, but John, kicks everyone from the Senate. Aurelia falls and it remains in 15th Regiment of Foot, where TaZe got his start. Morzan's State comes.

== Morzan's State-Aurelium ==
Sol abandons the 15th Regiment of Foot to join Morzan, he is made a Sergeant and soon applies for the government, his application is accepted and he serves there; helping to make important decisions. However, Sherlock returns and creates Kaiserlich. Sol joins Sherlock as a Colonel, and soon Kaiserlich is disbanded leading to Sherlock's second State. A day later, this State is also disbanded. Morzan remakes his state and Vulnus helps him. However, Vulnus soon makes his own guild, Alteria. Most of Morzan's State leaves. Sol is made the Commander of the guard, along with Gorgo being the governor and Raiden being the knight commander. Sol makes a deal with Gorgo to make her Empress if Aurelia is remade, and it is. Alteria falls and Aurelium is created, Gorgo is made Empress and within a few days Aurelium had a trademark, new, ranking system and orginization. The orginization of Aurelium would be used in a later State by Auel. Aga leads the Infantry Force, Azrael leads the Navy and Quinn leads the Cavalry. Aurelium succeeds, and Sol begins using the Auelian tactics he learned in Syrixia, he makes a deal with Joe Kyro to make a fake revolution, and begins to betray previous allies to gain power. It is short lived however when Sol goes offline and Gorgo betrays Sol. The current unit commanders are loyal to Sol, however they are easily manipulated with offers of power. Gorgo abuses this weakness and Grand Admiral Azrael, Marshal Quinn, and Marshall Low defect. Grand Marshall Aga stays loyal however inactivity leads to his leave. Sol threatens the rebels repeatedly and is banned, however he leaks emails from his alt.

== Panzer Lehr-Kibler Guard ==
Sol is banned, and requests help from John. John responds and gifts a alternate account with 2k on it, Sol puts 40k of gralats on it and makes a guild based upon the German Afrika Korps, it begins to run and people begin to see militaries differently. However, John soon begins to get worried that Sol is abusing him and his precious event hats, and revokes Sol's access. The gralats on the account as well as Panzer Lehr are lost. Due to this, Sol leaves and waits out his ban. He returns to find Neo State. Instead of enlisting, Sol personally knows something is up with Clovis being Auel. He works with Soren and Augustus on a project after Neo State falls, but it is never instated. Imperia rises and Auel makes his State. Sol rushes and organizes a singular guild of elites who have the sole purpose of taking down Auel, however eventually soon with a string of mixed victories and the goal pretty much accomplished with the State falling into inactivity, Kibler Guard, as the guild was known, falls. It is later revealed to be a project on goal dominated guilds.

== Imperia-Aurelis ==
After the guard falls, Sol joins Imperia and is set to lead the rangers, but dislike accumulated from his dictatorship in Kibler leads to several complaints and he is kicked. Sol enlists in the State, and creates Project Visit: after a patrol and encounter at Onnet, Sol takes the troops to a almost unoccupied public building and sets up guard patrols and stations insides, the fort is fully manageable and tourists can come. This becomes a popular activity, and several areas are made. Lord Chimps and Fort Visit. Sol reaches 1st Lieutenant at his height in this State, but he is accused of treason and leaves. Instead of sitting around, he makes Aurelis. The third of the Aurelian trilogy, it is short lived but accomplishes much in it's short time. It adds new ideas to the military community, and drags the war on. It carried the anti-state alliance on it's back, although soon during the downfall most members defected to Bacsey or State.

== Bacsey-Amestria ==
Sol, with many other Aurelisians defect to Bacsey. He serves as the second in command of John's intelligence group, and carries it on his back. Angered at John taking credit for it, and after a trial against a known traitor in which John supported, Sol defects to Mathiveas' Bacseyian Legion as the commander of it. Sol re creates Falren himself, and it becomes a popular place of enjoyment. However, soon, Auel speaks to Sol. Auel tells Sol to take down Bacseya, and Sol, convinced and disgusted at the sheer hatred to the State agrees. He convinces the officers, along with Mathiveas, to defect at a certain moment, and when Xeno finds word of this and a war between Bacsey and Aegis is causes, Sol uses this to make Harau seem irrational. Only John's BSOC unit supported Harau at this time. The rest of the troopers, already ready to defect, Aegis pressuring Harau, and people chanting "Praise Mathiveas", put too much pressure on Harau and he exiles himself. Saddened at Harau's leave, Sol, now the Legate and Mathiveas, now the Emperor, go into a state of thought. John, however, is distraught and completely breaks down. The BSOC unit leaves with Harau. However, soon the Mathivean unit leaders simply leave. Sol leaves, ready to collect his reward, however Auel had by then quit graal. Unable to receive the full reward, Sol sneaks with some shady shabacs and gets a head that to him, means enough. Sol then makes Amestria. Sol becomes the General of the Amestrian Military. Amestria prospers but collapses four weeks after it is founded due to many core officers quitting Amestria. Fessler joins a new military. (For more information on Amestria, see the Amestrian Empire page or the campaigns page)

== Federal Coalition-Present ==
Disgusted with his own failures and eager to redeem himself, Sol, still known as Fessler makes a new empire called the "Federal Coalition." It is going to be a bunch of nominally independent countries, or so Sol says but it soon falls and Sol calls it a "damn failure." He continues to wander and buys a glitched custom, which will later be refunded by the administrators for ten thousand gralats. Eventually Sol quits, bored and shunned a day after Christmas. In early February when he returns he finds the Confederation, a guild lead by former enemy and small time rival Macbeth Tarkin. He enlists under conditions that he can lead a artillery battalion and makes shield codes and plans for it. Macbeth does not live up to this offer, and so Sol; now again under the name Sol leaves. Mathiveas once again reunites with his former colleague and they both remake Amestria.
== Aliases ==
Amestria, Bacsey, Afrika Korps: Fessler

Bacsey: Vulpes

State: Sol, Dolan, Braddock, Octavian, Vata

Aurelian Trilogy: Octavian

TNR: Sol

Panzer Lehr and Austratt: Vata

Kibler Guard: Franz Kibler

Talon Company: Autumn

Imperial and Early Militaries: XIII

== Personality ==
Sol is often seen with a bubbly personality and a happy outlook, but generally Sol is charismatic and often a somewhat successful manipulator. At times, Sol can be extremely serious and mature. Nonetheless , however, the goal is all that matters to him. After completing a goal with negative responses, Sol can feel irritated. He has a somewhat easy time making friends, and his outlook changes often. Instead of focusing more on success, Sol maintains a healthy public relationship to have success in endeavors.

== Powers ==
Sol can convince people to get things done for him, join him, or convince people to follow a certain cause. He has excellent charismatic ability.

Sol can create and lead guilds successfully, to a extent or to the end. He possesses the power of leadership.

Sol can create new ideas off the top of his head, good or not. He possesses the power of master creativity, and somewhat originality.

== Quotes ==
"I mean sure, we may be ripoffs in your eyes. But we're successful ripoffs."

"Sure, I'll help you. Right after you help me."

"You need followers to become a leader, and haters to stay one."

"Ooh, we're falling? Grizz, can you host a training?"



Revision as of 20:31, 22 March 2015
