Militaries: Difference between revisions

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* House Vist
* House Vist
* House Wexler
* House Wexler
* Huize Lathum(Kingdom of Lathum)
* [[Ikana|Ikana Kingdom]]
* [[Ikana|Ikana Kingdom]]
* Imperial (aka The First Empire)
*Imperial (aka The First Empire)
* [[The Imperial Azomman Empire|Imperial Azomman Empire]]
*[[The Imperial Azomman Empire|Imperial Azomman Empire]]
* Imperial Empire of Masuto
* Imperial Empire of Masuto
* Imperial Government (Auel)
*Imperial Government (Auel)
* Imperial Masuto
*Imperial Masuto
* Imperial Order
*Imperial Order
* The Imperium
* The Imperium
* Interritus
* Iron Federation
*Iron Federation
* Iron Guard
*Iron Guard
* Ishval
* Kakumei Military
* Kakumei Military
* Kalvacia
* Kiev Grad
*Kiev Grad
* [[The Kingdom]]
*[[The Kingdom]]
* Kingdom of Akkadia
*Kingdom of Akkadia
* Kingdom of Arnithen
*Kingdom of Arnithen
* [[The Kingdom of Avernia|Kingdom of Avernia]]
* [[The Kingdom of Avernia|Kingdom of Avernia]]
* Kingdom of Britannia
*Kingdom of Britannia
* Kingdom of Celeria
* Kingdom of Celeria
* [[Corinth|Kingdom of Corinth]]
*[[Corinth|Kingdom of Corinth]]
* [[Imperia|Kingdom of Imperia]] (Auellian)
* [[Imperia|Kingdom of Imperia]] (Magnusian, for the Magnus Family)
[[Imperia|Kingdom of Imperia]] (Auellian)
*[[Imperia|Kingdom of Imperia]] (Magnusian, for the Magnus Family)
* Kingdom of Reuss
*[[The Kingdom of Lathum|Kingdom of Lathum]]
*Kingdom of Reuss
* Kingdom of Wulf
* Kingdom of Wulf
* Kingdom of Zendar
*Kingdom of Zendar
* Knights of Jerusalem
*Knights of Jerusalem
* KSSR (Kiev Soviet Socialist Republic)
*KSSR (Kiev Soviet Socialist Republic)
* Latveria
* Llama Empire
* Llama Empire
* [[Maverian Empire & The Maverian Republic]]
*[[Maverian Empire & The Maverian Republic]]
* [[Monteçon-Lorraine]]
* Naberius Empire
*Naberius Empire
* [[The State|The Nation]]
*[[The State|The Nation]]
* [[Nekron]]
* [[Nekron]]
* Neo-Babylonia
* [[Sarovia|New Sarovian Empire]]
*[[Sarovia|New Sarovian Empire]]
* New Slavian Empire
* New Slavian Empire
* Nolvendore
* The North
*The North
* Nova Byzantium Autokratoria
*Nova Byzantium Autokratoria
* Order of The Valkyries
*Order of The Valkyries
* Order of Vaiken (formerly House Vaiken)
*Order of Vaiken (formerly House Vaiken)
* Ordo Luporum
*Ordo Luporum
* Ordo Magnus
*Ordo Magnus
* Otomo Imperial Empire
*Otomo Imperial Empire
* [[The Oxerian Empire|Oxeria]]
*[[The Oxerian Empire|Oxeria]]
* Pantheon Empire
*Pantheon Empire
* Pantora
* Panzer Lehr
*Panzer Lehr
* Pathenia
* Providence
* Providence
* Raven Empire
*Raven Empire
* [[The Reinhard Empire|Reinhard Empire]]
*[[The Reinhard Empire|Reinhard Empire]]
* [[The State|The Republic]]
* [[The State|The Republic]]
* Republic of Valikorlia
*Republic of Valikorlia
* Republic of Vurgos
*Republic of Vurgos
* [[State Rebellion 2015|Riders of Rohan]]
*[[State Rebellion 2015|Riders of Rohan]]
* Royal Army
*Royal Army
* [[The Royal Guard|Royal Guard]]
*[[The Royal Guard|Royal Guard]]
* Royaume de Levia
*Royaume de Levia
* The Sacred House of Eden
* The Sacred House of Eden
* [[Aurea|Second Aurean Empire]]
*[[Aurea|Second Aurean Empire]]
* Second Kingdom of Aurixia
* Second Kingdom of Aurixia
* Sehzan
* Socialist State of Petrovich
* Socialist State of Petrovich
* The South
*The South
* [[The Southern League|Southern League/Federation]]
*[[The Southern League|Southern League/Federation]]
* [[State Rebellion 2015|Sparta]]
*[[State Rebellion 2015|Sparta]]
* SPARTANS (1st & 2nd)
*SPARTANS (1st & 2nd)
* [[The State]]
*[[The State]]
* [[State of Amptriull|The State of Amptriull]]
*[[State of Amptriull|The State of Amptriull]]
* [[The State Of Liberum|The State of Liberum]]
*[[The State Of Liberum|The State of Liberum]]
* Syrixia (The Second Empire)
*Syrixia (The Second Empire)
* [[Talon Company (Era)|Talon Company]]
*[[Talon Company (Era)|Talon Company]]
* [[The Unified State]]
*[[The Unified State]]
* [[Aurea|Union of Communist Aurean States (UCAS)]]
*[[Aurea|Union of Communist Aurean States (UCAS)]]
* Unitary State Republic
* Unitary State Republic
* [[Valerian Military Portal|Valerian Military]]
* [[Valerian Military Portal|Valerian Military]]
* Valhalla Legion
*Valhalla Legion
* Valorous (2013, Valeria Owned)
*Valorous (2013, Valeria Owned)
* Venki
* [[Verlin]]
* Victrices Legion
*Victrices Legion
* Vire
* Virtus Republic
*Virtus Republic
* Widow Sanctuary
* Widow Sanctuary
* Xavian Empire
*Xavian Empire
* Xin Dynasty
*Xin Dynasty

