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== '''Xinke's Imperia''' ==
Regis joined his Imperia, and thought he would enjoy the knight theme once again, and he didn't, he became so attached to State, he had difficulty taking in the idea, and thought that the time was over for that theme. He attained the rank of Lieutenant, He stayed for 3 days.<blockquote>NOT DONE YET</blockquote>
== '''Confederacy''' ==
Regis returns to graal in January 2014, his old account was deleted and started a new one. He went by the alias of Axel, he soon noticed he noticed a new person by the name of Artix, and saw an old friend Azrael. Yet, he didn't like Artix too much, so went to the Confederate Government. Here no one remembered him, he started at Private in Confederate Infantry II. He blazed through the ranks with ease, and got to Major in no time. He then was bored and left militaries till Auel returned, he was in Savas the tower guild during this time.
== '''State Reborn''' ==
Axel notices Morzan is turning the Confederacy into a new State, here he enlists into I believe Trieze's Infantry (Bit blurry here) and is put at Lieutenant. But, then transferred to Macbeth's Infantry, and is put at Sergeant Major, and eventually gets to Lieutenant again, but Axel disrespects many officers, and is demoted to Sergeant, and is put in Korvus' Infantry.
== '''House Zoar''' ==
Here Axel notices Xeno is back and decides to create House Zoar. Axel calls himslef Aeolus due to the Roman theme. He leads the one House Zoar Cohort, and is given the rank of Imperator, Imperator was a Commander in the Roman Republic.
== '''Personality''' ==
Regis is filled with much ambition, always planning for the next step. He has always wanted to lead a dominant military, which he will pursue one day, he had a guild called Vercia for a short time, and plans on making it again. Regis can be a hot head due to so much of his work taken away from him. But, has gotten better. Regis has a great understanding of the way of life due to his experiences of observing and studying world religions, and government structure.
== '''Families''' ==
Regis prefers non mass recruiting families, his family names are all friends of his, they include: Consilim, S'ahlesius, Civatateo, Kaage, Kusan, and his own family Lockton. <blockquote></blockquote>