Line of Maximus: Difference between revisions

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= Lineage =
The official list of the family which Maximus, Charles, had ordained the following royal bloods:
*Charles Maximus (King)
*Sofia Maximus
*SofiaEmberlynn Maximus (Princess)
*EmberlynnJaxson Maximus (Duchess)
*JaxsonSteven Maximus (Duke)
*StevenRinny Maximus (Royal Guard)
*RinnyThanatos Maximus (Marquesses)
*ThanatosMarkus Maximus (Lord)
*MarkusArnuld Maximus (Lord)
*ArnuldCarlo Maximus (Duke)
*CarloJellal Maximus (Baron)
*JellalKai Maximus (Baron)
*KaiValentina Maximus (Royal Guard)
*ValentinaScaebberd Maximus (Baroness)
*ScaebberdArnold Maximus (Royal Knight)
*Arnold Maximus (Royal Knight)
*Regret Maximus

Latest revision as of 03:07, 24 June 2023

The Maximus Family


Charles Maximus


December of 2020


The State, The Aurean Empire, The Unified State


The official list of the family which Maximus, Charles, had ordained the following royal bloods:

  • Charles Maximus
  • Sofia Maximus
  • Emberlynn Maximus
  • Jaxson Maximus
  • Steven Maximus
  • Rinny Maximus
  • Thanatos Maximus
  • Markus Maximus
  • Arnuld Maximus
  • Carlo Maximus
  • Jellal Maximus
  • Kai Maximus
  • Valentina Maximus
  • Scaebberd Maximus
  • Arnold Maximus
  • Regret Maximus
  • Spyros