==Ol' West==
==Ol' West==
* [[Aurea|Aurean Empires]]
*[[Aurea|Aurean Empires]]
* Basileus
* Belmont
* Black Steel Corps
* Black Steel Corps
* Csurdon Corporation
*Csurdon Corporation
* Der Westen Reich
*Der Westen Reich
* Desert Corps
*Desert Corps
* Emerald Town Expeditionary Corps
*Emerald Town Expeditionary Corps
* Free State of Ford
*Free State of Ford
* Kingdom of Scipio
* Kingdom of Scipio
* Kingdom of the West
*Kingdom of the West
* [[Mangesta Revera]]
*[[Mangesta Revera]]
* [[Marseille]]
* The Minutemen
*The Minutemen
* Mohawk Lake Militia
*Mohawk Lake Militia
* [[New Frontier Republic (Ol' West)|New Frontier Republic]]
* [[New Frontier Republic (Ol' West)|New Frontier Republic]]
* New World Militia
*New World Militia
* Prussian Empire
* Prussian Empire
* The Republic of Chauntier
*The Republic of Chauntier
* Sarovian Expeditionary Fleet
*Sarovian Expeditionary Fleet
* United Tattaglia Confederation
*United Tattaglia Confederation
* [[Valerock City]]
*[[Valerock City]]

= Other Guilds =
= Other Guilds=

== Classic ==
* Aegis Company (Later The Aegian Empire)
*Aegis Company (Later The Aegian Empire)
* [[Asano Clan]]
* [[Asano Clan]]
* [[BPA|Baby Punching Association]]
*[[BPA|Baby Punching Association]]
* [[The Bastion]]
*[[The Bastion]]
* Centurion
* The Covenant of Exilius
*The Covenant of Exilius
* Cynic
* Cynic
* Elite Mercenaries
* Elite Mercenaries
* [[Elysia on Delteria Portal|Elysia]]
*[[Elysia on Delteria Portal|Elysia]]
* The Emerald Empire
*The Emerald Empire
* [[FoV]]
* [[Graal City Police Department|Graal City Police Department (GCPD)]]
* [[Graal City Police Department|Graal City Police Department (GCPD)]]
* [[Graal Historical Society]]
*[[Graal Historical Society]]
* Han Dynasty
*Han Dynasty
* [[The Han Family]]
* [[The Han Family]]
* Han Security Forces
*Han Security Forces
* House Ren (2017)
*House Ren (2017)
* In Deorum Vivum
*In Deorum Vivum
* The Inventory
*The Inventory
* Krung Thep
*Krung Thep
* The Kusanic Mission
*The Kusanic Mission
* [[The May 21st Movement|M-21]]
* [[The May 21st Movement|M-21]]
* [[Magnus|Magnus/Magnus Family]]
*[[Magnus|Magnus/Magnus Family]]
* Malum
* Mandalorian
* Mandalorian
* [[Microsoft]]
* The New Order (The Order recreated by Israh Ren)
*The New Order (The Order recreated by Israh Ren)
* The Order (2011)
*The Order (2011)
* The PAS (People Against Sarovia)
*The PAS (People Against Sarovia)
* [[The Red Order]]
*[[The Red Order]]
* The Sage Lineage
* The Sage Lineage
* Shade
* Shade
* Shinra
* Shinra

== Ol' West ==
==Ol' West==
* [[Atwell Corporation]]
* [[Atwell Corporation]]
* Charleston Plantation
*Charleston Plantation
* HanBank
* Ol' West Coast Guard
* Ol' West Coast Guard
* Piscari Fishing Co.
*Piscari Fishing Co.
* Rivian Rabble Rousers
*Rivian Rabble Rousers
* Romano Bandit Co.
* Romano Bandit Co.
* Rothstein Corporate Group
*Rothstein Corporate Group
* Spades Railway Company
*Spades Railway Company
* Whitmore Plantation
* Whitmore Plantation